Merry Christmas from Mission Control

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I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Going to be taking a long trip for the holidays and won't be able to get on here much until afterwards. So, Merry Christmas to all you savages.

And as a bonus, here's a bunch of information about Mission Control

First Panel on the left:

The MET (Mission Elapsed Time) of the following:
62P – 62nd Progress Cargo Craft (resupply craft)
44S – Expedition 44
61P – 61st Progress Cargo Craft (resupply craft)
OA-4 – Cygnus CROS OA-4 (Orbital Sciences CRS Flight 4)
45S – Expedition 45

Second Panel from the Left:

The GMT Time
62P Dock - Docking time for the 62nd Progress Cargo Craft

Third Panel from the Left:

Crew Sleep
– count down until crew’s sleep time
ISS W171 SK LOS – Countdown until Loss Of Signal with station
ISS E041 SK AOS – countdown until Acquisition of Signal again with station

Last Panel:

– countdown until station enters the part of earth enveloped by night
CYG S046 Sb AOS - countdown until Acquisition of Signal with Cygnus
CYG S046 Sb LOS – countdown until Loss of Signal with Cygnus

Middle Right:
The green button says Go. This means they are able to communicate with sation. On occasion for various reasons, they may lose signal. This will turn red and say Stop, I believe.

Usually if there's a mess up by one of the groups, they get the little Gremlin plush toy on their desks. Just a funny little thing they do and it looks like EVA has it right now. I wonder what they did!

Mission Control Teams
You can see the team name panels lit in blue on top of the desks. (some listed are not pictured)

ADCO – Altitude Determination and Control Officer - monitors altitude and flight path
ISE – Integrated and Systems Engineer
Spartan - I forget...
ETHOS – Environmental and Thermal Operating Systems
Flight Director - responsible for the overall mission
EVA – Extravehicular activity - monitor any space walks
ISO – Inventory Stowage Officer (I think)
Ops Planner – monitors and plans the schedule of the astronauts aboard station
CAPCOM – Capsule Communicator - communicates with station
OSO – Operations Support Officer - Support on-orbit maintenance tasks, provides real-time support to crew as they execute tasks
TOPO – Trajectory Operations Officer
PAO – Public Affairs Officer
Pluto – I forget...
Thor –Thermal Operations
BME – Biomedical Engineer
Surgeon – a doctor who specializes in aerospace medicine
CATO – Communications and tracking officer
JAXA – Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency

ISS Tracking Screen
Here's a picture of the screen (an older photo found online. Picture on my phone wasn't as clear as this one)

1. ISS and the white lines are it's flight paths
2. The various Russian communication arrays. The Russian control center can only communicate with the crew when the ISS passes over these specific spots
3. The South Atlantic Anomaly. This area affects electrical components on board station.
4. The TDRS-7 satellite (display name T275W- T for TDRS and 275W for its coordinates. This along with the TDRS-6/11 provide the communication downlinks from station to ground control. The range of it's comms is the blue circle around North America
5. The Zone of Exclusion
6. The TDRS-6 Satellite (display name - T046W) - It's comm range is the yellow circle over much of Asia
7. The TDRS-11 Satellite (Display name - T171W) - it's comm range is the green circle in the middle


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Dude that's awesome and thanks for thinking of us.

Mind mentioning where your are taking a trip? Have a good one!


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
This nigga literally has the job I dreamed of as a kid. I can't deal with life anymore. I'm jumping from the roof of my cook shed.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
Lol it's true. I had an unhealthy obsession with space when I was a kid. Though it sounds cliché, I would literally climb on our roof and stare at the moon with a map of the lunar surface and try to find them. I've even been to space camp in AL twice. My school was small and didn't know how to deal with someone who wanted to work for NASA, so they couldn't really guide me. I had a bunch of "no" men in my development stage, unfortunately. Ended up going to military school and joining the Army.

I still think about my missed career in NASA when I drink haha. Don't get me wrong, I love my job currently. I have people that depend on me and my position in the company, so it isn't an unfulfilling position.......but it isn't fucking NASA. Thanks, Ms. Bessex. You had one job.


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
very cool!

The Space X landing a couple days ago must have been exciting for the people where you are too im assuming.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Lol it's true. I had an unhealthy obsession with space when I was a kid. Though it sounds cliché, I would literally climb on our roof and stare at the moon with a map of the lunar surface and try to find them. I've even been to space camp in AL twice. My school was small and didn't know how to deal with someone who wanted to work for NASA, so they couldn't really guide me. I had a bunch of "no" men in my development stage, unfortunately. Ended up going to military school and joining the Army.

I still think about my missed career in NASA when I drink haha. Don't get me wrong, I love my job currently. I have people that depend on me and my position in the company, so it isn't an unfulfilling position.......but it isn't fucking NASA. Thanks, Ms. Bessex. You had one job.
Do you get drunk and watch the movie October Sky?


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I was picturing canofsticks @canofsticks doing rubber guard but this somehow is even better than that. When can I expect Santa to visit the midwest?

nick diaz is my nut hugger


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Dude that's awesome and thanks for thinking of us.

Mind mentioning where your are taking a trip? Have a good one!
McAllen, Texas, bout 5 miles from the Us/Mexico border. My gf's grandparents vacation there from Colorado to escape the chill. Her grandfather was a huge factor in her life and has Alzheimer's now pretty bad, so she wants to spend as much time with him as she can. So down to the border we go. Happy holidays brochacho!


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Lol it's true. I had an unhealthy obsession with space when I was a kid. Though it sounds cliché, I would literally climb on our roof and stare at the moon with a map of the lunar surface and try to find them. I've even been to space camp in AL twice. My school was small and didn't know how to deal with someone who wanted to work for NASA, so they couldn't really guide me. I had a bunch of "no" men in my development stage, unfortunately. Ended up going to military school and joining the Army.

I still think about my missed career in NASA when I drink haha. Don't get me wrong, I love my job currently. I have people that depend on me and my position in the company, so it isn't an unfulfilling position.......but it isn't fucking NASA. Thanks, Ms. Bessex. You had one job.
LOT of contractors out at NASA that like to hire ex-military. Don't know what your line of work is, but the dream may not be dead!

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
canofsticks @canofsticks I'm heading into Houston area in a few days with kids and an RV, can you get us inside a space ship for a tour? I'd fucking love to work around NASA, I bet it's just like Flight of the navigator movie with hidden ships stored away. What's your official title?


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
canofsticks @canofsticks I'm heading into Houston area in a few days with kids and an RV, can you get us inside a space ship for a tour? I'd fucking love to work around NASA, I bet it's just like Flight of the navigator movie with hidden ships stored away. What's your official title?
I'll be out of town until the 29th. Will it be after then? If not, you could still stop by Space Center Houston, that's the tourist section of Johnson Space Center and is literally right next door. I think it cost like ~$10 to get in.
They've got a full sized mock Space Shuttle outdoors. Albeit it's raised into the air so you can't get in it or anything but it's still pretty dope. It also has some play areas indoors, bunch of rocks from the moon, full size mock ups of other space crafts, free (well after paying that ~$10 entrance fee) tours onto the actual NASA site, which I think includes a trip to mission control, and a trip to the Saturn V rocket.

EDIT: Yipes just looked. They're $25 per adult and $20 per kids. Kinda pricey.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'll be out of town until the 29th. Will it be after then? If not, you could still stop by Space Center Houston, that's the tourist section of Johnson Space Center and is literally right next door. I think it cost like ~$10 to get in.
They've got a full sized mock Space Shuttle outdoors. Albeit it's raised into the air so you can't get in it or anything but it's still pretty dope. It also has some play areas indoors, bunch of rocks from the moon, full size mock ups of other space crafts, free (well after paying that ~$10 entrance fee) tours onto the actual NASA site, which I think includes a trip to mission control, and a trip to the Saturn V rocket.

EDIT: Yipes just looked. They're $25 per adult and $20 per kids. Kinda pricey.
I did that tour in 97 with my Dad and it was awesome, probably do it again with my kids.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
We would do the tour at Stennis multiple times during the summer when I was little because I would throw fits and it was only a couple hours away. I've yet to get the chance to visit JSC :(


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
I did that tour in 97 with my Dad and it was awesome, probably do it again with my kids.
I can get tickets at a discounted price at one of the cafeterias on site (forget how cheap tho). So if you're interested, and I'm back in town when you swing through, let me know and I can pick you and the family up some for cheap and meet up to give em to ya.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I can get tickets at a discounted price at one of the cafeterias on site (forget how cheap tho). So if you're interested, and I'm back in town when you swing through, let me know and I can pick you and the family up some for cheap and meet up to give em to ya.
Hey man that's be sweet! I'll keep in touch, enjoy your trip :)