Country Score is calculated based on the value of all fighters from each country.
Here are Current Top 30 MMA Countries:
All fighters are assigned to at least one country.
If a fighter is associated with two counties, points that fighter carries are split between those two countries.
Here are Current Top 30 MMA Countries:
- chng Rk 1Y - change of Country ranking compared to 1/1/2015
- Quantity Index - number that combines several quantity measures (based on different fighter counts)
- TopFtrs Index - describes the quality of best the fighters from that country
- Active 1 yr - number of ranked fighters that were active in the last 365 days.
- CS>200 - number of fighters with Current Score > 200
- rkP4P>1000 - number of fighters that are ranked in top 1000 P4P
- best CS - best fighter Current Score
- best RkCtg - best fighter ranking in any Weight Category
All fighters are assigned to at least one country.
If a fighter is associated with two counties, points that fighter carries are split between those two countries.