Looking at this fight as objectively as I possibly can, Loma is the less experienced pro, Rigo is the smaller fighter.
As amateurs, they're both very experienced, I'm not going to get into that.
Style wise, Loma has a much more aggressive style, you can't run, you can't hide, the most you can do is play dirty against him, unless you're more skilled, which few are, though Rigo may be. He's got so much skill, but he's in many ways the opposite of Rigo.
Rigo is a defensive minded counter puncher with power punching ability. The guy has other worldly awareness and reflexes for dodging/evading punches, he really made me fall in love with defensive fighting. He's had a good few stinkers, but I still find myself enamored with his skills, even if he's not entertaining 100% of the time. The fact that he's got the power in his hands to hurt his opponent at any time still keeps it interesting for me.
Loma is going to pressure Rigo, no doubt, he's going to make him uncomfortable, but Rigo is quite good at making aggresive fighters look silly. Difference from the average opponent is, Loma is incredibly intelligent with his pressure/offense.
Rigo will most likely have the speed advantage, Loma will have the weight/size advantage. But that's not to say Loma is a slow fighter by any means, he's incredibly athletic.
Rigo, imo has better defense, Loma has better offense.
This fight is, imo, one of the biggest Clash of Titans matchups we'll ever see in terms of skill. I'm going to be at the edge of my seat the whole time.