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I invented generators alongside Nikola Tesla
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
So I kicked her in the pussy


Canis lupus familiaris
Jan 3, 2018
Harder than finding this man's six-pack, but HE WON BY DECISION IN BRAZIL!!!



Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
The stress on Ariel’s tear ducts


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Wild avoiding a long ass rant whenever someone brings up the UG
Why is it so hard for you to understand that I Wild Each It
listened to people complain about the same issues, every day, for years.
* Influenced or owned by the UFC
* Topics censored and/or deleted
* The owners don't care
* Lack of communication by ownership & the mods
* Rogue Mods, Nazi Mods, Mods that show favoritism, lack of consistency in Moderating
* People being banned w/out explanation
* The staff doesn't respond to PM's or emails
* The karma system sucks
* The sites being overrun by trolls and idiots
* All of the fighters have been ran off by trolls and idiots
* Many of the good posters have been ran off by trolls and idiots
* The site crashing
* The app needs to be fixed
* The technology is outdated
* The only site where members have to pay to post content
* Etc, etc, etc

And many of the people that he still sees complaining about those things, signed up here at one time, but for whatever reason chose to go back there...only to complain some more because the complaints that have been going on for years, apparently still havent been addressed,

Meanwhile, with the help of many many people within this community, Wild and Splinty built a forum with state of the art technology, a stable server, features that NO other forum can offer, and a membership full of quality people that enjoy one another & respectfully talking MMA. The staff is attentive, fighters interact here w/out any BS, and we're not owned or influenced by any outside entities. And it's all free of charge to anyone that would like to join.

So people can continue to sit around and complain about what others should be doing. Or they can embrace change, and join a community that has already considered, and addressed, the laundry list of complaints listed above. The choice is theirs.

He is proud of what he's built, and the people here that trusted him and helped him build it. And he'll be thankful for every person that signs up and helps in the future.


Fi fie fo fum
Dec 7, 2017
An American getting a decision in Brazil is harder than...
..When I was younger my uncle would let me drive his car while I sat on his lap, he would always take me on this super bumpy dirt road where we would bounce around as we drove. It felt like I was sitting on a roll of quaters, so maybe not quite that hard but still a very tough place to get a decision win.