We all are pretty open with each other on this site. Do you mind posting your age and where you live? I may be wrong but your constant name calling and use of the word retard. Makes you come off like a 17 year old from Rhode Island.Yup, the Trump voters are retarded, they think because this year they get back a bit more means its a good plan. They don't even realize what happens to their tax rates in 10 and 20 years under this plan.
If the plan was even halfway good there would be hundreds of economists saying it works for the middle class. Yet every single economists who is an expert that speaks about it says its only for the ultra top 1% rich.
I even saw on Meet the Press a month or 2 ago, they showed a video of a huge conference room where they where asking 150 plus major ceo's how many would reinvest the money back to their employees since Trumps is giving corp's such a tax relief
Swear to God literally 5 of over 150 raised their hand and said they would reinvest the extra money back to their people, they are out and out admitting they wont even reinvest in their own employees.
The Bible belt Trump tards are literally the stupidest people on earth. A lot of the east and west coast trump voters where more haters of hillary than fans of Trump but the bible belt tards, they really think he is doing something good.
Its scary how fucked in the head these Trumpsters are.