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First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
jason73 @jason73

We had a rocky start but we are solid now, however on this topic I feel you are being very disengenous

The NRA is a powerful political force — but not because of its money ...

The one thing we can do to address gun violence - The Washington Post
3 days ago - It's simple and straightforward, and anyone can do it. ... Members of The Washington Post Editorial Board appeal to President Trump and Congress to stand up to the gun lobby. It takes moral courage, ... The NRA can be beaten, and all it takes is for people who don't agree with its goals to get out and vote:.
Las Vegas shooting: Five reasons US gun control won't happen - BBC ...
Oct 4, 2017 - The Las Vegas shooting prompts calls for tighter gun laws - but there are some familiar obstacles. ... Here are five big obstacles that stand in the way. ... More than just the numbers, however, the NRA has developed a reputation in Washington as a political force that can make or break even the strongest ...
Ellen DeGeneres, Chelsea Handler and Others Rally for Gun… - Variety
4 days ago - “I am going to make it my life's goal to support and vote for every single person who challenges a politician with NRA money behind them,” he wrote, in part ... “I am going to make sure that I read and educate myself as to why certain people refuse to do anything that resembles sensible gun laws and make ...
America needs gun control lobbyists to counter the NRA - The ...
Oct 5, 2017 - The congressmen who do not support gun control are more afraid of the NRA and its members than they are of the rest of us. They are more worried about their electability than they are the 11,000 Americans killed with guns each year. The only way to fight such a powerful lobby controlling money and votes ...
After Florida school shooting, who in Congress will stand up to NRA ...
3 days ago - No legislation will eliminate mass shootings in a country awash in some 300 million guns. We do believe, however, that there are ways to reduce their frequency and their lethality. Republicans in Congress, in part because of the NRA's influence, have failed to pass substantial measures as one tragedy ...
Gun Rights vs Gun Control • OpenSecrets
Gun Rights vs Gun Control
Republicans generally oppose any type of gun control legislation — only four of 54 Senate Republicans voted in favor of the 2015 background check bill ... It didn't imply that guns can't be regulated in a number of ways. ... The NRA has provided the lion's share of the funds, having contributed $22.9 million since 1989.
it should be ...
Megyn Kelly on School Shootings: "NRA is Too Powerful" And ...
▶ 9:13
3 days ago - Uploaded by TODAY
She continued: "No gun reforms are getting through. They're not. And most of the ones that will be ...
New Gun Laws Won't Stop Mass Shootings. People Can. | National ...
4 days ago - The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler (hardly an NRA apologist) famously fact-checked Marco Rubio's assertion that new gun laws wouldn't have ... What if the way to explain the school-shooting epidemic is . . . to think of it as a slow-motion, ever-evolving riot, in which each new participant's action makes ...
Yes, This Is a Good Time To Talk About Gun Violence and How To ...
Yes, This Is a Good Time To Talk About Gun Violence and How To Reduce It
4 days ago - The NRA, an inconsistent defender of gun rights at best, typically goes the same way, often calling for broader and broader designations of mental illness that would restrict more and more people from being able to legally own guns. Reason's Jacob Sullum has reported how such laws almost always ...
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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Well anyways, this sure is a great thread now.


Also, SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia learn to quote people. Not only does it keep fracturing every thread because you don't know how to quote, I'm pretty sure you just tag the wrong person who's not even in this thread.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Splinty @Splinty

I kind of like the idea of tagging random people into a thread. I know Gay For Longo @Gay for Longo is picking up what I'm throwing down

I wish SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia would go make an NRA hate megathread with all his evidence against the NRA. That way Leigh @Leigh wouldn't have to put the ban hammer on anybody.
This thread is about Trump and the good Prince, as @....ii..hshd. said and also the queen and potato salad. Shinkicker @Shinkicker agrees. She loves the queen and potato salad.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
jason73 @jason73

We had a rocky start but we are solid now, however on this topic I feel you are being very disengenous

The NRA is a powerful political force — but not because of its money ...

The one thing we can do to address gun violence - The Washington Post
3 days ago - It's simple and straightforward, and anyone can do it. ... Members of The Washington Post Editorial Board appeal to President Trump and Congress to stand up to the gun lobby. It takes moral courage, ... The NRA can be beaten, and all it takes is for people who don't agree with its goals to get out and vote:.
Las Vegas shooting: Five reasons US gun control won't happen - BBC ...
Oct 4, 2017 - The Las Vegas shooting prompts calls for tighter gun laws - but there are some familiar obstacles. ... Here are five big obstacles that stand in the way. ... More than just the numbers, however, the NRA has developed a reputation in Washington as a political force that can make or break even the strongest ...
Ellen DeGeneres, Chelsea Handler and Others Rally for Gun… - Variety
4 days ago - “I am going to make it my life's goal to support and vote for every single person who challenges a politician with NRA money behind them,” he wrote, in part ... “I am going to make sure that I read and educate myself as to why certain people refuse to do anything that resembles sensible gun laws and make ...
America needs gun control lobbyists to counter the NRA - The ...
Oct 5, 2017 - The congressmen who do not support gun control are more afraid of the NRA and its members than they are of the rest of us. They are more worried about their electability than they are the 11,000 Americans killed with guns each year. The only way to fight such a powerful lobby controlling money and votes ...
After Florida school shooting, who in Congress will stand up to NRA ...
3 days ago - No legislation will eliminate mass shootings in a country awash in some 300 million guns. We do believe, however, that there are ways to reduce their frequency and their lethality. Republicans in Congress, in part because of the NRA's influence, have failed to pass substantial measures as one tragedy ...
Gun Rights vs Gun Control • OpenSecrets
Gun Rights vs Gun Control
Republicans generally oppose any type of gun control legislation — only four of 54 Senate Republicans voted in favor of the 2015 background check bill ... It didn't imply that guns can't be regulated in a number of ways. ... The NRA has provided the lion's share of the funds, having contributed $22.9 million since 1989.
it should be ...
Megyn Kelly on School Shootings: "NRA is Too Powerful" And ...
▶ 9:13
3 days ago - Uploaded by TODAY
She continued: "No gun reforms are getting through. They're not. And most of the ones that will be ...
New Gun Laws Won't Stop Mass Shootings. People Can. | National ...
4 days ago - The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler (hardly an NRA apologist) famously fact-checked Marco Rubio's assertion that new gun laws wouldn't have ... What if the way to explain the school-shooting epidemic is . . . to think of it as a slow-motion, ever-evolving riot, in which each new participant's action makes ...
Yes, This Is a Good Time To Talk About Gun Violence and How To ...
Yes, This Is a Good Time To Talk About Gun Violence and How To Reduce It
4 days ago - The NRA, an inconsistent defender of gun rights at best, typically goes the same way, often calling for broader and broader designations of mental illness that would restrict more and more people from being able to legally own guns. Reason's Jacob Sullum has reported how such laws almost always ...
you literally have quotes from ellen degeneres and chelsea handler in there lol


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
LOL, ban hammer for talking about how shitty the NRA is. Fuck if you guys are really that biased and unfair just ban me right now.

For the record, Spinty aside, the mods like Wild and Leight seem pretty cool. Splinty can't even muster up the courtesy to answer a pm LOL


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
LOL, ban hammer for talking about how shitty the NRA is. Fuck if you guys are really that biased and unfair just ban me right now.

For the record, Splinty @Splinty aside, the mods like Wild and Leigh seem pretty cool. Splinty can't even muster up the courtesy to answer a pm LOL

Splinty @Splinty you sure you don't belong on the UG/OG, you sure seem to mod like them.

Full of bs, unfair and straight up biased as fuck. I am sure if I was a gun touting, Trump loving fool you would be slurping it up. Don't think I don't see what you are about.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
what am i supposed to come back at you with quotes from alex jones and charlston heston here?

There is unlimited information, link after links that are never ending, and your whole take away is 2 statement from Ellen and Chelsea. It's clear you are not really wanting to see the reality on this matter.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
LOL, ban hammer for talking about how shitty the NRA is. Fuck if you guys are really that biased and unfair just ban me right now.

For the record, Spinty aside, the mods like Wild and Leight seem pretty cool. Splinty can't even muster up the courtesy to answer a pm LOL

Quit shitting up all the threads with derailed topics. Leigh just asked you to knock it off. Instead of splitting, why don't you listen to the guy that you think is pretty cool who just asked you to knock it off. Instead you perpetuate it further.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

There is unlimited information, link after links that are never ending, and your whole take away is 2 statement from Ellen and Chelsea. It's clear you are not really wanting to see the reality on this matter.
please enlighten me on what reality is on this matter


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Quit shitting up all the threads with derailed topics. Leigh just asked you to knock it off. Instead of splitting, why don't you listen to the guy that you think is pretty cool who just asked you to knock it off. Instead you perpetuate it further.

You are full of crap. You are a awful mod, you have no biznis being a mod. I am discussing like everyone else. You are so shitty at what you do you could not even answer a pm and any reply by me that is more than a paragraph you just reply with "I ain't reading that"

Pathetic, DasRy


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
do you think the queen likes that fancy potato salad with yams and red potatoes in it or does she like the bland old people kind?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
You are full of crap. You are a awful mod, you have no biznis being a mod. I am discussing like everyone else. You are so shitty at what you do you could not even answer a pm and any reply by me that is more than a paragraph you just reply with "I ain't reading that"

Pathetic, DasRy
lol bro are you mad?


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
please enlighten me on what reality is on this matter

Really? What I been saying all along, We need a comphrensive revamping of our policies and practives and protocols. We need more funding for law enforment, better vetting, actual implmentation of protocols, holding people responsbile in power when shit gets fucked up, better gun reform, better mental health counseling, etc....

20 point plan at the least is what we need


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Really? What I been saying all along, We need a comphrensive revamping of our policies and practives and protocols. We need more funding for law enforment, better vetting, actual implmentation of protocols, holding people responsbile in power when shit gets fucked up, better gun reform, better mental health counseling, etc....

20 point plan at the least is what we need
that is just your opinion. i disagree


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
lol bro are you mad?

No, just exposing him as the annoying mod he is. When I first started posting, you and 2 other poster would stalk the fuck out of me on here, I know you remember that. It was 3 people, you and 1 other guy, I am actually on good terms with yiou and the 1 other guy now . You all on purpose would mock me for tlaking about the UG and the unfair ban, and stalk me, I sent this guy a pm and he is so shitty as a mod he can't even answer.

Then on threads, if I reply with more than a few sentences he will lsay "I aint reading that", even thoug it takes seconds, He jumps in every chance and just mocks me on here and he is such a fucked up person that he even provided a wrong time line.

Shinkicker @Shinkicker I am quoting this person, just ask her about it. She noticed it also. He is so full of it that he ignored the ish guys response to me on a thread and started with my response, I can keep going, he's a person I have no respect for , at least at this time.

The other mods are fucking great here
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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
You are full of crap. You are a awful mod, you have no biznis being a mod. I am discussing like everyone else. You are so shitty at what you do you could not even answer a pm and any reply by me that is more than a paragraph you just reply with "I ain't reading that"

Pathetic, DasRy
I decided that you're too unstable and take things too personally to respond to you and private message.

Instead I asked others to calm you down because I wanted a difference of thought added to the Forum and thought that perhaps you could find a way to control yourself.

How's that redpill Mr. Anderson?

You don't like me because I'm a little too direct for you. That's okay, I don't really care. I'm painfully unbias here. I've already taken flack from others for trying to give you a chance. But you miss that, because it's not me that's bias.

I can assure you, once Leigh @Leigh asked you to knock it off he's a pretty straight shooter. He will ask you to stop, then he will put you on probation, and then you will get banned. It's nothing personal or bias, but we really can't have every single thread going off half cocked making it all about you getting the last word and making personal attacks just like you've done here.

You can make a mega thread all about how much you hate Trump. You can make one all about how much you hate NRA.

But we have pretty good moderators here and one has asked you to knock it off. If it were me, I'd listen to him. He will put people on probation that he likes.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
You are full of crap. You are a awful mod, you have no biznis being a mod. I am discussing like everyone else. You are so shitty at what you do you could not even answer a pm and any reply by me that is more than a paragraph you just reply with "I ain't reading that"

Pathetic, DasRy
Dude he is the founder of the site
It’s not a matter of if he is a good mod or not
He’s literally a god here he givith and takith away

Plus ask @conor mcgregor nut hugger about pms not getting to people


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
No, just exposing him as the shit mod he is. When I first started posting, you and 2 other poster would stalk the fuck out of me on here, I know you remember that. It was 3 people, you and 1 other guy, I am actually on good terms with yiou and the 1 other guy now . You all on purpose would mock me for tlaking about the UG and the unfair ban, and stalk me, I sent this guy a pm and he is so shitty as a mod he can't even answer.

Then on threads, if I reply with more than a few sentences he will lsay "I aint reading that", even thoug it takes seconds, He jumps in every chance and just mocks me on here and he is such a fucked up person that he even provided a wrong time line.

Shinkicker @Shinkicker I am quoting this person, just ask her about it. She noticed it also. He is so full of it that he ignored the ish guys response to me on a thread and started with my response, I can keep going, he's a person I have no respect for , at least at this time.

he is just trying to make tmmac great again bro
The other mods are fucking great here


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
LOL, ban hammer for talking about how shitty the NRA is. Fuck if you guys are really that biased and unfair just ban me right now.

For the record, Spinty aside, the mods like Wild and Leight seem pretty cool. Splinty can't even muster up the courtesy to answer a pm LOL
I think Splinty's point is that you're derailing threads with your political agenda. I get it, you're a lefty and I have no issue with that. However, you don't need to inject your other bugbears into threads. For example, you've tried to segue your anti NRA opinion into this thread. It's not relevant and just looks clunky.

On the other hand, Splinty @Splinty is quite the dictatorial bastard, so I have some sympathy.