General Starbucks will close 8,000 US stores for racial-bias training

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
A guy at work drinks Starbucks daily and acts like a snob, like he has refined tastes because he drinks Starbucks instead of Tim Horton's or McDonalds. It's all the same shit.

He gets annoyed when I tell him I wouldn't sully my palate on Starbucks if they paid me and I only drink premium shit that I grind the beans and brew myself.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
A guy at work drinks Starbucks daily and acts like a snob, like he has refined tastes because he drinks Starbucks instead of Tim Horton's or McDonalds. It's all the same shit.

He gets annoyed when I tell him I wouldn't sully my palate on Starbucks if they paid me and I only drink premium shit that I grind the beans and brew myself.
So which one of you is gayer in this scenario?

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
A guy at work drinks Starbucks daily and acts like a snob, like he has refined tastes because he drinks Starbucks instead of Tim Horton's or McDonalds. It's all the same shit.

He gets annoyed when I tell him I wouldn't sully my palate on Starbucks if they paid me and I only drink premium shit that I grind the beans and brew myself.
I eat almost anything.


Apr 18, 2015
You're missing the part that they were black, and that gives them rights above and beyond others. It's all the rage in media right now. Us Latinos don't get such rights, which is a shame. We have our order wall and sactuary city fiasco, but free Internet is just not in our deck of cards at the moment. One cay, one day...
Don't let the white devil divide and conquer us bro.


Posting Machine
Oct 10, 2016
"The two men entered the Starbucks on Thursday and asked to use to the bathroom. An employee told them it was only for paying customers. When they then sat in the store without ordering anything, the manager called police, and the men were arrested for trespassing. No charges were filed.

"Johnson met with the two men on Monday and apologized for how they were treated, a company spokesperson said.

"The company says the manager who called the police is no longer working at that store. Starbucks would not comment on other reports that she has left the company by mutual agreement.

"Separately, a Facebook video taken in January at a Starbucks in California shows a black customer saying that he was not allowed to use the bathroom when a white customer was."

I feel like I'm missing some unwritten detail here about the altercation with the manager, if there was one.

*Based on how other Starbucks I've been to are managed, it is not unusual for managers to ask non-paying customers to leave and not take up seats regardless of race.
Same thing would have happened if they were white.

But fuk Starbucks.

member 3289

Same thing would have happened if they were white.
Unlikely, unless it's a busy Starbucks like the one nuraknu @nuraknu describes at Penn Station. Then I could see it happening to anybody regardless of skin color.

But most Starbucks are not that busy and don't have to worry about customers constantly coming in and there not being enough seating.

I don't know about this particular location. kneeblock @Kneeblock lives in Philly so maybe he can shed some light.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
A guy at work drinks Starbucks daily and acts like a snob, like he has refined tastes because he drinks Starbucks instead of Tim Horton's or McDonalds. It's all the same shit.

He gets annoyed when I tell him I wouldn't sully my palate on Starbucks if they paid me and I only drink premium shit that I grind the beans and brew myself.
Tim hortons is poor quality coffee.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I would take a McDonalds coffee over Tim Hortons and Star Bucks tbh, but like I mentioned I'm a fancy man who drinks only the highest quality coffee because its what i deserve
The dark roast is bearable but their regular roast has a very bad taste. It's like some kind of bitter sour taste like there is a ground up tree branch in there or something.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I find Tim Hortons coffee tastes like pizza crust
Do you think maybe they allow too many husks to get into the coffee, like when tea companies want to offer a cheaper tea they allow more twigs and leaf dust into their tea bags giving the tea a weak flavor and increased bitterness from the twigs filler? I thought maybe something like that going on that explains why it's so terrible.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Don’t drink Starbucks, don’t give a shit what they do. Gas station coffee for this guy, or go fuck your mother.