General Singapore Summit

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Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
I think Trump has as much to do with these negotiations and understands what is going on as much as Dennis Rodman does. I guarantee Trump has no clue what the Korean War was about, and I would bet money that up until a year ago he didn’t know North and South Korea were separate countries.

I don’t think the Korea situation factor/ in any way in Trump’s legacy, because I don’t think he has anything to do with this peace process. He will do anything to shove his fat desperate face into any photo op he thinks makes him look presidential or important.

You can’t tell me these photos aren’t hilarious. He really is an Insane person trying to act how he thinks a president would act.

So you can’t answer either? Or is that a long way of saying you want this to fail?

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
So you can’t answer either? Or is that a long way of saying you want this to fail?
No. I want this to succeed. I’d love for this to succeed. I’m just saying that the success of this summit has nothing to do with Trump.

To answer the other part of your question I’d love for Trump to be a great President.

I like America, and I love the American people, I don’t enjoy thinking Trump is the piece of shit that I think he is. If anything it makes me angry because I think America derserves more. I think he is a disgrace to the office of President.
I would love to see him become a great president for the benefit of the American citizen.


Oct 20, 2015
We have a twink as a prime minister and the states has a tardo as a president. What great times we live in...


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
No. I want this to succeed. I’d love for this to succeed. I’m just saying that the success of this summit has nothing to do with Trump.

To answer the other part of your question I’d love for Trump to be a great President.

I like America, and I love the American people, I don’t enjoy thinking Trump is the piece of shit that I think he is. If anything it makes me angry because I think America derserves more. I think he is a disgrace to the office of President.
I would love to see him become a great president for the benefit of the American citizen.
Thanks and Good post
I thought about the previous president much like you do trump. I wanted him to blow his ACL with every step he took, but I never rooted against what I thought was best for the country or the world.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
No. I want this to succeed. I’d love for this to succeed. I’m just saying that the success of this summit has nothing to do with Trump.

To answer the other part of your question I’d love for Trump to be a great President.

I like America, and I love the American people, I don’t enjoy thinking Trump is the piece of shit that I think he is. If anything it makes me angry because I think America derserves more. I think he is a disgrace to the office of President.
I would love to see him become a great president for the benefit of the American citizen.
Hate to break it to you, but he is a great president.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I think Trump has as much to do with these negotiations and understands what is going on as much as Dennis Rodman does. I guarantee Trump has no clue what the Korean War was about, and I would bet money that up until a year ago he didn’t know North and South Korea were separate countries.

I don’t think the Korea situation factor/ in any way in Trump’s legacy, because I don’t think he has anything to do with this peace process. He will do anything to shove his fat desperate face into any photo op he thinks makes him look presidential or important.

You can’t tell me these photos aren’t hilarious. He really is an Insane person trying to act how he thinks a president would act.

Not only did he know they were separate States he did not trust they could be bribed into stopping their nuclear ambition. If Trump was President in 1999, North Korea would never have been able to advance their nuclear program as they have. Bill Clinton made the decision to try and bribe them with promises of light water nuclear facilities to shut down Yongbyon believing the regime was on the verge of collapse and attacking Yongbyon and this war could be avoided. The predicted casualty rate was high but astronomically lower than now. Clinton missed the mark in 1999 and Trump was correct actually.

Imagine had you spent the money later funneled into Iraq and Afghan to obliterate Yongbyon and rebuild Seoul instead which wouldn't have been the lost cause that the Middle East was. It would have cost a fraction of the money spent in ME too.



The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I cannot believe this idiotic CNN Anchor.
He's more interested in how much english Kim Jong Un speaks than the substance of Rodman's view.
And, seems to think "bringing up NK's human rights issues" is imperative to the summit.
What an absolute tool.
How dare you, Chris Cuomo is very handsome!


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
I just want Trump and Kim to trade haircuts as a sign of cultural Exchange


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
No. I want this to succeed. I’d love for this to succeed. I’m just saying that the success of this summit has nothing to do with Trump.

To answer the other part of your question I’d love for Trump to be a great President.

I like America, and I love the American people, I don’t enjoy thinking Trump is the piece of shit that I think he is. If anything it makes me angry because I think America derserves more. I think he is a disgrace to the office of President.
I would love to see him become a great president for the benefit of the American citizen.
He has been dealt very shitty cards by previous administrations regarding this North Korea situation. People think he is just a big talker but had things rolled the way he wanted in 1998-99 they would have made alot of sense. Now it's like they have the missiles and ICBM and you don't know where they are and you just dump it all on trump and expect him to perform a miracle at this summit. He has not alot of options here. This is why he speaks poorly about the previous administrations who allowed the situation to become what it has become. It's 100 percent true.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I just want Trump and Kim to trade haircuts as a sign of cultural Exchange
Unless this is a precursor to war I don't know why trump is legitimizing that fat ass by meeting with him and shaking his hand.

member 3289

Can you really not give an honest answer? If the second option just say it. 1000’s of people on twitter have no problem rooting against a positive result.
It's a ridiculous question.

I'm all for asking ridiculous questions, I'm just not that into answering them.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I'm so glad Trump pissed off most of our closest allies to hurry to a meeting that won't matter in the end anyway
This is pretty stupid that you think the allies help because they like United States rather than have their own interests as peacekeepers and reputational dogooders. Your allies call you warmongers all the time and stub their nose as righteous peacekeepers. Whether or not they get what they want with NAFTA they will continue to stub their nose as dogooders and "peacekeepers" and send their troops where there is a righteous nose stubbing to be had.


Oct 20, 2015
This is pretty stupid that you think the allies help because they like United States rather than have their own interests as peacekeepers and reputational dogooders. Your allies call you warmongers all the time and stub their nose as righteous peacekeepers. Whether or not they get what they want with NAFTA they will continue to stub their nose as dogooders and "peacekeepers" and send their troops where there is a righteous nose stubbing to be had.
He has you on ignore, dummy


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
Honest question
Would you rather have this end in peace between Korea and the world. Trump is re-elected and goes down in history as a great president.
This all falls apart, things get worse, and trump is booed out of office.

Also for you @conor mcgregor nut hugger
I will answer this question for you.

What you're seeing is a opportunity to dump on Trump because his detractors know there is an almost gaurunteed impossibility to succeed, so they will predict the doom because they know the doom is coming and they can say "See I told you so! Trump is x.y.z. See, I was right!"

We all know "solving" the North Korea denuclearization problem is like turning water into wine at this point. It will take a godly miracle to achieve this peacefully. This gives average mortal people the prime opportunity to act as though they are mighty and wise to have predicted the future and continue their narrative as Trump being a dumb man and they are the mighty and wise average mortal people who are better than Trump.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I think Trump has as much to do with these negotiations and understands what is going on as much as Dennis Rodman does. I guarantee Trump has no clue what the Korean War was about, and I would bet money that up until a year ago he didn’t know North and South Korea were separate countries.

I don’t think the Korea situation factor/ in any way in Trump’s legacy, because I don’t think he has anything to do with this peace process. He will do anything to shove his fat desperate face into any photo op he thinks makes him look presidential or important.

You can’t tell me these photos aren’t hilarious. He really is an Insane person trying to act how he thinks a president would act.

You kind of sound like CNN here.
Are you aware Trump has been fully educated & tough on North Korea for 30 years?
He's EXACTLY why this is happening.
Kim Jong Un knows it, as do his military strategists.
They also know he lasered that missile test out of the sky.
And they read his book The art of the deal.
This is happening because Donald Trump beat the odds, sober and tireless for 70 years, came into office with the entirety of the deep state against him, and he's still kicking ass.

Concerning the "office of the Presidency", that office hasn't meant shit for generations but to those who believe it did, Reagan, and....who else?
Marilyn Monroe fucked Kennedy on the Oval office desk, Clinton got blow jobs under it, Obama stole it and took it home, and Johnson threw the desk at Giap to start the Vietnam War.
"The office of the Presidency" holds no more legitimacy than the Queen of England over public policy.
Every President who's walked into the White house save Reagan and even moreso Trump, had puppetstrings attached before they even stepped in the front door.

This illusion is akin to the homecoming King and Queen, and the left needs to pull their heads out of their asses just as much as McCain and the Far right warhawks.

Funny how the most pathetic immoral humans in our country suddenly planted their collective feet on a moral highground that previously didn't exist for anyone with a (D) next to their name.