Deep Blue - The biggest Great White ever filmed

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Yup, fuck getting I'm the water with the murderous monster


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
What possesses the one guy to get in the water with that shark out of the cage?

Megatron Robinson

Jul 26, 2015
Wow. It's huge but slightly less frightening than a smaller, faster moving Great White.

This one was swole but seemed to lack cardio or something. Lol

Idk. I'd rather fight pudzianowski than Fedor. Still Incredibly powerful majestic in its menace.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
The crazy part is an Orca would Maul this behemoth with ease...a guy i work with argued with me sayin great white is almost as big as an even close...hes still in the denial...
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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
The crazy part is an Orca would Maul this behemoth with ease...a guy i work with arbiter with me sayin great white is almost as big as an even close...hes still in the denial...
Tough to say, Orca's are bigger and faster, but they hunt in groups.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
The crazy part is an Orca would Maul this behemoth with ease...a guy i work with arbiter with me sayin great white is almost as big as an even close...hes still in the denial...


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Tough to say, Orca's are bigger and faster, but they hunt in groups.
Theres vid of a great white getting almost bit in half by an Orca...Orcas are on avg 22,000 pounds and 30 foot...great whites around 2-3 thousands pounds and 17 feet i believe..

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Theres vid of a great white getting almost bit in half by an Orca...Orcas are on avg 22,000 pounds and 30 foot...great whites around 2-3 thousands pounds and 17 feet i believe..
Which is the greatest ocean predator – the orca or the great white shark? A shocking encounter off the Californian coast reveals the answer.

When wildlife-watchers in a boat off the Farallon Islands witnessed an orca attacking a great white shark, they were astonished by how easily the fish was overpowered. However, much of the action took place out of sight, under water. Scientists have pieced together the evidence to construct the likely sequence of events that led to the shark’s apparently timid demise.

From the eyewitness accounts, it was clear that the orca didn’t bump into the great white by chance. It deliberately changed course to intercept its victim. The shark appeared unaware that it was in danger.

Swimming at top speed, the orca took the shark by surprise, ramming it hard on the flank. The massive impact stunned the shark, leaving it momentarily confused and vulnerable.

With the shark dazed, the orca grasped it behind the head and turned it upside- down. The shark panicked and its brain released calming serotonin that sent it into a trance. This made it far easier for the orca to drown its prey.

Soon the shark was dead and the orca could start tearing it apart.


ORCA Orcinus orca

SIZE: Adult male up to 9.5m; adult female up to 8.2m.

WEIGHT: Male up to 5,600kg; female up to 3,600kg.

TEETH: 40–52 large, conical, inward-curving teeth in upper and lower jaw.

MAX SPEED: Bursts of 50kmph when in pursuit of prey.

TYPICAL PREY: Mostly fish and squid; also seals, sealions and other marine mammals and seabirds. Consumes up to 200kg of food daily.

MAX PREY SIZE: Several records of orcas attacking and eating grey whale calves.

HUNTING TECHNIQUE: Often works in teams to corral fish or to distract prey to isolate or weaken it before delivering the killer blow.

SPECIAL SKILLS: Uses echolocation – a form of sonar – to detect shoals of fish under water.

DISTRIBUTION: Found in all of the world’s oceans, but most abundant in cooler waters at high latitudes.

GREAT WHITE SHARK Carcharodon carcharias

SIZE: 4–5.5m fully grown; occasionally over 6m. Females generally larger.

WEIGHT: Usually up to 1,000kg; rarely up to 2,200kg.

TEETH: 3,000 razor-sharp, triangular teeth arranged in several rows that rotate towards the front of the mouth, replacing broken ones as needed.

MAX SPEED: Often reaches 40kmph.

TYPICAL PREY: Mostly big fish, including tuna, rays and other sharks; also seals, sealions, dolphins, turtles and seabirds.
max prey size Sometimes attacks and kills smaller great whites

HUNTING TACTICS: Solitary, ambushes prey from below with a powerful surge.

SPECIAL SKILLS: Excellent sense of smell: can detect a drop of blood in 100 litres of water. Electromagnetic sense picks up the magnetic field produced by muscle activity in its prey.

DISTRIBUTION: Found almost worldwide, from the subtropics to cooler, temperate seas; some populations highly migratory.

DID YOU KNOW? Great white sharks will sometimes eat whales but usually only after they're dead. There are numerous records of sharks scavenging whale carcasses.

Great white shark versus orca | Discover Wildlife


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Theres vid of a great white getting almost bit in half by an Orca...Orcas are on avg 22,000 pounds and 30 foot...great whites around 2-3 thousands pounds and 17 feet i believe..
That's a much larger than average shark.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
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Jan 28, 2015
Great thread.

That shark looks fucking medgaladon like. That vid of the whale killing the shark is nice lol


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
Scariest thing I've ever seen. Killer whales at Sea World. Incredibly fast, huge, smart, with big ass teeth.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
I guess this is the time to mention that I was planning a cage diving trip in south Africa next year. Other than S Africa being rape central, I second guessing my idea because I learned about Guadalupe island:

There are loads of great white sharks in the crystal clear waters of Guadalupe Island, Mexico. We believe that the best way to see these magnificent animals is to descend into their world and interact with them on their own terms in a natural way from our double-decker submersible cages. Conditions permitting, you can get out from behind the bars on the upper deck of these cages with only a single hand-rail between you and these amazing apex predators. To go face-to-face with a great white shark in the wild is something you will never forget. Our highly experienced divemasters will be alongside you in the submersible cages to both critter point and ensure your safety.

NOTES : great white sharks are dangerous!! Use of the upper decks of the submersible cages is at the Captain's sole discretion based on our interpretation of what the sharks are doing. You can kneel, sit and crouch on the top of the cages but a recent ammendment to the park regulations does currently prohibit standing on top of the cages.

FUN FACT: Male great white sharks return to Guadalupe Island buy 22 July according to 8 year electronic tagging project. Read more >>

Guadalupe Island (Mexico) is the top destination for great white shark encounters. This small volcanic island located in the Pacific 240 kilometers (150 miles) off the west coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula outperforms both South Africa and Australia with shark-seeing consistency and watching conditions. Only Guadalupe Island can boast shark viewing in beautiful clear blue water with 125 – 150 foot visibility. We recently counted 108 great white sharks in the bay where we stage our submersible cage diving operations which guarantees unforgettable encounters



Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
I guess this is the time to mention that I was planning a cage diving trip in south Africa next year. Other than S Africa being rape central, I second guessing my idea because I learned about Guadalupe island:

There are loads of great white sharks in the crystal clear waters of Guadalupe Island, Mexico. We believe that the best way to see these magnificent animals is to descend into their world and interact with them on their own terms in a natural way from our double-decker submersible cages. Conditions permitting, you can get out from behind the bars on the upper deck of these cages with only a single hand-rail between you and these amazing apex predators. To go face-to-face with a great white shark in the wild is something you will never forget. Our highly experienced divemasters will be alongside you in the submersible cages to both critter point and ensure your safety.

NOTES : great white sharks are dangerous!! Use of the upper decks of the submersible cages is at the Captain's sole discretion based on our interpretation of what the sharks are doing. You can kneel, sit and crouch on the top of the cages but a recent ammendment to the park regulations does currently prohibit standing on top of the cages.

FUN FACT: Male great white sharks return to Guadalupe Island buy 22 July according to 8 year electronic tagging project. Read more >>

Guadalupe Island (Mexico) is the top destination for great white shark encounters. This small volcanic island located in the Pacific 240 kilometers (150 miles) off the west coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula outperforms both South Africa and Australia with shark-seeing consistency and watching conditions. Only Guadalupe Island can boast shark viewing in beautiful clear blue water with 125 – 150 foot visibility. We recently counted 108 great white sharks in the bay where we stage our submersible cage diving operations which guarantees unforgettable encounters

Dude youre a great Admin don't do it...Those things would Splinty your ass onto a million pieces homie..