@girlandcoconut AMA/Q&A 08/19/2015

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Feb 28, 2015
I've got about 2.5 hours to kill until my tattoo consult so going to try and blow through these so I can stop feeling guilty to all of you 'worst AMA ever'-ers :neutral::neutral::neutral:

Have you ever posted a semi nude on these here interwebs?
Posted, no. Have sent some over these here webs tho
Do you like anal sex?
How big is the biggest peenus you've had in your vagina hole? (Can't call an ex a dick by saying "6 foot 2! Har de har."
Ha, no idea, never measured any.
Wild @I Wild Each It Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse @LorenzoFerttita @AnthonyPettis?

Cheat with
Fuck Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse
Kill Pettis (sorry, love you boo!)
Marry Wild @I Wild Each It
Cheat with Lorenzo

If you won 35 million dollars (U.S) what would you do with the money?
Develop all the same kinds of meat avail today to be not made from animals but exactly the fucking same as if it had been.
Would you suck Matt Hamil's dick to prevent Crecil The Lion's murder? May spit.
Yes. Spit.
If you could have a fully paid for and successful plastic surgery gift what would you get done?
Get my boobs re-done.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Ever banged an Asian? Gross or good?

What is the most hardcore drug have you done? Ex: crack, meth, heroine, weed, OxyContin
a. Too many, probably over 100. At least I've stopped buying any new ones for the most part.
b. Haven't
c. Weed, told you, MY LIFE IS BORING
Feb 28, 2015
If you had to choose 3 forum members to celebrate New Year's Eve, who would it be?
You OhWhopDaChamp @MelE5150, Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse and jason73 @jason73 Because it seems like the recipe for some crazy shit to go down and Jas always has us covered on making sure the rest of the forum would know about it if some of us died.

Are you ready to live with this level of cuteness out in the middle of the woods?
Gahhh! Yes, sold!

Agreed but OhWhopDaChamp @MelE5150 seems to have it covered LOL.

What do you do for a job?
What are your hobbies?
Have you ever had a scrap? If so, please provide details.
a. Work in Technology Dev org at AT&T doing finance-y stuff. I work from home.
b. Traveling, gardening, learning, watching MMA,
c. Only once, I think I was in 3rd or 4th grade and I had just moved to Spokane from Brooklyn and was a total outcast, everyone was so vanilla and I stood out like a sore thumb. There were a couple of the more popular preppy girls that I couldn't stand and always asked me stupid questions about my clothes and my skin color. I can't remember how it exactly went down one particular day on the playground but I ended up kicking one of them in the chocha. That pretty much ended it. That was the entire scrap.

I have a great sense of who not to fuck with and those whose faces I can get in to and know they'll back down. I'm always ready to go though. Earrings and shoes will come off in a hot second if I needed to go toe to toe or back up a friend.

I know you like to grow things so, as someone who is completely useless at gardening and cultivation, what veggies / herbs / fruit etc do recommend for someone just starting out? Bare in mind i'm in the UK, so weather here is what you call 'mild with a dash of rain' most of the year.
Pretty sure your weather is almost the same as Seattle so you can grow pretty much anything. I always recommend starting with 2 or 3 things and only grow things you actually like to eat. Basil is super easy to grow and zucchini once going will yield a ton and low maintenance. Greens are also really pretty easy and will yield for a while.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Does whiskey count as beer?
a. I have zero idea, probably something like world traveling animal saver
b. yes, yes it does

Does Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch?
Ha, no, he does NOT look like a bitch ha
Where did your love for animals come from? Something that's always been a passion of yours since childhood?

How did the garden do this year?

Finished with the carpet removal and interior remodel?
a. We've always had animals my entire life even in some of our shitty tiny apartments back in the day we'd have 2 dogs, a cat, we had a monkey once. Mom would bring home critters that people threw in trash cans and such. Ghetto life.
b. The garden is insane, tomatopalooza, it's been fun. Beginners luck with some things but excited to expand next year. Trying to work into growing almost all of my own food, learning to preserve, etc.
c. Gahhhh, no! I wish, my folks need to get the rest of their crap out of here so I can finish. The next round of it will be my fall/winter project.

Ever been to Hong Kong ?
I have not...yet!
Feb 28, 2015
Will this be your first time in Portland?
Was not my first time. Lived in Seattle area for 16 years so made quite a few trips to Portlandia, love it there.
Mixed race girls are FIRE imo
Do you like getting your fart box tongue punched?
Entering fapout territory.... I'll report back when it finally happens.
What is best in life?

Do you ever feel like gettin' jiggy wit it?

Origin of your SN?
a. Love and laughter
b. Alllllways
c. based on a pic of me holding a coconut ha
I've got a few questions. How have all the wildfires affected Spokane?
Where is the cheapest gas in Spokane? Are you in Spokane? If so, is there a good place to get french dip and a beer that's kid friendly?
If so, do you want to meet a TMMAC member and his 14 year old daughter at about 3-4 o'clock PST for that purpose?
If not, can you tell me the name of that place anyway if it exists?
I think I'm wayyy too late on these. Hope Spokane treated you and your daughter well! If you come back through these parts another time for sure let me know.
How many "red light districts" have you visited in your travels?

Have you ever been to a place called Club Vandersexxx?
Zero unless random corners where hookers hang out counts.
Omg had to google that 2nd one, the youtube vid was funny and no, have never been lol
I just want to know when we are going to be getting answers... Wth
What got you interested in MMA?

Any female friends find it weird you like MMA or do they like it as well?
I was a boxing fan growing up and found out about MMA through some friends that trained in the Seattle area and was hooked from day 1. One of whom is the boyfriend of one of my best friends, he fights professionally now. So all of the girls in our circle like it and i miss going out to watch the fights with them.
Feb 28, 2015
Favourite book? Movie?

(Yes, I am truly this lame.)
Ha, no you're not, it's nice to get a few non-anal related questions.

Fave movie is The Godfather
I don't really have a favorite book...yet...been trying to read anything and everything lately. I did love the DaVinci Code though, fastest I've ever read a book in my life.
I hope the travels went smoothly.
They did, thanks!
What if you're not alone?
Context? I'm alllllways alone.
Since it seems all the sex questions are covered I will ask a few that aren't sex related you pervs.

1. as someone who has been in your neck of the woods on business for extended times I have to ask, how in the hell do you put up with all the tree hugging liberals in your area?

2. are you more of a "get out and do things" type of person or a homebody?

3. ideal place to live for you and why?

4. favorite drink (alcoholic and non alcoholic)
Haha, thank you.

1. it's much easier when you are one.
2. I'm a get out and do things person but I've been a homebody since moving here. I don't like it, it's temporary, still adjusting to a new town, I'd rather be out and about all the time socializing and such. Working on building up a social circle, takes time!
3. This is hard, i've been searching for it and bounce back and forth between wanting a lot of different things. Nowadays I would love to have a small farm not too far from the city and then live by the beach somewhere for a few months during the winters.
4. Margarita and Green smoothie
What attracted you to MMA initially? Is it the same reason you stayed a fan?

Who is your favourite fighter, and why is it Conor Mcgregor?

Why do you believe Michael Bisping is the GOAT clean middleweight?
a. Was the varied skills and never knowing what was going to happen next. And def same reason I'm still a fan.
b. lol, Chuck was my first favorite, still is, love that guy. GSP close second. Hard for me to pick someone on the active roster, lots I cheer for but haven't had the same feels for anyone lately.
c. lol, nice try friend :)

Ok one last question. If you had to take different parts/personality/intellect of the posters here to build the perfect man what would you take and from whom?
Jesus, this is hard. Imma have to think on this a bit.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
"Ok one last question. If you had to take different parts/personality/intellect of the posters here to build the perfect man what would you take and from whom?"
Omg! This stumped you girlandcoconut @girlandcoconut? You need to go to Fapout more often. I am disappoint
Feb 28, 2015
Depends if she's amendable to anal sex with a gas mask on.

Well? Are you?
I mean....desperate times...

Ok nevermind, this is where fapout section begins thanks to our very own OhWhopDaChamp @MelE5150 lol

If you and your partner wore gas masks would you still be able to bust a nut without licking being evolved?

What's your go to erotic thought when jerking off? Do you use your index finger and ring finger to spread your nether lips while flicking the bean with your middle finger or are you a closed lip middle finger twixle flicking type?
I would hope so, said partner better know his way around a vagina.
If I need to think about it it's just easier to go watch porn.
Eeerhhmmm uhh neither?!?

Is getting head from your partner mandatory or optional?

What's your favorite wine or beer?

Ever banged an Australian Aboriginal? Would you?

Is your 'let clock ticking? (Niglet, spicklet, chinklet, white kid o_O baby desire stirring?)
Go down or go home as I like to say.
Fave wine is Pinot Noir
Fave beer is Deschutes Black Butte Porter or mostly any porter/brown/stout type beer
Have not. I don't see why I wouldn't...unless there is something I don't know about?
I don't think I came with a clock.

Ever scissored a broad?

Ever scissored a dude?

Ass eating. Yay or fuck nah?
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Feb 28, 2015
"Ok one last question. If you had to take different parts/personality/intellect of the posters here to build the perfect man what would you take and from whom?"
Omg! This stumped you girlandcoconut @girlandcoconut? You need to go to Fapout more often. I am disappoint
This must be my problem. I've only been in there twice...once because I had no idea what Fapout meant beforehand,..and then 2nd time when someone tagged me in a post and I went to read it and realized I HAD BEEN TRICKED!


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
How strictly do you follow the vegetarian (or vegan) lifestyle? When's the last time you had a nice juicy steak?
Feb 28, 2015
Since I just learnt that you are a fellow Tennis fan who is your favourite player to watch?
I can't even decide between Federer, Djokovic and Nadal. My all time fave is Pete though, he forever has my <3
But I still think nothing tops the McEnroe Connors matches of old, that shit was the best to watch.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
I can't even decide between Federer, Djokovic and Nadal. My all time fave is Pete though, he forever has my <3
But I still think nothing tops the McEnroe Connors matches of old, that shit was the best to watch.
Sampras in those thin white shorts that would become transparent with sweat? Thighs of a Gawd!
Feb 28, 2015
Thanks for taking the time to take an interesting and weird peek into my little world. Off to see about some tattoos and then off to trivia. Ciao!