A 9/11 Conspiracy Film Worth Watching

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
This video is stupid long, but worth the watch. It touches on all of the things that don't add up from that day. If you're into this kind of thing, give it a watch. It's very well put together and doesn't stray into the absurd accusations that most conspiracy films are riddled with.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I'll eventually sit down an watch it, but if the climax is George Dubya being a James Bond style gold thief super villain I will cascade you with a flurry of rainbows.
Apr 3, 2015
nothing will ever change my mind on the 9/11 "debate".

it was 100% an inside job. if you dont believe it was then you probably spent your whole life deluded believing everything the government told you while saluting the flag in class for 15 years. all the long thinking the government is on "your side" and couldnt do no wrong.


grade 'A' delusion.


Apr 18, 2015
To say "nothing will ever change your mind" is pretty much the textbook definition of confirmation bias.

It's amazing how much competence people attribute to government about some things while readily acknowledging how incompetent and poor at keeping secrets government is and has always been most of the time.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
To say "nothing will ever change your mind" is pretty much the textbook definition of confirmation bias.

It's amazing how much competence people attribute to government about some things while readily acknowledging how incompetent and poor at keeping secrets government is and has always been most of the time.
There's a lot of truth to that statement. The amount of sheer man power, likely well into the thousands, involved in staging that would make it almost impossible to keep the secret
Apr 3, 2015
so you guys only believe something if someone comes out and admits it wholeheartedly?

you guys think it takes thousands of people on the inside to get it done, but only about 20 or so terrorists from the other side of the world pulled it off? that is more ridiculous than anything. and really shows your FAITH in the system.

I'll take 2 doses of whatever drugs you are on.


Apr 18, 2015
so you guys only believe something if someone comes out and admits it wholeheartedly?

you guys think it takes thousands of people on the inside to get it done, but only about 20 or so terrorists from the other side of the world pulled it off? that is more ridiculous than anything. and really shows your FAITH in the system.

I'll take 2 doses of whatever drugs you are on.
I tend to think the other way. If government is involved in something, it typically gets bungled and exposed just because even if only 10 people know about it, corralling 10 people on something so massive is very difficult. Anyone who has worked in any kind of institution can tell you that. For 9/11 to have had any involvement from government would have required far more than 10 people, particularly with the level of scrutiny the commission brought to bear and the massive digitally enabled leaks we've had in the past 10 years.

The notion that an organization like AQ was incapable of pulling off the operation smacks of a strong western bias where nothing that happens in the world is uninfluenced by western puppeteers and the little guy never takes his decidedly low tech, but determined shot. But all through history we've seen that not to be the case in power relationships. The ones you don't see coming or ignore are the ones who get you.

If you read about the intelligence community leading up to 9/11 it's easy to see how fragmented and ignorant a lot of their work was, particularly as regarded prioritizing information in a post Cold War environment. The real conspiracy happened afterward when the government willfully and bold facedly carried us into an unrelated war in Iraq. But we were too stupid to address it properly even though it was right in front of our face.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
so you guys only believe something if someone comes out and admits it wholeheartedly?

you guys think it takes thousands of people on the inside to get it done, but only about 20 or so terrorists from the other side of the world pulled it off? that is more ridiculous than anything. and really shows your FAITH in the system.

I'll take 2 doses of whatever drugs you are on.
You ever done any work with or for the government? It doesn't sound like it
Apr 3, 2015
You ever done any work with or for the government? It doesn't sound like it
why would that matter at all? the USA government already set up shit to take them into wars over the last 60 years. so why do you give them a pass on this? because you couldnt imagine them doing it? thats a pretty big leap of faith.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
why would that matter at all? the USA government already set up shit to take them into wars over the last 60 years. so why do you give them a pass on this? because you couldnt imagine them doing it? thats a pretty big leap of faith.
It's not that I couldn't imagine it, it's that if they did do it I couldn't imagine them keeping it quite for so long


Apr 18, 2015
The burden of proof is on truthers. People can cite PNAC and every other document they want to dredge up, but at the end of the day, pretty much everything has been debunked or not stood up to scrutiny.

The 9/11 skeptics really really make me mad, not because I have any faith in my government or official reports or any of that condescending nonsense people try to lay on you. The real reason is because there have been real, active incredible conspiracies perpetrated by government, corporations and arms of law enforcement or the intelligence community and not 1/10th of the zeal people devote to discrediting 9/11 is utilized.

People want conspiracy? Look at the urban renewal policies that ghettoized black America, look to the Iran/Contra affair under suddenly sainted Reagan, look to the "evidence gathering" in the lead up to the Iraq war, look at how both Bush and Obama let the banks get away with the biggest heist perpetrated on American wealth in a century or look at the quiet deregulation scheme that led to it perpetrated under Clinton, look at what we did to destabilize Mercosur as an alternative South American trading block, look at our "collateral damage" in Yemen and Pakistan, look at the invasion and decimation of Panama, look at the union busting being funded by the Kochs in Wisconsin via their creature Scott Walker, look at the changes in education that are enriching an apparatus of testing companies, consultants and charter organizations, look at the critical services being cut or diluted during engineered government shutdowns and obstructions, look at the money that has poured into lobbying to prevent any real and lasting environmental action.

These are all things that cost lives or make lives worse on a much more massive scale than 9/11 ever did, but because they stretch beyond a climactic single day they seem to be more than the collective minds of truthers can contain.


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
The 9/11 Commission report is nothing but a fairy tale. The truth will never come out, just like the JFK assassination. Remember when people actually thought Obama would blow the lid on it when he took power? LOL


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
The burden of proof is on truthers. People can cite PNAC and every other document they want to dredge up, but at the end of the day, pretty much everything has been debunked or not stood up to scrutiny.

That is not really the case at all. The "truthers" have raised enough legitimate doubts, and many unanswered questions that need to be addressed. Everything has not been debunked and much of their concerns do stand up to scrutiny.

The official story about 19 Arab hijackers outsmarting the defenses of the world's greatest superpower, all orchestrated by a man in one of many high-tech, multi-level, caves in Afghanistan, does not stand up to scrutiny. It is ridiculous.


Deleted member 1

I don't buy into much CT stuff. But I like being challenged, I like being forced out of my box. I will watch this tomorrow. Thanks for posting!


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
The burden of proof is on truthers. People can cite PNAC and every other document they want to dredge up, but at the end of the day, pretty much everything has been debunked or not stood up to scrutiny.

The 9/11 skeptics really really make me mad, not because I have any faith in my government or official reports or any of that condescending nonsense people try to lay on you. The real reason is because there have been real, active incredible conspiracies perpetrated by government, corporations and arms of law enforcement or the intelligence community and not 1/10th of the zeal people devote to discrediting 9/11 is utilized.

People want conspiracy? Look at the urban renewal policies that ghettoized black America, look to the Iran/Contra affair under suddenly sainted Reagan, look to the "evidence gathering" in the lead up to the Iraq war, look at how both Bush and Obama let the banks get away with the biggest heist perpetrated on American wealth in a century or look at the quiet deregulation scheme that led to it perpetrated under Clinton, look at what we did to destabilize Mercosur as an alternative South American trading block, look at our "collateral damage" in Yemen and Pakistan, look at the invasion and decimation of Panama, look at the union busting being funded by the Kochs in Wisconsin via their creature Scott Walker, look at the changes in education that are enriching an apparatus of testing companies, consultants and charter organizations, look at the critical services being cut or diluted during engineered government shutdowns and obstructions, look at the money that has poured into lobbying to prevent any real and lasting environmental action.

These are all things that cost lives or make lives worse on a much more massive scale than 9/11 ever did, but because they stretch beyond a climactic single day they seem to be more than the collective minds of truthers can contain.
Have you watched the film?


Apr 18, 2015
Have you watched the film?
Not interested. My comments were in reply to other posters' comments on this thread, not the film. Also, as regards 9/11, I prefer to read articles or books rather than watching films.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Not interested. My comments were in reply to other posters' comments on this thread, not the film. Also, as regards 9/11, I prefer to read articles or books rather than watching films.
Well, before watching that film I had similar thoughts about 9/11 conspiracy theorists, but the questions and comprehensive nature of the film have compelled me to question what I thought about 9/11. Not everything there is credible, but the film does raise some serious concerns about the whole situation that should be addressed, while also pointing out that some things are being withheld and not released. If you aren't interested in examining and accessing what they have to say, then I don't think it is fair to so comprehensibly dismiss their claims.

Without looking at both sides of an argument someone can't come to a definite conclusion, and I was guilty of that before I watched this. I thought it was just conspiracy nuts, since I had seen some documentaries and read a few articles from the other side of this debate before, but this film addressed many of the things that I had believed about the events of 9/11.

I'm not sure I am ready to conclusively say it was a government conspiracy, but I can't rule it out anymore due to the number of questions that haven't been answered adequately. For me the film was a real eye opener, and I would recommend working your way through it in a few sittings.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
What sticks in my mind is Building 7. You never heard much about that building when 9/11 went down, and probably for good reason. No 48 story building collapses like that from an office furniture fire.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
There is plenty of evidence available for anyone interested to make their own conclusion.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
What sticks in my mind is Building 7. You never heard much about that building when 9/11 went down, and probably for good reason. No 48 story building collapses like that from an office furniture fire.
Now now, we're talking about the buildings the planes crashed into. Let's just ignore that one and sweep it under the rug.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I recently watched the one where all the guys met in Toronto in 9/11.
Not like I needed to, but just wanted a reminder.
If anyone can explain beams melting into pools of molten lava and buildings crumbling like controlled demo, I'll entertain this bullshit.