Well that Snickers ad was a shit waste of money.
I laughed at the Aquaman one though I don't remember wtf he was selling.
I laughed at the Aquaman one though I don't remember wtf he was selling.
Yeah why didn't he think of that? It is a mystery.29? The fuck you doing?
Tackle the dude with the ball bro.
lol as if the nfl has a problemm with rapinghow come nobody does the conor walk anymore? was it all the raping he was doing or just getting his ass beat?
and we'd be about to be dazzled by a Bryan Adams halftime show.not bad. it would be 54-26 i already if this was the grey cup though
under was the only bet I liked in this gamenot bad. it would be 54-26 i already if this was the grey cup though
brian costs too much. CTV will probably cut away during half time to platinum blonde or loverboy playing on the grass at the parliament buildingand we'd be about to be dazzled by a Bryan Adams halftime show.
I agree 100%. I enjoy watching him play.I will never understand hate for Tom Brady. The dude is the man... and that is coming from a Giants fan!