General Electile Dysfunction: an election that lasts longer than 4 days is a serious medical problem

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The Big Guy

Is biden about to concede or declare victory?

Hes about to make a statement


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Just flicking around channels, on Euro News they were talking to some woman in the US about polls.

She was asked whether she thought that polls had failed to take shy Trump supporters into account. Her reply was that the pollsters had learned from 2016, and had made big strides in tapping into the demographics that they didn't last time.

I was thinking, WTF? Didn't the polls have Biden winning "bigly"?

member 3289


"We believe we're on track to win this election."

"We're gonna have to be patient until the hard work of tallying votes is finished."

"We're feeling good about where we are."

"We're feeling good about Wisconsin and Michigan."

"It's gonna take time to count the votes, but we're gonna win Pennsylvania."