I said you weren't ready for that conversation, and by the state of threads today, clearly noone is.
That isn't what I claimed, you're still moving the goalposts. I said German was Semeitic in origin, and it took you and
@Qat days running away from the original point - which he knows is true, when he stops being obtuse - to come to that conclusion from tidbits I gave you, till you got the full answer.
You can argue all you like. Fact of the matter is, it wasn't that long ago the consensus was the world started after an extinction level event about 6000 years ago.
Now, there's supposedly fossils being found of tools from 2 million years ago. Roughly 1.2 million years further ahead of the widest accepted hunter gatherer timelines.
You have no idea what happened throughout history. Just the same as me.
There's more than enough evidence, though language, that history doesn't line up with mainline academia.
Sorry it hurts your propagandized brain.
I'd still buy you a beer.