General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
we had a little lake effect snow this morning too. its usually real big flakes and doesnt amount to much .its kinda cool though. you get it near the lake and then a couple km away its blue sky and no snow . it only happens a few times a year when it gets real cold . today is going to be -13c to -19c


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
In Britain we are used to mild wet winters, so when we do get a prolonged bout of freezing weather we are all at sea. The number of people with zero clue how to drive in icy conditions is laughable.

I remember some years back, we had snow and freezing temperatures for a week or two. I was on my way to the local shop, walking past an intersection with traffic lights which is on an incline. There was a woman driving a front wheel drive car, and when the light turned green she tried to accelerate. Her wheels spun fruitlessly, and she hit the throttle harder to try to move, until she was bouncing off the rev limiter. The friction from the front wheels melted through the snow, touched tarmac and propelled her 6 inches forwards, where she started spinning wheels again.

This carried on, melting a new spot through the compacted snow and moving 6 inches forwards at a time, the noise this made was:

(High revving engine on limiter)NeeNeeNeeNeeNeeNee(tyres hit tarmac)Bzzz(Engine revs again)NeeNeeNeeNeeBzzNeeNeeNeeNeeNeeNeeBzzNeeNee...

I looked at another person walking along the road, we shook our heads and headed over to help. We were pushing the car, and the other guy was shouting " Second gear! Low revs" at her, but she just kept it pinned till we got her over the incline and moving along the road. I remember feeling sorry for that poor engine lol.

member 1013

In Britain we are used to mild wet winters, so when we do get a prolonged bout of freezing weather we are all at sea. The number of people with zero clue how to drive in icy conditions is laughable.

I remember some years back, we had snow and freezing temperatures for a week or two. I was on my way to the local shop, walking past an intersection with traffic lights which is on an incline. There was a woman driving a front wheel drive car, and when the light turned green she tried to accelerate. Her wheels spun fruitlessly, and she hit the throttle harder to try to move, until she was bouncing off the rev limiter. The friction from the front wheels melted through the snow, touched tarmac and propelled her 6 inches forwards, where she started spinning wheels again.

This carried on, melting a new spot through the compacted snow and moving 6 inches forwards at a time, the noise this made was:

(High revving engine on limiter)NeeNeeNeeNeeNeeNee(tyres hit tarmac)Bzzz(Engine revs again)NeeNeeNeeNeeBzzNeeNeeNeeNeeNeeNeeBzzNeeNee...

I looked at another person walking along the road, we shook our heads and headed over to help. We were pushing the car, and the other guy was shouting " Second gear! Low revs" at her, but she just kept it pinned till we got her over the incline and moving along the road. I remember feeling sorry for that poor engine lol.
Was she hawt doe?


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
This is rough for us:

Impacts will begin as early as Saturday morning with patchy
freezing drizzle developing late tonight into Saturday morning,
which will lead to a light glaze of ice in some locations. After a
brief break in precipitation on Saturday, conditions will begin
to deteriorate late Saturday evening, with precipitation
transitioning from a sleet and freezing rain mix to all snow by
Sunday. The heaviest snow can be expected on Sunday and Monday.
High winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow with wind chills
falling to below zero by late Sunday. Snow will come to an end
during the day Monday, but extremely cold temperatures will
persist through mid-week. The heavy snow and forecast long
duration of extremely cold temperatures will likely lead to major
stress on the region`s infrastructure as well as crippling travel
for several days.


* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow
accumulations of 3 to 6 inches and ice accumulations of a light
glaze. Strong winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow
reducing visibility to less than one mile at times. Wind chill
factors below zero are forecast on Sunday, continuing into
Monday and Tuesday.

* WHERE...Much of North and Central Texas.

* WHEN...From 6 AM Saturday to 6 PM CST Monday.

* IMPACTS...Travel will be dangerous. Hazardous conditions will
persist for several days given the expected prolonged duration
of extremely cold temperatures. The cold wind chills as low as
15 below zero could result in hypothermia if precautions are not
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
If the weathermen are actually right, the Metroplex will be shut down for a week and Splinty @Splinty will be sleeping at a hospital or clinic the entire time.