General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Random question, but what is a the average house structure in texas like? 2x4 or 2x6 walls? Batt insulation and blown in in the attic space? R-value?
Here the standard is R60 in the attic and R20 minimum in walls and basement

@Lars R. Biden has the documents.

2x4, batt insulation and blown in in the attic standard. No idea the R value but it can't be much because ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude has no insulation over his uninsulated garage space even though that ceiling goes to the attic that is connected to the rest of the house with no barrier.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Random question, but what is a the average house structure in texas like? 2x4 or 2x6 walls? Batt insulation and blown in in the attic space? R-value?
Here the standard is R60 in the attic and R20 minimum in walls and basement

Floors and Walls
Insulation in floors and walls keeps heat inside a room and can allow homeowners to spend less energy heating unused spaces. Insulate wall cavities in Texas homes to R-13 to R-15. In southern Texas, insulate walls in gas- or oil-heated homes to R-13, and walls in homes with electric heat to a minimum of R-19. In central and northern Texas, insulate all floors to at least R-25.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Attics and Ceilings
Uninsulated attic spaces are responsible for significant heat loss, since heat rises in a building. Residents of southern and central Texas should insulate their attics to at least R-30, or about 9.5 inches of conventional fiberglass batt insulation. If you live in the Texas Panhandle, consider increasing your insulation level to at least R-38.


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
@Lars R. Biden has the documents.

2x4, batt insulation and blown in in the attic standard. No idea the R value but it can't be much because ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude has no insulation over his uninsulated garage space even though that ceiling goes to the attic that is connected to the rest of the house with no barrier.
Garage is just a cold space I'd assume, with no floor above it. House is insulated so garage would be considered "exterior" and would have no effect on house comfort.

member 1013

Garage is just a cold space I'd assume, with no floor above it. House is insulated so garage would be considered "exterior" and would have no effect on house comfort.
If the attic is insulated properly but the blown in in his attic is bad


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
If the attic is insulated properly but the blown in in his attic is bad
If there is no living space above the garage, the builder probably saved a dime by not putting loose fill in. Kinda makes sense, if the house is properly insulated the garage wouldn't have any effect other than keeping the garage cool.
Then again I'm just speculating as I don't know the layout of ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude double wide!

member 1013

If there is no living space above the garage, the builder probably saved a dime by not putting loose fill in. Kinda makes sense, if the house is properly insulated the garage wouldn't have any effect other than keeping the garage cool.
Then again I'm just speculating as I don't know the layout of ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude double wide!
I already said nonliving spaces don’t require insulation and that ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude doesn’t have enough insulation in his attic over living space you bully


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It’s a bungalow with an attached garage and single attic that spans both
Ah now it makes sense. So there is blown in and they just gave up over the garage? I mean it's not proper and there should be a barrier (wall or sheathing built up from truss)
But even if they oversprayed into the garage section by a couple feet, it should technically still serve its purpose. Lazy and cheap yes but it's not like the above garage space is going to make the above house space significantly colder than it would if the garage was filled.

member 1013

Ah now it makes sense. So there is blown in and they just gave up over the garage? I mean it's not proper and there should be a barrier (wall or sheathing built up from truss)
But even if they oversprayed into the garage section by a couple feet, it should technically still serve its purpose. Lazy and cheap yes but it's not like the above garage space is going to make the above house space significantly colder than it would if the garage was filled.
It looks like they gave up over his living space tbh