General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
So far Abbott, who seems to be to blame for this whole not winterizing thing
As an outside observer it seems like a stretch to be blaming the entire event on one individual. Especially given the reactions I'm seeing from Texans.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
As an outside observer it seems like a stretch to be blaming the entire event on one individual. Especially given the reactions I'm seeing from Texans.
Hold please while I provide you with some data that I think will change you mind.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Hold please while I provide you with some data that I think will change you mind.
Did any resident's or other businesses do anything to winterize their homes or businesses, or was that regarded as unnecessary given the historical weather patterns of Texas? Asking for a friend.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Well I thought I had seen an article earlier that discussed something Abbott did in 2011 as the AG that had to do with not winterizing.... Now I can't find it.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Well I thought I had seen an article earlier that discussed something Abbott did in 2011 as the AG that had to do with not winterizing.... Now I can't find it.
I saw the same tweet. Remembering that's 10 years ago and winterizing costs a fuck ton of money. Do you think it seemed like something that needed to be done in 2011, or are you using hindsight to judge actions of the past? Because if that's what we're doing there's a whole lot of blame to be going around beyond that one action.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I saw the same tweet. Remembering that's 10 years ago and winterizing costs a fuck ton of money. Do you think it seemed like something that needed to be done in 2011, or are you using hindsight to judge actions of the past? Because if that's what we're doing there's a whole lot of blame to be going around beyond that one action.
Oh I'm totally Monday morning quarterbacking the shit out of this. That being said, I am going tk be making changes to my house to prevent some of the issues we had because of this storm, any responsible person would. Just like Texas should have after the event in the 80s and again in 2011.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Oh I'm totally Monday morning quarterbacking the shit out of this. That being said, I am going tk be making changes to my house to prevent some of the issues we had because of this storm, any responsible person would.
Don't worry, everyone will.

Just like Texas should have after the event in the 80s and again in 2011.
I'm doing some reading about the post 2011 findings now. It's honestly kind of hilarious in a not funny way.



Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015


Oct 20, 2015
Damn. I wish I had a gas stove. Would have been easier to roast my peppers today versus the butane torch I actually used lol.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Damn. I wish I had a gas stove. Would have been easier to roast my peppers today versus the butane torch I actually used lol.
I agree, that would be handy

I do my peppers over coals outdoor, then I de-skin em and vacuum pack em or dry em.

really gets hot flipping and rolling them over those coals

I want one of those pepper roller roasters but I would have to use it a lot to justify the space and badassness of it
Could even make your own like Jeb


Maybe when I go more rural and can grow more pepper plants...I grow more about 40 but would do more with the space


Oct 20, 2015
I agree, that would be handy

I do my peppers over coals outdoor, then I de-skin em and vacuum pack em or dry em.

really gets hot flipping and rolling them over those coals

I want one of those pepper roller roasters but I would have to use it a lot to justify the space and badassness of it
View attachment 28600
Could even make your own like Jeb


Maybe when I go more rural and can grow more pepper plants...I grow more about 40 but would do more with the space
I have an electric pellet smoker and a charcoal grill but it was raining and last time I didn’t the charcoal, I fucked up. Also, I have no patience for the charcoal. I roasted them with the torch, then tossed them in under the broiler since it was time consuming and I had three different peppers, nine total.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I have an electric pellet smoker and a charcoal grill but it was raining and last time I didn’t the charcoal, I fucked up. Also, I have no patience for the charcoal. I roasted them with the torch, then tossed them in under the broiler since it was time consuming and I had three different peppers, nine total.
Very cool, roasted peppers are a real treat
roasting and searing stuff with a torch sounds cool...I haven't dabbled in that yet

I just plan my grill roasting sessions into a BBQ of tri tip or chicken usually...probably 25-50 peppers per roast so it is worth it

A guy runs a pepper roasting drum at the saturday farmers market here and it smells so dang good, something about a roasted pepper


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Way to derail the chainsaw thread with your roasted peppers and gas stove BS.
Some people, I tells ya

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
there's a whole lot of blame to be going around beyond that one action.
i think this is fair to say. But ERCOT and and Abbott deserve their fair/appropriate amount of blame, and a lot of this is out of the control of homeowners/energy consumers. Sure, individuals have the responsibility of securing their own property’s integrity. But I think what people are mad about is that we’ve had warnings before, like 2011. That wasn’t nearly as bad as this and still demonstrated major deficiencies with the power grid. Pretty much every entity with regulatory control or oversight recommended many different types of upgrades. Meetings were held and consumer rates were raised to help pay for the upgrades, which was on top of other funding that was supposed to go to the upgrades. Literally ZERO were implemented since then. That’s why people are mad - we’ve had the warnings, and allegedly had at least some of the funding, but nothing was done by those in control. I’m not exaggerating either - from what I understand absolutely nothing was upgraded or winterized since 2011.

in the end it comes down to the system being built for cheap energy for consumers, and not for a worst case scenario.
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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Is this the electric company you have?
I saw someone say they had power the whole time and their bill was absurd but I don’t know what company they had.
To address this issue, the governor issued an order today that electricity providers can not cut power for those that can’t pay these absurd bills, and that they are not to send further invoices until this is sorted out. I would like to think that they’re going to sort that problem out for those that got absurd bills.

what I’ve heard is that this only happened to people that have variable rate plans for energy. Not sure why people have it that way...ours has always been a fixed rate.

Austin Energy emailed us today to ensure is that our cost did not change and won’t get a crazy bill, and that we will not be charged for any utilities that were down last week. Which seems fair hah. Looks like our house was one of the areas that had the longest duration of no electricity (about 80 hours), but we have water back now and some other areas are still without water.