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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Well, well, well after all this time claiming your not a MAGA guy and lobbing passive aggressive insults towards Biden/Dems, the truth finally comes out… ???
Big surprise, right?

They pretty much ALL claim that.

They know how retarded the hardcore Trumptard base is.

But they don't really follow politics closely, and Trump is entertaining. It's fun when he's on the TV, right? And fuck all these smug Hollywood SJWs anyway, right? They're the true danger to democracy, after all. Not the traitors who stormed the Capitol because a wannabe authoritarian and his media enablers spent months poisoning their minds with a nonstop avalanche of stupid lies.



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Big surprise, right?

They pretty much ALL claim that.

They know how retarded the hardcore Trumptard base is.

But they don't really follow politics closely, and Trump is entertaining. It's fun when he's on the TV, right? And fuck all these smug Hollywood SJWs anyway, right? They're the true danger to democracy, after all. Not the traitors who stormed the Capitol because a wannabe authoritarian and his media enablers spent months poisoning their minds with a nonstop avalanche of stupid lies.

Are they done with the recount yet?
Is Trump president again?

I'm gonna laaaaaaaugh
You gonna be soooooooo pissed.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Are they done with the recount yet?
Is Trump president again?

I'm gonna laaaaaaaugh
You gonna be soooooooo pissed.
Braindead response, unconnected from reality. No attempt at making a counter-argument. Pretty much just a babbling troll. I for one am shocked.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Hey man, serious question.

Is there even one single "both sides" or right-leaning guy who is capable of posting anything in political threads other than gifs, stupid memes, or garbage propaganda from dumpster fires like the Gateway Pundit?

Is there even one right-leaning poster here who does better than that?

If there is, then please point him out. Because I haven't seen him. ?


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Hey man, serious question.

Is there even one single "both sides" or right-leaning guy who is capable of posting anything in political threads other than gifs, stupid memes, or garbage propaganda from dumpster fires like the Gateway Pundit?

Is there even one right-leaning poster here who does better than that?

If there is, then please point him out. Because I haven't seen him. ?

Last edited:


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Hey man, serious question.

Is there even one single "both sides" or right-leaning guy who is capable of posting anything in political threads other than gifs, stupid memes, or garbage propaganda from dumpster fires like the Gateway Pundit?

Is there even one right-leaning poster here who does better than that?

If there is, then please point him out. Because I haven't seen him. ?

It's sort of pointless to have a convo as you've made it readily apparent you have no interest in actually listening to opposing viewpoints and are only looking for someone to step into your thinly-veiled "gotcha" traps.

It's fine - but because of that you're getting memes because I know they irritate you. ?


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
thats what biden does. in the campaign, he says he is all for raising the minimum wage. it is massively popular across the aisle. even florida passed it as a ballot item.

but bidens donors dont want the minimum wage raised. so he gets in office and drops the issue

thats hollow rhetoric. because he is corrupt

but id be hardpressed to believe that ilhan is just pretending to be for the things she says she is, since she isnt beholden to donors the way that people like pelosi, schumer, and biden are
I do not trust her.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
You complain no one wants dialogue with you but yet you take shit too serious and throw around insults.

You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar.
Hey, I am more than willing to have my beliefs challenged. More than willing.

Why is it that I have to jump through hoops to trick these clowns into backing their stupid memes with any kind of reality? (Which they won't do anyway, no matter what?) How about these snowflakes stop getting triggered and crying about their feelings being hurt, and bring something to the table other than garbage memes and obvious lies? Give me something to respond to, and I'll be a lot more respectful.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

Yeah........... hilarious.

What could go wrong, right? Words don't matter anyway. Nobody believes his bullshit, everybody knows it's just a show. C'mon, it's funny. Lighten up. Nobody's gonna destroy American democracy over this spoiled clown's braindead lies.

So you do get it.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
It's sort of pointless to have a convo as you've made it readily apparent you have no interest in actually listening to opposing viewpoints and are only looking for someone to step into your thinly-veiled "gotcha" traps.
Give me an opposing viewpoint that isn't a garbage meme or direct from a propaganda mill, and I'll happily listen to it.

But I think you give these clowns too much credit. And they ARE clowns.

On, they aren't?

Can you point to one of them condemning what happened to Liz Cheney?

I mean, the #3 House Republican was purged from the GOP. Why? For publicly accepting the election result, and saying that Republicans needed to accept that Trump lost fair and square, and move the fuck on.

There's no place for you in the Republican Party if you say that. If you admit that reality actually matters, and living in a democracy means that sometimes you lose an election.

Which of these "both sides" clowns has condemned that, or commented on what it means for American democracy, or pointed out something equally egregious on the other side?

None that I have seen. Perhaps you can show me I'm wrong? In this case, I will be more than happy to be shown that I'm wrong. ?

But until I then, I don't respect cultist babble and the constant spamming of stupid lies. I'm sorry, I just can't smile at stupid conspiracy shit. You know I get calls about this shit at work in fucking New Zealand? Morons calling us at work to rant about Hillary and the deep state and fucking Hunter Biden? In New Zealand, ffs. That's how deep the crazy is on that side.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
In 4 sentences, tell me about Liz Cheney.
You don't know?

You do know who she is and what happened to her, but you have no comment to offer? Perhaps because you have a triple-digit IQ, and therefore realise that what happened to her is incredibly dangerous for the immediate future of American democracy?

But that reality doesn't fit your overly-simplistic, smug, aloof "both sides" narrative...... so you're just gonna ignore it completely?

Because you're not here to discuss anything in good faith, but only to troll and throw out condescending posts of three lines or less?

What a surprise! I for one am shocked.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
You don't know?

You do know who she is and what happened to her, but you have no comment to offer?

You're not here to discuss anything in good faith, but only to troll and throw out condescending posts of three lines or less?

What a surprise. I for one am shocked.

I asked something very direct. Unsurprisingly, you came back with personal attacks rather than anything of substance.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
You don't know?

You do know who she is and what happened to her, but you have no comment to offer? Perhaps because you have a triple-digit IQ, and therefore realise that what happened to her is incredibly dangerous for the immediate future of American democracy?

But that reality doesn't fit your overly-simplistic, smug, aloof "both sides" narrative...... so you're just gonna ignore it completely?

Because you're not here to discuss anything in good faith, but only to troll and throw out condescending posts of three lines or less?

What a surprise! I for one am shocked.

That's 6 sentences.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Oh yeah......... one thing I will absolutely refuse to do, is offer a post with any substance.

So do you not really know who she is, or are you pretending you don't because it would be inconvenient for your narrative to be supportive of the least progressive person in America?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
But here, I'll play your stupid trolling game, in good faith.

1) Liz Cheney is the daughter of former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, and was formerly the #3 ranking Republican in the House of Representatives.

2) She voted with President Trump 93% of the time.

3) She also accepted reality and publicly stated that Trump lost the election, and that he and the GOP and their base needed to accept that, grow the fuck up, and move the fuck on, instead of trying to forcefully overturn American democracy itself.

4) For that display of insufficient unquestioning loyalty to the head of a personality cult, she was purged from the party leadership and is now the underdog in a primary challenge from a guy who freely admits that he fucked a 14 year old.

Looking forward to your thoughtful, honest, non-trolling reply.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
So do you not really know who she is, or are you pretending you don't because it would be inconvenient for your narrative to be supportive of the least progressive person in America?
Oh yeah - I'm the prick who isn't here for an actual discussion.

And I don't support Liz Cheney, you binary clown. Are you really that simpleminded that you can't comprehend the idea that you don't support someone politically, but still think that they were not fairly treated in a given situation? Honestly - is that the standard of thinking that you're working with?
