UFC 265 Gane vs Lewis - Live Discussion Aug 7th

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Added to Calendar: 08-07-21


Money Making Mitch
Jul 22, 2015
Lewis has to fight with confidence. I hate fighters who lose in the way that Lewis is losing. You can be so scared to lose that you lose without trying or giving yourself an opportunity. Lewis needs to go for it.. title is on the line!

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
Someone should tell the Black Beast he is not a mixed martial artist and he should go pick a fight

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Lewis is from Houston. We should have the next TMMAC BBQ at @Splinty ’s house. We’ll have Lewis come by. We’ll all line up with our backs against the fence and our hands at our sides and let Derrick punch us once full force in the face. Whoever is left standing gets a silver name.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Lewis has to fight with confidence. I hate fighters who lose in the way that Lewis is losing. You can be so scared to lose that you lose without trying or giving yourself an opportunity. Lewis needs to go for it.. title is on the line!
you should get in there and fight ciril gane. you got it all figured out

member 3289

Significant strikes 52-2 in favor of Gane.

At least half this forum picked Lewis to win.



Money Making Mitch
Jul 22, 2015
Lewis is going to lose. He’s fighting dumb af! Your hands are your key to victory.. why are yiu gassing yourself engaging in wrestling?