General Study: Ivermectin doesn’t do jackshit in the treatment of Covid

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First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Ivermectin, the latest supposed treatment for COVID-19 being touted by anti-vaccination groups, had "no effect whatsoever" on the disease, according to a large patient study.

That's the conclusion of the Together Trial, which has subjected several purported nonvaccine treatments for COVID-19 to carefully designed clinical testing. The trial is supervised by McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and conducted in Brazil.

One of the trial's principal investigators, Edward Mills of McMaster, presented the results from the Ivermectin arms of the study at an Aug. 6 symposium sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.

I've had enough abuse and so have the other clinical trialists doing Ivermectin. Others working in this area have been threatened, their families have been threatened, they've been defamed.
Edward Mills, COVID researcher

Among the 1,500 patients in the study, he said, Ivermectin showed "no effect whatsoever" on the trial's outcome goals — whether patients required extended observation in the emergency room or hospitalization.

"In our specific trial," he said, "we do not see the treatment benefit that a lot of the advocates believe should have been" seen.

The study's results on Ivermectin haven't been formally published or peer-reviewed. Earlier peer-reviewed results from the Together Trial related to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which had been touted as a miracle treatment for COVID by then-President Trump, were published in April; they showed no significant therapeutic effect on the virus.

The findings on Ivermectin are yet another blow for advocates promoting the drug as a magic bullet against COVID-19. Ivermectin was developed as a treatment for parasitical diseases, mostly for veterinarians, though it's also used against some human parasites.

Its repurposing as a COVID treatment began with a 2020 paper by Australian researchers who determined that at extremely high concentrations it showed some efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID, in the lab. But their research involved concentrations of the drug far beyond what could be achieved, much less tolerated, in the human body.

Study of Ivermectin's effect

Study of Ivermectin's effect on COVID-19 came up short. (Together Trial)
The Ivermectin camp, as I reported earlier, is heavily peopled by anti-vaccination advocates and conspiracy mongers. They maintain that the truth about the drug has been suppressed by agents of the pharmaceutical industry, which ostensibly prefers to collect the more generous profits that will flow from COVID vaccines.

The problem, however, is that the scientific trials cited by Ivermectin advocates have been too small or poorly documented to prove their case. One large trial from Egypt that showed the most significant therapeutic effect was withdrawn from its publishers due to accusations of plagiarism and bogus data.

Nevertheless, the advocates have continued to press their case — without necessarily observing accepted standards of scientific discourse. During the symposium, Mills complained that serious researchers looking into claims for COVID treatments have faced unprecedented abuse from advocates.

"I've had enough abuse and so have the other clinical trialists doing Ivermectin," he said. "Others working in this area have been threatened, their families have been threatened, they've been defamed," he said.

"I can think of no circumstances in the past where this kind of abuse has occurred to clinical trialists," he added. "We need to figure out a system where we have each others' backs on these issues, because the abuse that certain individuals have received is shocking." He referred to "accusations" and "swearing," though he gave no specific examples.

Mills said that his team's Ivermectin trial was altered after advocacy groups complained that it was too modest to achieve the results they expected. The trial originally tested the results from a single Ivermectin dose in January this year, but was later changed to involve one daily dose for three days of 400 micrograms of the drug for every kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of the patients' weight, up to 90 kilograms.

Half the subjects received a placebo tablet. No clinical results were detected at either dosage, Mills said.

Asked whether he expected further criticism from Ivermectin advocates, he said it was all but inevitable. "The advocacy groups have set themselves up to be able to critique any clinical trial. They've already determined that any valid, well-designed critical trial was set up to fail."

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
It seems like 86 is less than 95. I figured a 10% improvement in outcomes would be pretty well received.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Ivermectin, the latest supposed treatment for COVID-19 being touted by anti-vaccination groups, had "no effect whatsoever" on the disease, according to a large patient study.

That's the conclusion of the Together Trial, which has subjected several purported nonvaccine treatments for COVID-19 to carefully designed clinical testing. The trial is supervised by McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and conducted in Brazil.

One of the trial's principal investigators, Edward Mills of McMaster, presented the results from the Ivermectin arms of the study at an Aug. 6 symposium sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.

Edward Mills, COVID researcher

Among the 1,500 patients in the study, he said, Ivermectin showed "no effect whatsoever" on the trial's outcome goals — whether patients required extended observation in the emergency room or hospitalization.

"In our specific trial," he said, "we do not see the treatment benefit that a lot of the advocates believe should have been" seen.

The study's results on Ivermectin haven't been formally published or peer-reviewed. Earlier peer-reviewed results from the Together Trial related to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which had been touted as a miracle treatment for COVID by then-President Trump, were published in April; they showed no significant therapeutic effect on the virus.

The findings on Ivermectin are yet another blow for advocates promoting the drug as a magic bullet against COVID-19. Ivermectin was developed as a treatment for parasitical diseases, mostly for veterinarians, though it's also used against some human parasites.

Its repurposing as a COVID treatment began with a 2020 paper by Australian researchers who determined that at extremely high concentrations it showed some efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID, in the lab. But their research involved concentrations of the drug far beyond what could be achieved, much less tolerated, in the human body.

Study of Ivermectin's effect

Study of Ivermectin's effect on COVID-19 came up short. (Together Trial)
The Ivermectin camp, as I reported earlier, is heavily peopled by anti-vaccination advocates and conspiracy mongers. They maintain that the truth about the drug has been suppressed by agents of the pharmaceutical industry, which ostensibly prefers to collect the more generous profits that will flow from COVID vaccines.

The problem, however, is that the scientific trials cited by Ivermectin advocates have been too small or poorly documented to prove their case. One large trial from Egypt that showed the most significant therapeutic effect was withdrawn from its publishers due to accusations of plagiarism and bogus data.

Nevertheless, the advocates have continued to press their case — without necessarily observing accepted standards of scientific discourse. During the symposium, Mills complained that serious researchers looking into claims for COVID treatments have faced unprecedented abuse from advocates.

"I've had enough abuse and so have the other clinical trialists doing Ivermectin," he said. "Others working in this area have been threatened, their families have been threatened, they've been defamed," he said.

"I can think of no circumstances in the past where this kind of abuse has occurred to clinical trialists," he added. "We need to figure out a system where we have each others' backs on these issues, because the abuse that certain individuals have received is shocking." He referred to "accusations" and "swearing," though he gave no specific examples.

Mills said that his team's Ivermectin trial was altered after advocacy groups complained that it was too modest to achieve the results they expected. The trial originally tested the results from a single Ivermectin dose in January this year, but was later changed to involve one daily dose for three days of 400 micrograms of the drug for every kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of the patients' weight, up to 90 kilograms.

Half the subjects received a placebo tablet. No clinical results were detected at either dosage, Mills said.

Asked whether he expected further criticism from Ivermectin advocates, he said it was all but inevitable. "The advocacy groups have set themselves up to be able to critique any clinical trial. They've already determined that any valid, well-designed critical trial was set up to fail."

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
The issue with ivermectin to date is that the studies used in places like FLCCC were nearly all admitted to be flawed. But in a pandemic, it was thought that such a compendium of studies at least deserved a look. The FLCCC interpreted these studies as weak for various reasons of hetergenous design, not peer reviewed etc. Still, under a metanalysis they looked promising as an aggregate.

And I agree. That's the right approach up front. But there is a lot of problems with their methodology due to lack of inclusion criteria for instance.

And then stuff like this happened:

But even then, I would say a bench top drug that kills coronavirus should still be studied in vivo.
Unfortunately to date these have been difficult studies to reproduce.
Many show it does nothing.
Terminal end points of hospitalization and death have not been proven to be improved in high quality RCTs.

In this study ivermectin patients got ventilated more often than those that didn't take it.

So maybe an outpatient treatment? That's what I was most hopeful for:

If there is a benefit, its so small to be not statistically significant.

Could be population or dosing. More studies are coming as they should.

But what it isn't is the miracle drug its being bandied about as being. It's basically become a flagship for populist anticorporate sentiment instead of objective data on the drug.

If I am in the ICU already on a vent? Give me ivermectin. If I'm in a country that doesn't have vaccine access for everyone, ivermectin.
Whatever benefit of ivermectin, it pales in comparison to simply getting vaccinated.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I wish I could say "I can't believe this is even being entertained" after hundreds of millions of humans & 50 countries have adopted its use effectively.
Here we are.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I wish I could say "I can't believe this is even being entertained" after hundreds of millions of humans & 50 countries have adopted its use effectively.
Here we are.
I don't have a strong opinion on ivermectin, I'd be lying if I said I'd paid close attention, but it really has been something to watch this patchwork approach to occur internationally. What's standard in one question is hogwash in another.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
If I am in the ICU already on a vent? Give me ivermectin. If I'm in a country that doesn't have vaccine access for everyone, ivermectin.
Whatever benefit of ivermectin, it pales in comparison to simply getting vaccinated

Ivermectin on a vent is counterproductive.
Vents are counterproductive.
75% of vent patients are dead.
This is over a year old.
They tax the body friendo, while doing nothing to bind o2-carrying iron to hemoglobin for transport to cells.
Ivermectin is an early stage antiviral, about 40% effective compared to 99% at the "ventilator stage" of treatment.
Do we need an Ivermectin thread?

Hey, let's try to solve JFK too, another young budding conspiracy.

This vax experiment has been and will continue to be an epic catastrophe.

How do you reconcile the Swine flu vax being stopped after 25 deaths, but this continuing after 10's of thousands?
Or do you not believe that?


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
I wish I could say "I can't believe this is even being entertained" after hundreds of millions of humans & 50 countries have adopted its use effectively.
Here we are.

Why is it so hard to duplicate in high quality trials?


how bout dat
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I got the jab and now my radio comes in super crisp, coincidence?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Why is it so hard to duplicate in high quality trials?
A while back I read a study a while ago where they basically concluded that people who do trials tend to find the results they're looking for. Similarly those who are looking to duplicate (disprove) usually find the results they're looking for. If memory serves like less than half of trials ever get replicated. It's basically a circle of cognitive bias. Of course the person/people who did the study could have just been finding the answer they were looking for. What the fuck do I know?