That already exists.
As soon as I don't get a flu vaccination or even proof of a negative tb test (regardless of potential exposure) I can no longer do my job.
This isn't the flu vaccination we are talking about.
The flu vaccination isn't required to gain access to shops, restaurants, venues etc... in NYC and a growing number of other Areas.
This is an agenda that leads to a health passport for everyday access to things you used to do freely...This is about control.
I understand the healthcare has had some of these requirements in place for quite sometime...I am just saying this is a completely different ballgame.
Not to mention this vaccine produces far worse reactions than the Flu vaccine, some people still haven't recovered and some have is far more dangerous than the flu vaccine and the data proves it.
It has
no long term safety data and it is being forced upon people to keep their jobs...If you are OK with that fine, many are not...The unvaccinated should not be blamed for you being forced to get a 3rd or 10th shot of an
untested vaccine that is only protecting you and not preventing spread.
I think it sucks that you may have to get more shots and face more side effects, I just think your blame is misplaced.