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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
49,082 more about how the less you are trained in anything, the more you know than the experts! You're life is on the line after all. Plumbing, microwaves, etc. Are all deadly. Nobody knows more!
You're misrepresenting.
I am posting virologists, you're shooting them down just like their employers. It's like yelling at a dude for being on disability after a saw cuts his arm off otj.
And 50% of your agreeance comes from the admin by your name, the other 50% comes from emotion.
You're not a trained virologist, pathologist or epidemiologist, you're a frontline soldier in the midst of trauma.
Your experience is overwhelming data & hands -on triage in that environment.
You thought this was nothing from the beginning "this is the stupidest thread ever, I will not pin it", you haven't showed the adaptability to change your opinion with new information.
You haven't even had the time to dedicate or levity to disseminate.
You say I post shit, then tell everyone to "get vaccinated".
It is the worst advice possible.
And the world's top virologists agree.
Those testimonies permeate this thread.
Because the information is vast and deserves categories, I attempted to divide it into separate threads.
You merged them for a laugh.
That was a mistake you can still undo.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
And 50% of your agreeance comes from the admin by your name, the other 50% comes from emotion.
Moral high ground about ad hominem again, huh?

We are just emotional idiots and you're a beacon of aemotional logic.

You thought this was nothing from the beginning "this is the stupidest thread ever, I will not pin it", you haven't showed the adaptability to change your opinion with new information.

Totally wrong. I refused to pin this because of the misinformation and concern for promoting lies that get people killed.

You merged them for a laugh.
That was a mistake you can still undo.

No, it was because everyone hated you spamming the forum with a single thread for a single drug.

And no I can't. Once merged they can't be unmerged.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
But I also think it's bullshit to attack everyone as being ad hominem arguments and close minded when you've called us idiots, said I was the most dangerous person on the forum, and regularly make random unsupported claims about laymen being so much smarter than trained experts in a field.
That'd be fair, if it was true.
You are the most dangerous as far as this plandemic. NO ONE should be taking an injection, it's unwarranted tyranny at best.
I was specific in who I called idiots, they are blocked, so you're not there.
Because I love you son, despite your constant disobedience:)

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
for what its worth, i still havent gotten the shot. i want to tho

im just vewy scayerd of wittle needles. so i find every excuse possible to get the shot "tomorrow"


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I refused to pin this because of the misinformation and concern for promoting lies that get people killed.
You refused to pin it because you thought it was nothing.
That's what you said.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
I was specific in who I called idiots, they are blocked, so you're not there
I think @ Splinty @Splinty , and everyone else who believes in this horseshit are just naive and intellectually lazy, @ Splinty @Splinty included.

I think @ Splinty @Splinty is the most dangerous person on the entire forum regarding "COVID-19", because he encourages "vaccines" for halfbof everyone, despite knowing nothing of their history, or the world picture.

That aside I think @ Splinty @Splinty is probably a fun guy to kick it with and good intentioned.

To be clear, I don't have just 1 personal story with "vaccines", my baby niece is dead too, which is ironic as 3rd world countries have no more epidemics of "crib death" from laying whatever way they prefer than they do "border syndrome" from crossing invisible lines of another country.

I think just under half the OT posters still remaining here are dumb as bricks and angry about it, because the innate desire to hate someone else other than their government is easier, even though I'm quite sure I could beat their state representatives ass(they're not quite as approachable).

Annndddd, I think many posters are incredibly forgetful and dismissive of daily weekly, monthly, yearly & historical events.

A bad thing occurs & they forget it.

30 other things along the same agenda occur by the same pricks over 10 years and its brushed off as "pricks gonna prick", yet they'll get infinitely angrier at their fellow man for not wearing a mask that doesn't work for a disease that hasn't been isolated, hasn't been proven to even exist on its own, and mysteriously occurs on cruise ships, airplanes, cities, and naval vessels with 60ghz phased mm array rolled out.

I guess it's easier to believe it only exists on riot control in Baltimore.

The lack of knowledge regarding current & everlasting CIA operations/propaganda on the populace is concerning, as is the significance of suicides by double taps to the back of the head, suicides, bombings, poisons, heart attacks in healthy proponents, hangings with strangulation marks, and factory explosions.

And "RV explosions" for that matter. LOL.

Truly I wish people weren't as dumb as the elite think they are, but if they can convince those dummies to advocate killing their opponents(art of war), it becomes increasingly difficult to cast pearls.

At least I don't want 90% of the population dead.

When I was younger I thought like many of you, IE yeah yeah yeah, get a job man, go DO something.

Well the retard is so strong, we've gotten to the point where it's getting harder to do either, and will soon be impossible, as perfectly normal logical healthy people are targeted for prison because of the audacity to think critically.

There is no asymptomatic spread you fucking idiots.

The only thing specific is that I'm dangerous and intellectually lazy.

If you think there's asymptomatic spreqd you're a fucking idiot.

If you're 50% of the forum you are a dumbass.

Very specific?


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
for what its worth, i still havent gotten the shot. i want to tho

im just vewy scayerd of wittle needles. so i find every excuse possible to get the shot "tomorrow"
I have said for months, "September".
See what happens.
With every fiber in my being, I implore you to wait.
This isn't fishy, it's criminal, and illegal, and immoral.
It is not a vaccine.
Watch the testimonies on bitchute. Brighteon, odyssey, Rumble.
Search the gofundme's.
See for yourself.
Research the history of vaxcourts, VAERS, Eudraviligince.
Use your common sense, there isn't & never will be a successful coronavirus vaccine.
Take supplements for the winter & see how it plays out.
Order this
Order Quercetin, vitd & c, zinc etc.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The only thing specific is that I'm dangerous and intellectually lazy.

If you think there's asymptomatic spreqd you're a fucking idiot.

If you're 50% of the forum you are a dumbass.

Very specific?
All true pertaining to this.
Stop arguing with me and listen to what the specialists have to say.
Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Yeadon, McCullough & so on.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Pierre Kory

So you now recommend everyone that has access to the vaccine goes and gets it right away? That's his position.
All treatment protocols are purely there is a bridge until that can be done for everybody.

That's his position. Mine too.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Now is a better time than ever to try to practice some humility. People are dying from COVID, and people are getting fucked up by vaccines. Thankfully neither are as bad as the propagandized opinions would have you believe.

There's really no need for all the personal accusations. Try to enjoy your Saturday folks. These last few pages were a depressing read.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
No, it was because everyone hated you spamming the forum with a single thread for a single drug.
Btw, this isn't true either.
I made threads for "vaccines", "masks", "tests" etc., to divide these topics away from the clusterfuck, which needs to be done.
People are confused because they're overwhelmed, purposely, by conflicting messages.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
So you now recommend everyone that has access to the vaccine goes and gets it right away? That's his position.
All treatment protocols are purely there is a bridge until that can be done for everybody.

That's his position. Mine too.
Another non-truth.
Kory has a very narrow group to take it, & not a single one of us are in that group, except maybe "sea-level CMNH", maybe frontliners.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Another non-truth.
Kory has a very narrow group to take it, & not a single one of us are in that group, except maybe "sea-level CMNH", maybe frontliners.
He's made statements as such and also heads an organization with this opinion...

The FLCCC Alliance has always maintained that our protocols are a bridge to vaccines and a safety net for those who clannot or have not been vaccinated or are vaccinated and have concerns regarding declining protection against emerging variants. Vaccines have shown efficacy in preventing the most severe outcomes of COVID-19 and are an important part of a multi-modal strategy that must also include early treatment.

Agreed. Let's do all of the above including the highly effective vaccines.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I guess were not gonna explode this mofo are we

I want everybody's successes and failures so I can add them to a spreadsheet for further insults when I disagree with them

I need the Deets

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I have said for months, "September".
See what happens.
With every fiber in my being, I implore you to wait.
This isn't fishy, it's criminal, and illegal, and immoral.
It is not a vaccine.
Watch the testimonies on bitchute. Brighteon, odyssey, Rumble.
Search the gofundme's.
See for yourself.
Research the history of vaxcourts, VAERS, Eudraviligince.
Use your common sense, there isn't & never will be a successful coronavirus vaccine.
Take supplements for the winter & see how it plays out.
Order this
Order Quercetin, vitd & c, zinc etc.
i believe youre coming from a good place. but personally, i believe in the vaccine.

with that said, i probably wont get it simply bc im lazy and dumb

but i appreciate your concern