General Senate Judiciary Committee Report on Jan 6th

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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
So which of the following statements do you think were criminal?

"We need to go into the capital, peacefully."

Or was it... "We are going to the capital."

Or maybe... "When we go in, leave this here"


"whoever incites, sets on foot, assists,"

Lets go with ....Full Sprint Epps running to the Capital yelling "Let's Go!"

Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
For all the "what about this guy, what about that guy" stuff, if they were at the riot, they were probably dumb enough to film their crime or be caught on someone else's camera.
If they're identifiable, they'll be prosecuted.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Enock-O-Lypse Now! @Enock-O-Lypse Now! Why do you want to lock American citizens up for non violent words?
Maddam Vice President just compared this event to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor ...I mean if we are looking for these domestic terrorists who incited the near fall of our great democracy then we need to apprehend all those responsible ...right?

Look at:

Matthew Greene: Awaiting sentencing

Greene is the first self-identified member of the Proud Boys—a far-right extremist group—to plead guilty to obstructing Congress and conspiring to obstruct law enforcement during the Capitol attack.

Court documents indicate Greene, age 34 at the time of his plea, was “among the first wave” to rush up the Capitol steps after the police line was breached. He faces up to 25 years in prison, although prosecutors plan to recommend a sentence of 41 to 50 months because he agreed to cooperate with law enforcement. His hearing is scheduled for March 10.

First wave? Our boy Ray was first in line rushing in full sprint ...

You know who I want arrested?

Those that stole the election and burned down Police Stations and burned a man alive in the Minneapolis "Peaceful Blue Skies Pretty Pink Balloons George Floyd Protest".

How to steal an Election:


Even Dem DiBlasio daughter knows they "Stole the Election"


Dems have gone full Bolshevik Communists disguising themselves as Socialists looking for social change ...the media doesn't cover this..why?

Who owns the Media?

Climb the ladder and the picture becomes clear...

Once again Teh Enock brings Teh Troof!!


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Matthew Greene: Awaiting sentencing

Greene is the first self-identified member of the Proud Boys—a far-right extremist group—to plead guilty to obstructing Congress and conspiring to obstruct law enforcement during the Capitol attack.

Court documents indicate Greene, age 34 at the time of his plea, was “among the first wave” to rush up the Capitol steps after the police line was breached. He faces up to 25 years in prison, although prosecutors plan to recommend a sentence of 41 to 50 months because he agreed to cooperate with law enforcement. His hearing is scheduled for March 10.

First wave? Our boy Ray was first in line rushing in full sprint ...

You know who I want arrested?

Those that stole the election and burned down Police Stations and burned a man alive in the Minneapolis "Peaceful Blue Skies Pretty Pink Balloons George Floyd Protest".

How to steal an Election:


Even Dem DiBlasio daughter knows they "Stole the Election"


Dems have gone full Bolshevik Communists disguising themselves as Socialists looking for social change ...the media doesn't cover this..why?

Who owns the Media?

Climb the ladder and the picture becomes clear...

Once again Teh Enock brings Teh Troof!!

What’s the difference between Epps and Matthew Greene?

Epps didn’t break down police barricades and vandalize law enforcement equipment.

Breaking down police barricades is obstruction of justice silly. Epps just used his big bad words!

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
What’s the difference between Epps and Matthew Greene?

Epps didn’t break down police barricades and vandalize law enforcement equipment.

Breaking down police barricades is obstruction of justice silly. Epps just used his big bad words!
So you feel Ray Epps is 100 innocent?

So we can agree the vast majority of peaceful protesters that peacefully ran up to the Capitol like Ray are innocent and should not have been detained or demonized in the media as long as they did not break down police barricades, vandalize law enforcement equipment.

Now that I think about it, this doesn't sound anything like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor..

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
So you feel Ray Epps is 100 innocent?
I’m not certain about that but I am certain the videos you keep posting don’t show him committing any crimes.

So we can agree the vast majority of peaceful protesters that peacefully ran up to the Capitol like Ray are innocent and should not have been detained or demonized in the media as long as they did not break down police barricades, vandalize law enforcement equipment.
Some also assaulted police officers, trespassed, broke and entered, resisted arrest and stole stuff.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
I’m not certain about that but I am certain the videos you keep posting don’t show him committing any crimes.

Some also assaulted police officers, trespassed, broke and entered, resisted arrest and stole stuff.
So again we agree those who may have assaulted anyone else, trespassed, broke and entered, resisted or stole stuff should be disciplined for their actions.

And thus we both agree that the majority of those in attendance were peaceful non violent protesters and should not be demonized by the Media and politicians trying to profit off this day.

Good to see us on the same page Freeloading Rusty @Dirt McGirt I knew you'd come around to supporting:


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
So again we agree those who may have assaulted anyone else, trespassed, broke and entered, resisted or stole stuff should be disciplined for their actions.

And thus we both agree that the majority of those in attendance were peaceful non violent protesters and should not be demonized by the Media and politicians trying to profit off this day.

Good to see us on the same page Freeloading Rusty @Dirt McGirt I knew you'd come around to supporting:

But Ray Epps didn’t do any of those things.

Why you wanna lock him up for his words?

Why are you advocating to lock up peaceful nonviolent protesters?
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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
But Ray Epps didn’t do any of those things.

Why you wanna lock him up for his words?

Why are you advocating to lock up peaceful nonviolent protesters?
According to the Dems this was an Insurrection ...If it was in fact an insurrection was Ray guilty of any of these?

"whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof,”


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
According to the Dems this was an Insurrection ...If it was in fact an insurrection was Ray guilty of any of these?

"whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof,”

Did he enter the building?

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
I don’t see anything illegal happening there.
Good...good...then we agree Ray Epps should be free and there was no insurrection on January 6th and it was an orchestrated event by the Dems to try and demonize the right while taking attention away from the theft of the 2020 Elections.


Case Closed!

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Good...good...then we agree Ray Epps should be free and there was no insurrection on January 6th and it was an orchestrated event by the Dems to try and demonize the right while taking attention away from the theft of the 2020 Elections.

View attachment 57046

Case Closed!
Wrong but we do agree the 400 charged for assaulting police, break and entering, trespassing were rightfully arrested for their attempt to disrupt the democratic process.
