just got a kitty TME

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regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
I called my girl to find out where I was supposed to pick her up from college class and she was sobbing saying something about a cat. it was obvious.

now I'm sitting with this tiny thing in my lap. we bought the basic stuff but it didn't eat. tips??


Deleted member 1

You can milk anything with nipples.

What are you trying to feed it?
It look like it could be a month old more or less. Is it walking around and interacting?Will it bottle feed?
Could be hungry, dehyrdated, or cold.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I called my girl to find out where I was supposed to pick her up from college class and she was sobbing saying something about a cat. it was obvious.

now I'm sitting with this tiny thing in my lap. we bought the basic stuff but it didn't eat. tips??

Is it drinking on it's own? Give it some 1 third milk two thirds water if it is.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
the pet shop lady guessed exactly as you. around 30 days old.

it is walking around clumsy then accomodated in my lap and took a good nap. is it a good sign?

we tried to feed it regular cat food recommended at the pet shop.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
I only have 3% fat milk...

it is always walking towards the corners now that I had to wake him up.

Deleted member 1

any kind of milk? it should be skimmed milk right?
Err on the side of caution for a couple days. Assume its too early for cat food.
Mix some milk and water as above. I don't know the mixture because we always just gave kittens skim milk. They'll be fine but might get the shits from it if given too long.

But they make kitten milk replacement. I'd get that.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
it is one of these three that were left at a pet shop. both of his bros had been picked up already.


regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
tried to give it the milk but it wanted nothing to do with it. we might've squeezed a few drops down its throat.

it is now sleeping like an angel and will be left alone.

member 3289

Get wet (canned) kitten food from the pet shop and heat it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.

If the kitten has a respiratory infection and his nasal passages are blocked, he may not be able to smell the food, which means you might have to dab a bit onto your finger and (gently) rub it onto the roof of his mouth.

If he's hungry, he should eat it after that.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
thank you all. it spent over two hours apparently sleeping without having moved an inch.

it still doesn't want milk we shoved a few dips down its throat. it is at his moment walking around crying a bit but acting more like a cat now.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
  1. Snap the leaves off the artichokes until only the tender inner leaves remain. Snap off the stem. Trim the remaining green bits from the bottom of the artichoke, and cut off the inner leaves in a bunch at the point where they are very tender. Pare the tough green outer layer off the remaining stem, pairing the stem into a point. Now cut the artichoke bottom into quarters and remove the choke with a sharp knife from each quarter. Rinse to remove any traces of foin ("hay") and drop them into a bowl of water acidulated with the juice of half a lemon.
  2. Heat 2 T olive oil in a large heavy casserole or Dutch oven. Dredge the cat pieces in seasoned flour, shaking off excess. Brown over medium heat, turning regularly, until golden on all sides. Remove cat pieces to a plate and dump any oil remaining in the pan. Add 1 T of the remaining oil and the bacon dice. (Omit bacon if you only have access to the thin-sliced vacuum packed supermarket variety.) Sauté until cooked but not "crisp". Add the remaining T of oil and the onion and carrot. Saute for 5 minutes, then add the artichoke quarters and the garlic, stir one minute, and add the tomatoes and the white wine. Turn up the heat and reduce until syrupy, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes. Lay the bouquet garni on top of the vegetables. Arrange the cat pieces on top, together with any juice accumulated in the plate.
  3. Pour in enough broth to come halfway up the sides of the cat pieces. Cover and bring to a simmer. Continue to simmer over very low heat about 1 hour or cook in the oven at 350 degrees for the same amount of time. The cat should be just tender and part readily from the bone. Don't overcook or it will become dry. Check the liquid level frequently and add more broth if necessary. Turn the cat pieces once.
  4. When done, remove the cat pieces to a warm platter and arrange the vegetables, removed with a slotted spoon, around them. Cover and keep warm. Strain the remaining pan juices into a smaller saucepan and reduce over high heat, skimming frequently, until reduced by 1/3. Pour over the platter and serve immediately. Sprinkle with finely chopped flat-leaf parsley if you like.