Crazy how sun activity can trigger such things, not that this is one of those at this time
Makes sense but you don't really grow up learning or thinking about such things
Fallout if that puppy releases would be massive, U don't wanna be downwind
First image looks like smoke to me, unless the clouds/fog in the bowl are just sucking right up that spot(possible)
Second footage looks like clouds, I watch that on Shasta all the time...haven't watched Ranier at all so I don't know what looks "normal", shasta produces some bizarre cloud events
I'm barely started on the video
Yeah that first one is definitely smoke, timely "coincidence" that the USGS is hooking up sensors...on the low..
The GSM iz-real.
You know what's up & it ain' "manmade", unless we're talking about haarp & the like.
23,24 & 25 will be BIBLICAL.
1500,3000,6000 & 12,000 year cycles converge.
The sunspot on the other side blew out MASSIVE, did you check that out?
And we're gonna see that earth-facing in 9 days...gotta emp-proof the house panel.
If Rainier goes at any point, the entire Columbia river basin bread basket will be fucked, & that's where the nordic countries get their seeds; potatoes, carrots, most root veggie staples.
It'd be catastrophic for not just the PNW, but for the world.
Iirc Gates bought around 14k acres there.
Much of the fertility comes from prior cascadia eruptions, Rainier's last 500 plus years ago.
But the entire geology includes BC's prior activity to the north.
West of the cascades would starve, those that don't will literally be eating bugs, dandelions & broadleaf plantains.
Hopefully this doesn't happen, but TPTB are banking on it, thus the DUMBS & coast to coast underground freeways.
A trucker disclosed driving underground across the entire US with his only above ground transfer in Dallas.