It is another thing to come to the door waiving around a gun like a lunatic. She probably had some idea why unknown people might knock on her door given the home was in foreclosure. If that is what she suspected, she could have just not answered the door. Had she shot one of them, that would be murder. You don't get to shoot someone for trespassing. They need to pose a threat of death or great bodily injury whether you are at home or anywhere else. She initiated that rather than the people serving the papers.
If I was on someone's property for a legitimate purpose and they answered the door waiving around a gun, I'd pull mine too. If they raised that gun toward me, I'd shoot them. I don't care who they are or what their background is. I care about protecting my life.
Fucking WAT??!!!
She's not even alive to defend herself.
How can one POSSIBLY assume she was "waving around her gun like a lunatic"?
OK, she answersd the door with a shotgun.
So what?
That's her property & her right, regardless of foreclosure status.
The fact is, when you come on someine else's property, you're risking your life every time.
Of course it's low probability & unlikely in civilized society, but are you really not seeing this picture being painted?
She can point that fucker right at them on her property, particularly if she feels threatened by them carrying & is worried for her life, which in this OBVIOUS climate, in that city, that state, someone who's been obviously targeted 6 ways to Sunday, is completely reasonable.
What is insane to me, is without body cameras, which I can assure you was low-probability, someone would say "I'd shoot her too".
That is fuckung murder, straight up
If her intent was to shoot the armed men, then the trigger would have been pulled.
Clearly the situation shouldn't have happened, but friend, I'd be scared of anyone who thinks it's reasonable to shoot someone on their own property because they answer the door with a shotgun.
The "no-trespassing" rule is embedded in the psyche of Americans whether current law or not since 200 years before Elmer Fudd.
I can't even shoot someone in Washington State if they're attempting to kick my door in, through the window. I'd have to drag them IN the house after I shot them then lie to avoid a murder charge.
How the fuck can we assume a UW graduate nurse was a crazed lunatic ready to murder?
This sounds like Bill Cooper all over again.
Or Ruby Ridge, or you name it.
And the CIA mockingbird media isn't helping the case with their dehumanizing rhetoric.
We are on dangerous fucking ground here.
This is insane.
For god's sake I do hope there's camera footage.