For reference, I don't think the BCS was better. I'd just rather see Oregon play Georgia for the championship than this convulted nonsense they've given us.I said I assumed they will. I do think it's inevitable. It's like you're completely missing our past conversations where we both agreed 16 was the way to go. So once again I agree on that point. And yes with 16 teams you will in essence get wild cards. Now are they wild cards you can live with? Maybe so but understand it would make the ducks trip this season much tougher at least imo. My whole point to responding at all (and you can go back and read it) is the BCS bs that comes up every year. It's phrased like "see they had it right a long time ago". No they didn't. It was a shit system then and it's a shit system now. I'll take this playoff over that and the 4 team any day. I do think they should expand it to 16 though as we've discussed.