From my understanding this is a symptom of the school treating the HC like dirt. He was in a lame duck contract year and won the conference. They did nothing to attempt to retain him when offered the new job. Players sided with their HC.
This is a symptom of the transfer process having no framework whatsoever. Countless coaches have left programs before bowl games, and schools weren’t forced to withdraw from the bowls as a result. If players want to bitch and moan when a coach leaves, that’s fine, but put process barriers in place that allow players the freedom to exit while also providing at least a modicum of protection for the schools.
It’s a progression of other issues we’ve already seen due to the fact college football rosters are now held together with floss. When Deboer left UW, the roster consequences were catastrophic. They went from the Natty to not being able to fill out a roster in a matter of weeks. Such flimsy processes are absurd, and no serious business (which cfb undoubtedly is) would tolerate such wild instability.
This is not a sustainable model. You can’t have entire programs being put at risk because of decisions made on a whim. Schools and their supportive entities pour all kinds of resources into making these programs grow, and there are currently no supportive guidelines in place protecting the general landscape.
The reality is the powers at be in college football couldn’t care less about the well-being of the game as a whole. It’s club of greedy fucks with no goal or vision other than stuffing their pockets. They think if roster vulnerability is only a risk for standard programs, and not the the bluest of blue-bloods, “fuck em,” they don’t fatten our wallets anyway.