In about 86years there were 3446 blacks lynched, or 40 a year avg. 1297 whites over that same time, but no one cares about that. For the sake of argument, lets also assume everyone was innocent.
Blacks kill about 400-500 whites a year. So give or take 8yrs, we equal the lynching era that the nation is brow beat with regularly. I.e "XYZ event was a modern day lynching"
Even though the usual suspects do everything in their power to bury, mislead, and lie, it's obvious that black and white crime varries primarily in a few major ways, one being intraracial vs interracial. Largely speaking white crime is agaisnt whites. While a lot of whites are killed by blacks, even more are robbed, raped, and assaulted. Blacks choose white targets for these acts at a rate of 60%+. And given the sheer amount of these crimes committed, that is a shit ton of white victims.
Even with all of these facts, the media won't miss the chance to lead with the next black guy without a fob trying to enter an apartment and a Karen complaining about it.