I was on my way home from work and this fuckass rearended me and then didn't want to pull over. There was no way he was getting away due to traffic and even if he broke out of traffic somehow he had no way of outrunning me due to me being in a douchemobile and him being in a truck. I think he did that math in his head before deciding to pull over. He gets out, acts like he didn't hit me, then walks around to the back of my car and said, "look, no damage" when there clearly was damage. I didn't want to go back and forth with him, so I just said look you rearended me, pointed to the damage, and then asked for his insurance. At that point he pulls out his driver's license and I tell him again to get his insurance. He reluctantly said he had no insurance. I took pics of his driver's license, truck (which had his business information on the side of it), and then got his phone number (which I verified by calling him while we were standing roadside). He said he would make things right, but the back window of his truck had trashbags over it, so it's obvious he has no money to even fix his blown out window. This is just completely fucked. I'm pretty butthurt right now. Even though I'm not at fault this goes down as a point against my driving record for insurance purposes. Crime isn't crime anymore, so this guy is just going to skate scott free.