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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Fuck, have you guys seem pools? Loks like the libtards are basically tied with the Conservatives now. 4 more years of liberal minority? Con minority?
a con minority wont last . libs, ndp and greens will coalition them and force a non confidence vote


Active Member
Nov 17, 2023
it is interim . there has to be an election in the fall..... unless fuckery happens and they declare a state of emergency over the tariffs
Sounds like the expectation is an election call immediately which would probably be in the Liberals best interest


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Sounds like the expectation is an election call immediately which would probably be in the Liberals best interest
if they call one in the fall it allows them to spend the next 6 months campaigning on the govt dime . they will spend money and make promises and sell mark carney as the next coming of jesus and then rug pull us after the federal election. dont underestimate the ability of the CPC to shoot themselves in the foot


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Why is this lady in charge of anything? Who elects these people?
She's the leader of the Green Party in Canada. A fringe party with I think two seats in parliament.

Here in BC the provincial Greens also have two seats. I am lucky enough to live in one of their ridings (lol) thanks mostly I think to the electoral boundary gerrymandering that Beard spoke of earlier. They reduced the portion of West Vancouver in the riding so that the hippies of Whistler, Bowen Island and Squamish would gain a majority. That's an old trick in Canadian politics going back as far as I can remember.

The best thing I can say about the Canadian Green Party is that it's still a radical environmentalist party true to it's roots, unlike some of it's European counterparts.
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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Why is this lady in charge of anything? Who elects these people?
she is not in charge of anything. drunk ass lizzy is the green party MP . they have 2 seats out of 338 . they are very fringe but the media loves her. she stepped down as leader a few years back to let an angry black lezbo communist take the reigns but that failed . they elected a filipino tranny for a bit but she quit over oct 7 as the green party of canada is a huge supporter of palestine for some reason. nothing says the environment like supporting marxism . now drunken aunt lizzy is back at the helm .i swear she does it just so she can write off alcohol on her expense account


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
PP dropped the ball so bad. a month ago they had a 30 point lead in the polls. his entire platform was trudeau is bad. now he is gone and PP is left holding his dick. he pandered so hard to the brownoids and it has got him nowhere. the second trudeau was gone his 30 point lead evaporated. the Liberal Party is far superior in playing the game of politics compared to the CPC that is consistently a day late and a dollar short. while PP is going on about the price of milk and carbon tax his actual base has been calling for mass deportations. he has been silent lately on the gun bans and every time you see him he is wearing a rag on his head and now speaking some sort of klingon dialect . the CPC is outstanding at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory