Can we stop bringing in Muslim refugees yet?

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All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Just because one group hurts more people doesn't mean we should bring in another group of people because they don't hurt as many.
It's the land of the free, man, you're all immigrants. Middle eastern people are statistically less criminal than most other immigrant populations, only falling behind east asians, they are generally a societal plus who add value educate their kids etc. They're not coming for your country, they're coming because theirs is gone.


Posting Machine
Mar 30, 2015
I'm going to Malayasia soon, mostly Muslim...I'm not worried. Would you guys be freaking out? Why?
I was a white boy raised in rural Ontario and surrounded by prejudice against basically anyone who isn't a white redneck. Started my own business, moved to the city and have worked with and alongside hundreds, possibly thousands, of people who are Muslim. By far the large majority have been super cool, nice and a pleasure to deal with while there have been maybe a handful who came across as assholes or people I wouldn't want to associate with. No more than any other race, culture or religion.

Most 'Muslims' are just people trying to get by and live a happy life like everyone else and there are as many radical people from other cultures/religions as there are radical Muslims. Ignorance breeds fear and all the people who are scared, angry, or judgmental in any way against all 'Muslims' are just celebrating their own ignorance as well as providing more and more reason for a person who is Muslim to become a 'radical'... in my opinion.

I would rather hang out with any and all of the cool people who happen to be Muslim I've met than spend 5 minutes with any of the racist, white, close-minded, Christian/Catholic douchebags who I grew up around.

I've also been slowly reading through Bible, mostly for the humour that comes from it, and anyone who thinks a religion founded on the Bible isn't bat-shit crazy and based on violence/ignorance is living in complete denial.
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I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Who kills/hurts etc more Americans per capitia? White Christians or Muslim immigrants? It's white Christians. They are also responsible for the vast majority of terrorist type attacks on US soil.
To be clear you are conflating two different things.
There is a difference between "criminals who commit crimes who happen to be <insert religion here>" and "Criminals who commit crimes on behalf of their faith". I think you're talking about the former while most people are talking about the latter. They're inherently different statements meaning different things.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
To be clear you are conflating two different things.
There is a difference between "criminals who commit crimes who happen to be <insert religion here>" and I think you're talking about the former while most people are talking about the latter. They're inherently different statements meaning different things.
I used the word criminal in reference to any infraction on the law regardless of intent. You are far more likely to be shot outside an abortion clinic by some mook for Jesus than you are to be blown up by a jihadi at McD's, these are facts.


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
For what its worth, I work with a guy that was born in Lebanon and lived there for much of his childhood. Lived there during their civil war and a few other conflicts. He is a Christian and now lives in Texas. And he disagrees that American Christians are more of a threat than Muslims (he also has his masters in history, specializing in the crusades, which, as you know is a major part of Arab history). So, just an opinion from someone who lived over there in the violence for a bit and kind of studies the history of the area.

member 3289

I used the word criminal in reference to any infraction on the law regardless of intent. You are far more likely to be shot outside an abortion clinic by some mook for Jesus than you are to be blown up by a jihadi at McD's, these are facts.
Yeah I'm gonna need to see some stats that back that up.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
For what its worth, I work with a guy that was born in Lebanon and lived there for much of his childhood. Lived there during their civil war and a few other conflicts. He is a Christian and now lives in Texas. And he disagrees that American Christians are more of a threat than Muslims (he also has his masters in history, specializing in the crusades, which, as you know is a major part of Arab history). So, just an opinion from someone who lived over there in the violence for a bit and kind of studies the history of the area.
All of the Pakistani's I worked with were wonderful people who would regularly insist I came home to dinner with their families, people who put on Christmas for they're kids even though it had nothing to do with them. Who's number 1 priority is getting all of they're kids college educated.

That story is as irrelevant as any though, all the stats say white american's are more dangerous than Muslim ones.
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member 3289

When was the U.S last suicide bomb? Never had one, meanwhile most years people die in Christian attacks on abortion clinics.
So it has to be a suicide attack now?

The 9/11 attacks killed over 3,000 people.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
So it has to be a suicide attack now?

The 9/11 attacks killed over 3,000 people.
I thought that was implied by the "blown up in McD's" but even taking that on board, it's one anomalous event, given the frequency of other events you are more likely to get caught up in one of those.

member 3289

I thought that was implied by the "blown up in McD's" but even taking that on board, it's one anomalous event, given the frequency of other events you are more likely to get caught up in one of those.
Your bro science isn't holding up, m8.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Being Muslim doesn't make someone a criminal. Being a criminal makes them a criminal.

Also, how would you prove someone's religion?

Immigration officer: Are you a Muslim?
Muslim: Er, no. No I am not.
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Nov 3, 2015
Being Muslim doesn't make some a criminal. Being a criminal makes them a criminal.

Also, how would you prove someone's religion?

Immigration officer: Are you a Muslim?
Muslim: Er, no. No I am not.
The funny thing is that this is actually not that dissimilar to the "guns don't do crime, criminals do crime"-sentiment. Just that some people are on the complete opposite side of it on these issues.
Not you though. :)


Nov 3, 2015
I guess I can see where it qualifies as baiting but it sure isn't harassment or a personal attack.
Last time you baited me into a thread with some bullshit, which I didn't respond to either btw.
I wrote a normal post, and you and your buttbuddy lay in ambush and jumped on me with some troll shit, including personal shit, baiting some more.
This time you put up a mocking fake quote from me to bait me in.
Not personal? Seems kinda desperate too.

So I don't know what your deal is, but it sure is closer to harassment than it is to whatever else you think it is.
I suppose you would claim that all this is to be put under the umbrella of humour, but you should know yourself that you just try to create fun for yourself at the expense of others. Not something that is conductive to the community imho.

Only other thing I could guess is that you think we are buddies or something.
We could be, but not like that.

Please don't answer to this, lets not derail another thread of somebody who I do consider a buddy here in ThatOneDude @Sophia_Helwani.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I will, I think.
The problem is you are looking at numbers of death casualties alone and not taking frequency of occurrence into account, it's a big part of the equation when figuring probability. Vastly higher frequency of event creates higher likely hood of getting caught up in one. It's fairly simple.


If you have lived immersed in a mostly Muslim society raise your hand.

Ok, every one with their hands raised I might listen to. Perhaps if you studied for decades because it's a passion. If not...

Deleted member 1

would rather hang out with any and all of the cool people who happen to be Muslim I've met then spend 5 minutes with any of the racist, white, close-minded, Christian/Catholic douchebags who I grew up around.

Mfw realize middle east is just rednecks of the Muslim world.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I'm going to Malayasia soon, mostly Muslim...I'm not worried. Would you guys be freaking out? Why?
After your real pic was posted in that Q&A thread outing your true identity as a model and the fact that I have seen the movie Zoolander, I'd say the Prime Minister of Malaysia should be freaking the fuck out about your future arrival in his country.


Feb 16, 2015
I was a white boy raised in rural Ontario and surrounded by prejudice against basically anyone who isn't a white redneck. Started my own business, moved to the city and have worked with and alongside hundreds, possibly thousands, of people who are Muslim. By far the large majority have been super cool, nice and a pleasure to deal with while there have been maybe a handful who came across as assholes or people I wouldn't want to associate with. No more than any other race, culture or religion.

Most 'Muslims' are just people trying to get by and live a happy life like everyone else and there are as many radical people from other cultures/religions as there are radical Muslims. Ignorance breeds fear and all the people who are scared, angry, or judgmental in any way against all 'Muslims' are just celebrating their own ignorance as well as providing more and more reason for a person who is Muslim to become a 'radical'... in my opinion.

I would rather hang out with any and all of the cool people who happen to be Muslim I've met then spend 5 minutes with any of the racist, white, close-minded, Christian/Catholic douchebags who I grew up around.

I've also been slowly reading through Bible, mostly for the humour that comes from it, and anyone who thinks a religion founded on the Bible isn't bat-shit crazy and based on violence/ignorance is living in complete denial.
Thanks for sharing this, really good stuff. You sound like a stand-up guy and are probably pretty successful at what you do.

The hysteria surrounding Muslims has happened before with different groups at different times, along with the easily found corresponding 'examples' of their bad behavior. Pretty easy to find bad behavior of whoever you want to prove sucks especially on the Internet, what's baffling is why none of the people citing it are ever there first-hand. It's almost like the average everyday joe is doing nothing but average everyday shit. It's like you can grow up among different cultures and never have any incident happen to you, but at some point the television/Internet takes precedence over real-life interactions. These people live like they know muslim victims personally, meanwhile the only muslim they know is the harmless guy who sells falafel out of his truck.

Guess he doesn't count.

Deleted member 1

After your real pic was posted in that Q&A thread outing your true identity as a model and the fact that I have seen the movie Zoolander, I'd say the Prime Minister of Malaysia should be freaking the fuck out about your future arrival in his country.

I hear Malay women are into tall white dudes.


Nov 3, 2015
After your real pic was posted in that Q&A thread outing your true identity as a model and the fact that I have seen the movie Zoolander, I'd say the Prime Minister of Malaysia should be freaking the fuck out about your future arrival in his country.
Where was this? I missed it. :)
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