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el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015


Nov 3, 2015
Almost! But nah, Rock and all its forms in general are not really my thing, with a few exceptions. I guess I'm a bit on the softer/punk side when it comes to rock.

'Die Ärzte' is one of the most successful bands, they started out as punk in the 80s but kinda went a lot of places and have a lot of fun songs too, I like some of em:
@SPLINTY VAN ZANT You might like this, since its a bit 'Rammsteinian', long before Rammstein existed though.

They also had song with Lara Croft!: (keep in mind it was 1998, haha)

This is a fairly new song: (they had to censor it coz brutality)

Could post a lot of them, but I doubt you'd be interested further.

A fairly new band I like, 'Kraftklub':
Song that made me become interested:

Funny vid:

Good vid and song from newest album:

I thought 'Die Toten Hosen' are also well known abroad, another long-time successful band but more so in South America. Never been a big fan tho.

They also have English songs, and I like this one:

Then you got Rammstein of course and a lot of Rock that is not for me.
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