Here's what I think.
*First I am drunk, so tune out faggots...
So when I see badasses like Bronson and uhh....GPSYES, yeah, those dudes are badass.
So that's what I expect around here.
Nut around here, the closest thing we get is blacks, who just snap and suckerpunch, there is no "honor" or "code", it's just go.
But in those Islands over there, I mean, all the best bands(Led Zeppelin, Beatles whatever), all the coolest actors(Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler) and those kinds of guys are from there.
Videos I see of good fights are way better that your average Joe around here.
I am disappointed with gay america.
The fact of the matter is, if I was training everyone, I'd just refer everyone around me to the british Isles.
You guys are like Russians that speak english.
So here's to King George
But if you come for my guns, my chunky ass will shoot the fuck outta you
*First I am drunk, so tune out faggots...
So when I see badasses like Bronson and uhh....GPSYES, yeah, those dudes are badass.
So that's what I expect around here.
Nut around here, the closest thing we get is blacks, who just snap and suckerpunch, there is no "honor" or "code", it's just go.
But in those Islands over there, I mean, all the best bands(Led Zeppelin, Beatles whatever), all the coolest actors(Tom Hardy, Gerard Butler) and those kinds of guys are from there.
Videos I see of good fights are way better that your average Joe around here.
I am disappointed with gay america.
The fact of the matter is, if I was training everyone, I'd just refer everyone around me to the british Isles.
You guys are like Russians that speak english.
So here's to King George
But if you come for my guns, my chunky ass will shoot the fuck outta you