Name your favorite fighter & why (Giveaway)

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Title says it all. Name your favorite fighter and explain what it is about them that made you a fan.


  • One winner for existing members (those signed up before April 16th 2015)
  • One winner for new members (those signed up on April 16th 2015 or after)
  • Best answer wins
  • Best answer chosen by the admins
  • Contest closes in 10 days April 26th, 2015 at 11:59PM Eastern Time
I'll start

I became a fan of MMA when UFC 1 hit video stores. I was always impressed and entertained by guys like Royce, Ken, Tank, Don Frye, Bas, Gary Goodridge, etc.

But one day I saw this young Hawaiian dude burst onto the scene, with an intensity and natural ability like none I had ever seen before. Running into the cage, pacing like a lion waiting for his prey, throwing himself into the fire, and running back out of the cage. I instantly became a huge fan. I never wavered during his losses (and at times, excuses). There was just something about BJ Penn that got me invested in both his career, and further into MMA.

I'm a fanboy to this day, and proud of it. WAR PENN!
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Nicholas Diaz:
Gives no fucks
Wants nothing but bug fights and is entertaining win or lose
Isn't intimidated by promoters, speaks his mind and what he believes is right
Gives no fucks
A stoner who is not only an MMA athlete by a triathlete
Gives no fucks


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Vitor belfort

no explanation necessary really. He is God's prophet sent down from the heavens to beat the shit out of people

Deleted member 1


Watch this. Get Hyped.


This is a guy that shouldn't exist. That's all I kept thinking the first time I saw him. He showed up in MMA like some sort of action figure, complete with kung fu grip.....errr kick.
He is a huge JCVD fan, but is like the real life version of every 80's action movie I ever saw. He goes to K-1 and just can't quite beat Hoost.
He comes to MMA. He just can't quite beat Fedor.
But here's the thing...It didn't matter. He had just as much hype and excitement as anyone. Every fight was like watching those videos of a cobra and mongoose fight...maybe they are feeling each other out. But you're always waiting for that strike. But that's just the surface. In reality, he was one of the most exciting counter strikers ever with a world class takedown defense. Hands so fast, legs like Zohan.

2006 OWGP in Pride happens...finally gets his belt! Stone faced Croatian finally shows some real emotion at getting a belt. I might have really enjoyed that moment.

New MMA fans see crocop now. Still bursts of power, but not the reflexes and combos he once had. How good was cro cop? Cro Cop left Pride and it was HUGE. UFC got him for something like 350k per fight + PPV sharing. This isn't all revisionist history by a fan, the UFC saw the talent too and paid huge bucks before Pride was bought out. But without the ring corners, with Fedor showing how to circle away from the kick, and with time setting in, CC couldn't quite meet what he was doing before. So wtf happens?? He goes to the UFC management and is like "yo, can I leave to a competing Japanese organization, get some tune up fights and come back?" What the hell do they do? Tell him its all good. See you soon! and they did see him soon. This is just amazing. This is right in the middle of the UFC suing Randy Couture for breech of contract and all the arguments about exclusive fight rights.

But Cro Cop has always been an exception.

I am a Crocop fanboy.

PS If anyone has a Bushido 4 poster for sale, I'm buying. :)


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
I'm just going to post this pic you all really know who the GOAT is



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
pride wand because he was a destroyer that will never be seen again. the stare downs were intense the rolling of the wrists and then absolute violence

you knew when sandstorm started playing someone was going to get stomped the fuck out with extreme brutality



Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015

When this kid burst on the scene it was completely amazing. When he took out Din Thomas with that knee and jumped up and got his face in the camera is forever embedded in my mind. All I knew about Din at that time is that he beat Jens with a heel hook. Jens was THE man at that weight at the time. Bj made it look easy.

Vs Uno OMG the whole thing was captivating. Its like his BJs energy was reaching me through my TV live on ppv. He ran to the cage, ran. He disposed of Uno in dramatic fashion, destroying him quick. Then ran the same way back to the backstage. Uno was the incredible Shooto champ that came over for Pulver. The guy was good.

I could go on and on and make a giantic post , but most of you all know. He's always fought in top orgs vs top guys. Just fuckin scrap!

Back in the day bj would show up on fighterschat . I'd pm him and BS. Ufc guys back then were my hero's, beyond celeb status. I was honored to just shoot the shit with him. It was really him, how I confirmed is below.

One of my distant cousins told me that his first cousin(I never met) was tight with BJ. I thought no fuckin way. I got his name and asked BJ one night if he knew so and so. Bj told me that he was really good friends with him and got him on the cell. So we are all communicating dinasour style. Bj in the middle chatting with me online, my cousin on the phone. He was the meat in our sandwich. This whole MMA thing was still underground. Times were different.

One of the last things he told me was he was going to go for it. He was going to grow up and quit fucking around wit partying and weed. He said he wanted to be the best ever. I encouraged him and in my mind he already was. Later he learned how to properly train. He got big on nutrition, and doing it right.

Sorry for the rant. BJ Penn is my all-time favorite fighter forever.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

Watch this. Get Hyped.


This is a guy that shouldn't exist. That's all I kept thinking the first time I saw him. He showed up in MMA like some sort of action figure, complete with kung fu grip.....errr kick.
He is a huge JCVD fan, but is like the real life version of every 80's action movie I ever saw. He goes to K-1 and just can't quite beat Hoost.
He comes to MMA. He just can't quite beat Fedor.
But here's the thing...It didn't matter. He had just as much hype and excitement as anyone. Every fight was like watching those videos of a cobra and mongoose fight...maybe they are feeling each other out. But you're always waiting for that strike. But that's just the surface. In reality, he was one of the most exciting counter strikers ever with a world class takedown defense. Hands so fast, legs like Zohan.

2006 OWGP in Pride happens...finally gets his belt! Stone faced Croatian finally shows some real emotion at getting a belt. I might have really enjoyed that moment.

New MMA fans see crocop now. Still bursts of power, but not the reflexes and combos he once had. How good was cro cop? Cro Cop left Pride and it was HUGE. UFC got him for something like 350k per fight + PPV sharing. This isn't all revisionist history by a fan, the UFC saw the talent too and paid huge bucks before Pride was bought out. But without the ring corners, with Fedor showing how to circle away from the kick, and with time setting in, CC couldn't quite meet what he was doing before. So wtf happens?? He goes to the UFC management and is like "yo, can I leave to a competing Japanese organization, get some tune up fights and come back?" What the hell do they do? Tell him its all good. See you soon! and they did see him soon. This is just amazing. This is right in the middle of the UFC suing Randy Couture for breech of contract and all the arguments about exclusive fight rights.

But Cro Cop has always been an exception.

I am a Crocop fanboy.

PS If anyone has a Bushido 4 poster for sale, I'm buying. :)
Fucking all this and more. Yes he never held a HW title but what did have was the come one come all belt in the OWGP and that there is the baddest man walking award.

I'm also a south paw so I'd just sit there and watch, rewind and watch over and over. He picked up TDD so good and was the king of sprawl and brawl and if his straight left didn't bust your orbital you'd be winding before the right leg crushed your rib cage and what's the LHK open up? Lid to your coffin...

Stone cold killer, man of few words. No need for any horse shit shenanigans and schticks to drum up some buzz he just had to be present and people would watch.

Crocop is hands down my favorite and if @Splinty makes an offer on any memorabilia please check with me before parting with it ;)



The fighter that i have grown to admire the most over the years has to be the Welterweight g.o.a.t. Georges "Rush" Saint-Pierre.

His athleticism, his gameplan formulation, his skill, adaptability, dominance, work ethic, intelligence, humility and in cage ability are beyond impressive to me.

He showed that he would learn from his losses, fight his way back into title contention and then obliterate the men who had previously defeated him.

Not only has this man been an amazing champion, but he's extremely classy outside of the cage. Slow to anger, respectful and humble, this man reminded me a lot of the way i like to carry myself. Only when vehemently provoked would you see his "dark place".

Gsp retired recently vacating the title. It was never taken from him. I admire that. I was taught growing up that the definition of cool is knowing when to stop. Those are some of the reasons why he is my favorite. I could continue, but a picture is worth a thousand words.



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It would be Fedor Emelianenko; I want to have 58 of his babies.
BUT, my doctor said that's "just not possible".
What an idiot....

So it's Vitor Belfort.

When I first watched him fight, I was like......DAMN!
Why doesn't everybody do that!!!???
And I thought: " I wanna look like that, not any bigger. I don't want chicks to think I'm a 'freak'".

When people(I don't want to mention any names.....*ahem* .....JON FORSBERG), said "I GIVE UP, HE"S A MENTAL MIDGET!!!!!"

I says to myself, : "sparkuri?"
Is what I says....

I says: "sparkuri?, if you give up on him, you'll have to give up on the color red, and your TWO blankies, and the F-15 Eagle, and your birthstone, and that girl that knows you're one in a million, and a Porsche 911 slantnose, and every other thing you hold true.

So I grabbed my balls tight and said.....



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Prime Mirko Cro Cop is the scariest, and second best heavyweight in history, imo.

I'm sorry Nog fans, Igor fans, and Igor(Z) fans, and devil(Mir) fans, and Francisco Bueno fans.
Croatian sensation(PT.2) , FTW
Apr 3, 2015
Jon Jones

Incredible talent and skill. the true GOAT and a really good guy aside from what all the haters think. I honestly think he beats any fighter from any era or weight class. the only fighter able to beat everyone else on this thread without question.

Personally, I dont understand the hate. the guy loves himself more than Frank Mir (and Frank mir LOVES Frank Mir) and expresses it. I dont give a fuck if he is cocky and arrogant, he backs it up (unlike MANY fighters) and you have to be cocky etc to achieve the greatness he has.


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First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Donald "cowboy" Cerrone! There is no one with more heart than this guy. I could give a damn about talent or anything else. I would take a guy with heart over talent everyday of the week. This guy is a true Spartan. This guy would fight Godzilla on a days notice. He had a 14 day break between fights. We have champs that have months and years inbetween their fights. BJ talks about about "to the death George"... Cerrone means it.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

When this kid burst on the scene it was completely amazing. When he took out Din Thomas with that knee and jumped up and got his face in the camera is forever embedded in my mind. All I knew about Din at that time is that he beat Jens with a heel hook. Jens was THE man at that weight at the time. Bj made it look easy.

Vs Uno OMG the whole thing was captivating. Its like his BJs energy was reaching me through my TV live on ppv. He ran to the cage, ran. He disposed of Uno in dramatic fashion, destroying him quick. Then ran the same way back to the backstage. Uno was the incredible Shooto champ that came over for Pulver. The guy was good.

I could go on and on and make a giantic post , but most of you all know. He's always fought in top orgs vs top guys. Just fuckin scrap!

Back in the day bj would show up on fighterschat . I'd pm him and BS. Ufc guys back then were my hero's, beyond celeb status. I was honored to just shoot the shit with him. It was really him, how I confirmed is below.

One of my distant cousins told me that his first cousin(I never met) was tight with BJ. I thought no fuckin way. I got his name and asked BJ one night if he knew so and so. Bj told me that he was really good friends with him and got him on the cell. So we are all communicating dinasour style. Bj in the middle chatting with me online, my cousin on the phone. He was the meat in our sandwich. This whole MMA thing was still underground. Times were different.

One of the last things he told me was he was going to go for it. He was going to grow up and quit fucking around wit partying and weed. He said he wanted to be the best ever. I encouraged him and in my mind he already was. Later he learned how to properly train. He got big on nutrition, and doing it right.

Sorry for the rant. BJ Penn is my all-time favorite fighter forever.
Suck uppppppp!

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
Georges St. Pierre!

GSP is the epitome of what all mixed martial artists should strive to be. from the very first time i saw him fight, i had a feeling that he was going to be someone special. the first fight i saw of him was against karo parisyan, and had such potential at such a young age. this fight is when karo was on his way to becoming a legit bad ass, and gsp defended all submission attempts, while putting on a pace from the top that karo just couldn't keep up with. georges showed us the superman punch that he would later work into a combo that few could seem to stop. i was an instant fan from there on out.

georges believed that he could never learn enough, and that's what made him the champ. he was always learning, and trying new things to better his game. he had the best wrestling for mma, he was always improving his striking, and he recieved his bjj blackbelt in october of 08, and continues to this day.

^^^the difference between someone that evolves with the sport, and someone that didn't.

^^^ trying new things to get a little better.

this is a guy that proved you just need to work hard, and good things will come of it. he didn't need to talk shit, or attack people, and he was humble. he was also open about his fears, and fear is something we all deal with, but he showed how he used it to his advantage. a lot of people try to say that fighters make bad role models, but i challenge anyone to find a better role model.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Georges St. Pierre!

GSP is the epitome of what all mixed martial artists should strive to be. from the very first time i saw him fight, i had a feeling that he was going tomeone special. the first fight i saw of him was against karo parisyan, and had such potential at such a young age. this fight is when karo was on his way to becoming a legit bad ass, and gsp defended all submission attempts, while putting on a pace from the top that karo just couldn't keep up with. georges showed us the superman punch that he would later work into a combo that few could seem to stop. i was an instant fan from there on out.

georges believed that he could never learn enough, and that's what made him the champ. he was always learning, and trying new things to better his game. he had the best wrestling for mma, he was always improving his striking, and he recieved his bjj blackbelt in october of 08, and continues to this day.

^^^the difference between someone that evolves with the sport, and someone that didn't.

^^^ trying new things to get a little better.

this is a guy that proved you just need to work hard, and good things will come of it. he didn't need to talk shit, or attack people, and he was humble. he was also open about his fears, and fear is something we all deal with, but he showed how he used it to his advantage. a lot of people try to say that fighters make bad role models, but i challenge anyone to find a better role model.
I love watching the Karo fight because of the comments made by Joe and Goldie. Hindsight is 20/20 but its kinda funny to gear the surprise in their voice as GSP keeps beating on him. Same scenario when Diaz wanted to slug it out with Robbie and they were saying he might be biting off more than he can handle. Great pick with GSP.
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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015

I love watching the Karo fight because of the comments made by Joe and Goldie. Hindsight is 20/20 but its kinda funny to gear the surprise in their voice as GSP keeps beating on him. Same scenario when Diaz wanted to slug it out with Robbie and they were saying he might be biting off more than he can handle. Great pick with GSP.
"But do you get the feeling Joe, that trading with Lawler, maybe nick is biting off more than he can chew?"

Joe: "He might not be!"


Same with the GSP/Miller fight.

Rogan: "Yeah but Mayhem's jiu-jitsu is LIGHT YEARS ahead of GSP's"

As GSP is ragdolling Jason and putting him in several painful submission positions...