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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
thats awesome i just started watching a bunch of ecw/wcw shows with my son recently too and the quality of wrestling was waaaay better back then but the crowds and characters are crazy dated and corny looking.its still way more watchable than what wwe is putting out now a days . i get a kick out of wcw with the ponytail and fanny pack look with with mullets all through the crowd.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
thats awesome i just started watching a bunch of ecw/wcw shows with my son recently too and the quality of wrestling was waaaay better back then but the crowds and characters are crazy dated and corny looking.its still way more watchable than what wwe is putting out now a days . i get a kick out of wcw with the ponytail and fanny pack look with with mullets all through the crowd.

Nothing compares to old school wrestling.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Also guys.. Dusty's denim jorts outfit + cowboy boots may have been bad, but he was trying to dress like a "biker" in 1996. SEMI excusable.. maybe

But this was how he dressed regularly around that time. He wore this jacket on like every PPV (I'd know because I've seen the m all in recent months lol)

WTF is that? Also, what is wrong with Schiavonni's hair?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i used to got to stampede wrestling shows as a kid and young teenager . bret and owen hart ,the british bulldog and davey boy smith etc.they used to come and wrestle in the gym at the highschool or a hockey arena fro like 500 ppl.they were always great shows .it is so far from what wwe has become. i went to a nitro and a raw and two smackdowns as an adult and they were cool but i was more there to pound some beers and get drunk and beligerant


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Dude, it's literally night and day. One of the worst parts about today's product is that ALL lines and promos are scripted and written before they go on TV by a "writing team". The guys we grew up watching came up with EVERYTHING on the spot and were literally using their real creativity and personalities to create their characters. That's why it was so much more genuine, not so forced and phoney like today. I could rant about this forever lol. But I'm so glad I decided to go back and watch this stuff in order, it really puts everything in perspective and is just great. It's so awesome to relive this shit, I was literally 7, 8, 9 etc years old when I saw this stuff and it brings back crazy awesome memories.

People hate on WCW but you know, in 1995-96, they had the better product than WWE by far. Mainly because they were bringing in guys like Rey Mysterio (holy shit watching his matches from this tmie when he was 20 are just amazing), Psicosis, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko <Chris Benoit etc... Flair was amazing at this time, Sting was still super athletic, the nWo angle JUST started and was amazing... Then you had Savage being the GOAT, Hogan being super duper heel nWo black beard guy.. aka Hollywood

I am also watching WWF at the same time (I watch 1 Nitro and 1 Raw every couple days from the same date for each, with all the PPVs in between). Right now I literally just watched Austin beat Jake the Snake at KOTR, and man, the product is starting to change. it's like 2 years before the full blown Attitude era. Cannot wait.

It's crazy to go back and watch this stuff in order. The stuff I loved as a kid, match wise, mostly sucks now (Hogan vs anyone, Giant vs anyone etc)... You realize that guys like Mysterio (who was another fave of mine as a kid anyway), Konnan, Eddie, Benoit etc.. Were by far the best wrestlers in the company even though they weren't the big names like Hogan.. They had WAY more wrestling talent.

Anyway, random rants over. Funny how this thread turned out haha


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
i used to got to stampede wrestling shows as a kid and young teenager . bret and owen hart ,the british bulldog and davey boy smith etc.they used to come and wrestle in the gym at the high school or a hockey arena fro like 500 ppl.they were always great shows .it is so far from what wwe has become. i went to a nitro and a raw and two smackdowns as an adult and they were cool but i was more there to pound some beers and get drunk and beligerant
I've actually never seen Stampede but I know all about it. Stu Hart's Canadian promotion right? Mauro Ranallo, the PRIDE and now Showtime boxing commentator, actually did Stampede momentary when he was young haha.

Anyway... I always heard that shit was absolutely awesome.. Dynamite Kid is said to be one of the greatest ever. Never got to see too many of his matches, but I saw a documentary about him and he was amazing. What I have seen was brilliant. He was a huge influence on the style of wrestling a lot of high flyers use.

Who was your absolute favorite wrestler as a kid? Mine was Sting by far. Something about his colorful personality, the trunks, the paint being different every single night, the jackets.. That shit grabbed and pulled me in as a kid. Now everyone's gimmick is selected by the WWE, their name is chosen, they have to go through "developmental" even if they've been wrestling in places like ROH for 10 years... Just comes off very manufactured and poor.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I've actually never seen Stampede but I know all about it. Stu Hart's Canadian promotion right? Mauro Ranallo, the PRIDE and now Showtime boxing commentator, actually did Stampede momentary when he was young haha.

Anyway... I always heard that shit was absolutely awesome.. Dynamite Kid is said to be one of the greatest ever. Never got to see too many of his matches, but I saw a documentary about him and he was amazing. What I have seen was brilliant. He was a huge influence on the style of wrestling a lot of high flyers use.

Who was your absolute favorite wrestler as a kid? Mine was Sting by far. Something about his colorful personality, the trunks, the paint being different every single night, the jackets.. That shit grabbed and pulled me in as a kid. Now everyone's gimmick is selected by the WWE, their name is chosen, they have to go through "developmental" even if they've been wrestling in places like ROH for 10 years... Just comes off very manufactured and poor.
my favorite wrestler as a kid was hands down beyond a shadow of a doubt rowdy roddy piper. i hated hulk hogan

i like piper .he was an asshole:)

my favorite tag team was nickoli volkov and the iron shiek


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
we used to have a big giant satellite dish when i was a kid and we got wcw,nwa,awa all the good southern wrestling shows.wwf wasnt very big yet and vince was a skinny pencil neck was kinda weird being up in canada watching wrestling saturday afternoon from atlanta .those were way better times .the wrestlers actually used holds and could wrestle. i cant even think of a current wrassler that has any submissions.


we used to have a big giant satellite dish when i was a kid and we got wcw,nwa,awa all the good southern wrestling shows.wwf wasnt very big yet and vince was a skinny pencil neck was kinda weird being up in canada watching wrestling saturday afternoon from atlanta .those were way better times .the wrestlers actually used holds and could wrestle. i cant even think of a current wrassler that has any submissions.
Isn't the submission thing that Daniel Bryan kids whole angle? Idk, i stopped watching when HBK retired.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
ya i dont know who daniel bryan is or currently follow wrasslin but im talking about guys like dean milenko that chained submissions together and would most likely have made a switch to mma if it had existed at the time of their seems like there is no technical knowlege left in wwe and its more important to have big muscles and mike skills than to actually be able to perform.all the guys who came out of stu harts dungeon were practically catch wrestlers with no avenue to make money except for pro wrestling.the only ones with skill these days are the lucha libras the rest are john cena types


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
haaaaa! so true.

my uncle had a descrambler and i remember i went to his house to watch Stallone in Cliff Hanger. It was on ppv and then an advertisement came on for UFC 2. And i was like whoa! what is this? a real life bloodsport? and my uncle was like i don't know but we should totally watch this. and thats how i watched my very first ufc haha. I would then start renting them whenever they had it at the local video store.


Jan 14, 2015
haaaaa! so true.

my uncle had a descrambler and i remember i went to his house to watch Stallone in Cliff Hanger. It was on ppv and then an advertisement came on for UFC 2. And i was like whoa! what is this? a real life bloodsport? and my uncle was like i don't know but we should totally watch this. and thats how i watched my very first ufc haha. I would then start renting them whenever they had it at the local video store.
Like that night? You were watching porn with your uncle and then decided to watch UFC? I don't think I could do that, I'd have to fap first.


Tanaka Clan
Feb 16, 2015
Dude. THOSE were the days! The WCW N64 games were the fucking best!

WCW vs NWO World Tour (the first one) was sick but the second one, WCW vs nWo - REVENGE... Holy fuck. I loved that game.

The intro video was hilarious. Had a guy driving a truck, then lightning hits, and Sting is standing in the middle of the road lol. The driver says "what" in the most hilarious, terrible voice I've ever heard.

This game was so amazing ,but it looks so bad now lol. Remember you could go on the outside of the ring and grab weapons from the crowd? Lol. The crowd looked so horrible. I love it.

I also remember Sting could drop from the rafters for his entrance into the ring in battle royals. I freaked out over that as a kid, couldn't believe how far games had come.. Since that was the first generation of 3d systems.. N64 had so much great shit.. Super Mario 64 stood out to me and I couldn't believe the graphics like I said. Now looking back, it's god awful lol. Still fun as fuck to play though


Dem graphics. lol

Heck yeah I had them both. Didn't you think it was weird there was a whole screen full of mythical created charators? Kim Chee FTW
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La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Dude. THOSE were the days! The WCW N64 games were the fucking best!

WCW vs NWO World Tour (the first one) was sick but the second one, WCW vs nWo - REVENGE... Holy fuck. I loved that game.

The intro video was hilarious. Had a guy driving a truck, then lightning hits, and Sting is standing in the middle of the road lol. The driver says "what" in the most hilarious, terrible voice I've ever heard.

This game was so amazing ,but it looks so bad now lol. Remember you could go on the outside of the ring and grab weapons from the crowd? Lol. The crowd looked so horrible. I love it.

I also remember Sting could drop from the rafters for his entrance into the ring in battle royals. I freaked out over that as a kid, couldn't believe how far games had come.. Since that was the first generation of 3d systems.. N64 had so much great shit.. Super Mario 64 stood out to me and I couldn't believe the graphics like I said. Now looking back, it's god awful lol. Still fun as fuck to play though


Dem graphics. lol

Oh man....playing those games were the closest I'd get to getting into fist fights with my buddies. When the second one came out where you could hold a chair AND run at the same time is when shit got real. Big Sexy was GOAT and if a buddy beat me to him it had to be Big Poppa. Once all the anger would die off from exhaustion in goes Golden Eye and wed all ve accusing each other of screen watching while the cheap douche bag friend picks Odd Job and one git kills us all. Fuck I loved the 90s.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015

I also remember watching WCW/WWF pay per views through there. Listening fine but trying and hoping that the picture would randomly clear up. Hilarious

My dad ended up getting a black box at one point. We got every single PPV and pay channel for free. First time I ever saw MMA in my life was when my dad and his friends were watching an early UFC (I have no idea which one) and Tank Abbott was fighting. I will never forget that. I was legit like 7 or 8 years old and I was actually freaked out by it. Like it made me nervous the same way a horror movie would. Anyway my dad did not let me watch.. lol

I couldn't even comprehend what I was seeing. All I knew was boxing and pro wrestling, and I remember that was a completely different thing.. that, again, I could not comprehend lol.

Barely remember it at all, but I will never forget seeing Tank with his beard and giant belly.

Good old days! Miss the 90s.
I used to listen to wrastlin' commentary on the fuzzy screen back in the 90s too. Specifically remember the Hell in the Cell between Undertaker and Mankind. Sucked to not see what was happening during JR's infamous call of the spot off the top of the cage.


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
Like that night? You were watching porn with your uncle and then decided to watch UFC? I don't think I could do that, I'd have to fap first.
Fapping during the UFC makes the event that much more exciting. We release when Bruce Buffer says "its time!"


Jan 14, 2015
Oh man....playing those games were the closest I'd get to getting into fist fights with my buddies. When the second one came out where you could hold a chair AND run at the same time is when shit got real. Big Sexy was GOAT and if a buddy beat me to him it had to be Big Poppa. Once all the anger would die off from exhaustion in goes Golden Eye and wed all ve accusing each other of screen watching while the cheap douche bag friend picks Odd Job and one git kills us all. Fuck I loved the 90s.
Sounds like I missed out on a good game. I remember wwf smackdown I think for ps 1, maybe ps2. I for sure remember Golden Eye.