Not a surprise one fucking bit, lolmeanwhile, on another site...
Not a surprise one fucking bit, lolmeanwhile, on another site...
The chinese have many hells...I wonder how well Dana will work under his new Chinese overlords
Does this mean Mr Calo will be welcome back at the UG I wonder?
They sold to a U.S. talent agency. WME-IMG is responsible for introducing bubblefart lizard videos, softcore porn and Justin Bieber.I wonder how well Dana will work under his new Chinese overlords
I wonder how the new owners are going to handle their website? Perhaps a clean slate for everybody? All the old timers allowed back?meanwhile, on another site...
It definitely wouldn't be the same without him, but I think it's likely he could leave. New owners who want the sport to be more "legit" may not appreciate one of the main faces of the sport having a podcast where he gets high as fuck and talks about al the shit Joe covers. He may just say fuck it and do the fight companions.I guess Joe Rogan is about to break bank, his contract is up in august better believe he is gonna negotiate one hell of a salary for himself, and they are gonna pay it, all this i don't know if i will sign BS is just a negotiation stance.
It will just not be the same without him.
doesnt matter the have no majority control meaning they have no sayNot a 100% sale. White and Fertitas small percentage
FML. That website is awful. So much shit on the screen you can barely read the article. Long adverts pre video. Expanding adverts.Dana White on $4 billion UFC sale: 'Sport is going to the next level'
UFC sold for unprecedented $4B, White confirms
does this mean that dana and zuffa was a failure not being able to take it ot the next levelDana White on $4 billion UFC sale: 'Sport is going to the next level'
UFC sold for unprecedented $4B, White confirms
Correct.Dana will be gone by the end of 2017.
By the end of 2018 all the people who talked shit about him will wish he was still around.
I have note that they are always tell lies.Every employee of ufc is probably very happy right now, since they all received the email which denied everything. Instead of just keeping their mouths shut they decided they would blatantly lie to employees. Classy group running that company.