4 am here right now, in the middle of an absolutely crazy storm. Power went out for an hour, have been up since and am bored outta my mind. I wish I was able to capture the storm on video, I tried with a shitty cell phone camera but you can't tell how crazy it is.
The wind is what's making it insane. I walked across the street a few minutes ago and within a minute my footprints, about a foot and a half deep into the snow, were completely buried by the new snow falling.
If anyone of you don't believe me, bros, Monday Night Raw was actually cancelled tonight (YES, for the first time ever brother). I guess they were going to be in Hartford (20 mins from my place) and had to call off the entire show because this is happening. Brother, when Vincent Kennedy McMahon says no, you know shit is serious
The wind is what's making it insane. I walked across the street a few minutes ago and within a minute my footprints, about a foot and a half deep into the snow, were completely buried by the new snow falling.
If anyone of you don't believe me, bros, Monday Night Raw was actually cancelled tonight (YES, for the first time ever brother). I guess they were going to be in Hartford (20 mins from my place) and had to call off the entire show because this is happening. Brother, when Vincent Kennedy McMahon says no, you know shit is serious