Election Coverage

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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Emphasize immigration based on things like a point system like Australia maybe?!?!
Be careful with that, its kinda biting us in the ass. At one stage it was easier to do a commercial cooking certificate or go to barber school to get your aussie citizenship than it was for a foreign doctor because no one wants to cook at the pub or cut hair when the economy is blowing up


Be careful with that, its kinda biting us in the ass. At one stage it was easier to do a commercial cooking certificate or go to barber school to get your aussie citizenship than it was for a foreign doctor because no one wants to cook at the pub or cut hair when the economy is blowing up
Be careful taking advice from our resident black fella.

I for one did not vote him in.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
What is huge with this election tonight, is the Supreme Court justices. Thank God we'll get constitutional justices and not libs.


What is huge with this election tonight, is the Supreme Court justices. Thank God we'll get constitutional justices and not libs.
What's even better is that I got drunk by 6.pm

It was a great day.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
i just woke up. holy crap. this is surreal. did R gain or lose seats in the house? S is controlled by republicans, too? not a fan of this situation

ive been an UBER conservative until two years ago. my views have done a monster 180 as to what i feel works in textbooks vs reality. as much as i hate the idea of an oligarchy and dislike hillary's character (i couldnt vote for her today), i realized only today that i was hoping she would win over Trump. i think his views on climate change, taxation of the upper-class, and his pandering to racists by painting this picture that mexican illegals are murdering, rapists show me that he is the exact opposite of the non-politician that i saw him as (and supported, even in my new found democratic-socialist shoes).

the worst part about this all, is that in the time ive followed politics, i saw my boy bush win in 2004. but then i suffered losses in the last two elections. i switch teams... and i still lose

god damnit lol


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
LOL NBC calling Trump supporters drunks while showing one picking his nose with a Trump hat on!