$25 says Rampage destroys King Mo

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Good win. I sent that 25 out
I had Rampage, too, bro (<- stated with douchebag CA passive-aggressive inflection, because "bro" should always be said that way). But I had him small. Would do it again at the odds.

Thought the weight would make him better in the wrestling, and that he'd outbox Mo again, tho concerned that the extra weight could be the difference in handspeed. I thought he looked pretty good, with the old man pec flap lines, considering how heavy, indicating OK cardio most likely, and that for all the talk he had trained decently well, maybe very well.

Still haven't watched it, so I must be a little bummed. But, play it back, with same outsider-only info, and I'd bet it again.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I pop back in to check the bets and TQN is betting $25 on Page? He looked like he hasn't trained in months.