The pictures that Pride fanboys dont want you to see

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
1) Lol @ comparing Hunt to Lesnar. Lesnar won and defended a title.
2) A major criticism of Lesnar was that he shouldn't have been "gifted" his title shot. I'm not sure how you reconcile that saying Pride did the same thing would support your position.

It was you that said Mark Hunt was terrible and that Pride would put undeserving fighters in the ring against Fedor. I simply asked what that means for Fedor's legacy.
To me Fedor Legacy is about a man who fought at HW despite being under 6 foot tall and with a high percentage of body fat....He often fought his opponent in their strong suit and defeated with the martial art they were an expert at.

Fedor fought 30 or so fighters before being finished....basically undefeated for 10 or so years.

He fought Gold medalists, Elite Kickboxers, Freak show fights, Top BJJ guys, etc...

I don't fault Fedor for fighting or not fighting anyone....He has been all class and amazing to watch.

I do not view mark Hunt as undeserving so it does not affect any legacy...Fedor is MMA Gold IMO and if you don't view him that way then you are entitled to your opinion/

MMA started with mismatches of experience and size and those are still popular fights to this day.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
did you actually see any pride events?
From 03 until their demise in 07 I watched almost all of them, many of them live (thank you Bell Express Vu) I was also super excited to finally see the guys from Pride coming over to clean out the UFC. Unfortunately when the fighters from Japan came ashore it didn't pan out that way. Turns out we were sold a bill of good

I personally never said anything about Lesnar being gifted so why bring that up?
Because you say things like:

I think UFC was not superior to other Orgs before they absorbed them and that is pretty clear cut.
As long as the major criticism of the UFC is their matchmaking, I don't see how someone could possibly reconcile that an org with worse matchmaking was superior.

"dude hunt had a losing record at the time and was still learning MMA basics....LOL
He is an elite kick boxer from 20 years ago...give some props in between sips of haterade"
No worries. We can go with undeserving if you feel that's more accurate.

To me Fedor Legacy is about a man who fought at HW despite being under 6 foot tall and with a high percentage of body fat.
On that we agree. I'd even add that while in Pride he fought the best available to him. Now many of those fighters were also undersized for HW, and in some cases incredibly one dimensional.

He often fought his opponent in their strong suit and defeated with the martial art they were an expert at.
On that we don't agree. I could be wrong, but I don't remember him subbing very many high level BJJ'ers or KO'ing very many high level

MMA started with mismatches of experience and size and those are still popular fights to this day.
Popularity =/= legitmacy. I've said it before and I'll say it again. What Fedor did was absolutely incredible...when looked at in the context in which it occurred. The farther away we get from 2009, the less impressive it looks.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I gave it a funny, but it's true.

Remember when shogun was getting his ass handed to him by Coleman? Then somehow coleman gassed so badly that shogun layed on top of him with seconds to go and they stopped the fight
LOL I remember that...happened exactly how you said it did.

Coleman was old and fought well but he got beat up the whole fight...Did control Rua at times and land some GNP...Cards may have been close
Both guys deserve respect

Anyone remember when Shogun sent Vera to HW and retired Forrest?


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Shogun was the only one who didn't let me down.

I was most disappointed in Wanderlei.
Yep Wand never really did his thing in Pride...PEDs hurt him the most IMO

Nowadays lots of guys are getting the body Shogun has had the last few years...interesting times in MMA

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
1. Beating Hapa is not that impressive.

2. A sufficiently oxygenated Cain destroys Werdum 10/10 times.
agree with #1 but the stuff Fab pulls is hilarious and entertaining(lost him his belt though)

as for Cain? I think this may be partially a usada direct evidence but it has become apparent that much of the UFC was using EPO

member 3289

agree with #1 but the stuff Fab pulls is hilarious and entertaining(lost him his belt though)

as for Cain? I think this may be partially a usada direct evidence but it has become apparent that much of the UFC was using EPO
Cain destroyed Hapa in one round under USADA (when fighting at sea level). Werdum had 8 rounds and couldn't do it.

Mad Dog

First 100
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Stupid troll thread is stupid. Congrats OP on trying to turn this place into the UG.


Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
Stupid troll thread is stupid. Congrats OP on trying to turn this place into the UG.
No these are just facts. As is evidenced in the pictures posted, these beatings really happened proving the UFC's superiority

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Cain destroyed Hapa in one round under USADA (when fighting at sea level). Werdum had 8 rounds and couldn't do it.

I do however remember that Hapa was gods gift to standup until he met Werdum...Werdum pieced him up in epic fashion in those two fights and may have stolen his mojo before the Cain fight.

Cain is a beast bro...hope he stays healthy...and to be honest I didn't even remember the Hapa vs Cain match.



Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Ah another one of these threads
Let me just say this as it's become become an old argument.

If you were a fan of mma from 1997--2007 and you didn't watch Pride you were not a fan.
If you watched and didn't recognize the skill, entertainment, and violence in front of you. Then you should find another sport.
If you can watch Fedor, Shogun,Cro cop, etc, and not recognize greatness. Then again find another sport.
If you are a newer fan and haven't researched Pride. Then your opinion is worthless.

And finally If you take any thread relating to Pride seriously posted by teamquestnorth @teamquestnorth Then you have not been on this site very long.

member 3289

yes, but werdum whupped Cain badly and they both had months to prepare for the match

MMA math never works
I know it doesn't work but that's not what I'm saying.

It was clearly the altitude that won Werdum that fight. Cain beats him handily at a lower altitude.

Unfortunately Cain gets injured every other weekend.