General so much for not drawing any red lines...

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
what would you like them to do? wait till he nukes tokyo? let the little fucker continue to make nuclear threats against america? lil kim is a habitual line stepper and he is about to get checked


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
yes im aware that working on a plan regarding this course of action has been underway for a long time, did president obama ever use rhetoric like this tho? thats what im talking about.

north korean leaders have been making threats like this for years, do you think trump's statement is going to stop that? dont you think that by him saying this it has committed us to a course of action if they do in fact make more threats? (which if course they will)

so thats it - nuclear war is now inevitable if north korea makes another threat? or does trump not mean what he says?

Well I don't know.
How do you feel about Trump saying he's gonna have Mexico build a wall?
Or implement a travel ban?
Did that happen?
I've seen a couple of your threads that outlines those examples in detail.

Regarding Obama and rhetoric, didn't he say he wouldn't put boots on the ground more than once?
Or close Guantanimo, or withdraw all forces umpteenth?
Are boots on the ground limited to special forces, CIA and black ops?

Obviously we hope this shit doesn't go down, but Trump never declared he was gonna create a no-fly zone in Syria, which is about the stupidest fucking thing you can say.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
I lived in South Korea and learned enough about North Korea to wish the ruling junta a severe ass-kicking or regime change a la shock and awe....

This said... I have no doubt the Kims wouldnt give a shit about destroying as many lives as possible if they saw the end coming.
I really wonder what the contingency plans are in the Pentagon-White House, in Seoul, Tokyo and Beijing, if North Korea escalates everything?
If Trump is really willing to throw down (and not just posturing like all other previous presidents), Im pretty sure they must have had talks with all the other capitals that will be affected.

Will Beijing finally say f.y to the the Kims and good luck we've had enough of your bs expect no support from us? I doubt it, NK is still useful as a buffer but I wouldnt be surprised if they were working hard along with the US to tell NK to calm down.
Tokyo will probably wish for appeasement but will support any action from Washington if it comes down to it (logistical support mostly is my guess)
Seoul is probably telling the US to calm the f. down too because, well, they're f. first line, casualties will be enormous, yet want all the help they can get especially with those anti-missile systems the US is provinding.

I'd love to be a fly on a wall during those meetings.


Apr 25, 2016
i agree he is all hyperbole and rhetoric, but his supporters will insist that he isnt...

you think that declaring you will implement a no-fly zone is stupider than saying you will start a nuclear war? ok, agree to disagree i guess on that point...


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
they have had 50 years to figure out a plan to get rid of the kim bloodline.they should have did it before the fat kid got himself nuclear warheads


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
they have had 50 years to figure out a plan to get rid of the kim bloodline.they should have did it before the fat kid got himself nuclear warheads
Well, that started with Clinton if I recall correctly. I lost track of how many times there was posturing from both sides, deals were made for fuel and food instead of sanctions if they continued 'researching for nuclear energy'.
Now here we are...

I wonder if that's what's gonna happen with Iran. Energy...
and then some years later *surprise* we got nukes! We got ya didnt we?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
the only way I see this being productive is if we scare china enough with the possibility of nuclear attacks that they make some sort of between us, them, and nk.

Maybe a guarantee we won't invade, or regime change, a guarantee if we do China will protect them, and a guarantee nk does not have missilized nuclear weapons.

I just don't see that being possible. A nuclear nk is a reality, and we need to find a way to deal with that that doesn't involve starting a nuclear war.

Too much chest thumping going on for my liking. The "do what I say or else" strategy may be a feel good strategy, but i don't think it is a successful one here.

Maybe when Seoul and Pyongyang are ashes and millions dead we can pat ourselves on the back and tell each other what bad asses we are, we don't take no shit!!


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
did president obama ever use rhetoric like this tho?
With Korea, not that I can remember off the top of my head. In other instances, yes. He actually coined the "Red line" phrase as it pertains to military threats:

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Out of curiosity. Is there any reason everyone's pretending that South Korea hasn't been preparing for this for the past 50 years?


Apr 25, 2016
just in case anyone else brings it up - there is no comparison between obama's comments about syria and trump's comments about north korea.

not even remotely similar. i wont bother to parse out every word, the people that get it get it, the people that dont are clearly invested in not understanding.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
just in case anyone else brings it up - there is no comparison between obama's comments about syria and trump's comments about north korea.

not even remotely similar. i wont bother to parse out every word, the people that get it get it, the people that dont are clearly invested in not understanding.
Obama said "Don't do that or else."
Trump said "Don't do that or else."

I get that you don't like Trump, but it's the same thing.


Apr 25, 2016
if only south korea's military and nuclear capabilities were able to be known somehow...


Apr 25, 2016
Obama said "Don't do that or else."
Trump said "Don't do that or else."

I get that you don't like Trump, but it's the same thing.
every once in a while i click on "show ignored content" and you idiots never disappoint.

yeah those two situations are exactly the same, great insight you have there.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
every once in a while i click on "show ignored content" and you idiots never disappoint.

yeah those two situations are exactly the same, great insight you have there.
What a surprise, right to name calling.

"Can anyone ever think of?"
Yes, actually right here.
"No, that's different."
Actually, they're both military threats.
"You're an idiot."
Sweet counter point, bro.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
just in case anyone else brings it up - there is no comparison between obama's comments about syria and trump's comments about north korea.

not even remotely similar. i wont bother to parse out every word, the people that get it get it, the people that dont are clearly invested in not understanding.
those who know,know


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
no that was sarcasm you braindead stalker but im not surprised you didnt get it.
you are a weird guy. you cry a river when no one replys to your threads right away but you block everyone who replys to your threads and call them stalkers.i am not familiar with this troll angle


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
What a surprise, right to name calling.

"Can anyone ever think of?"
Yes, actually right here.
"No, that's different."
Actually, they're both military threats.
"You're an idiot."
Sweet counter point, bro.
He is a different kind of cunt. Definitely 12.


Apr 25, 2016
you are a weird guy. you cry a river when no one replys to your threads right away but you block everyone who replys to your threads and call them stalkers.i am not familiar with this troll angle
right, because that never happened but you trolls decided it did. fake news i guess - there were many replies before i responded to that thread, my reply was sarcastic and mocking them.

the fact that you remember it so clearly is a good indication of how invested you are in trolling me. lol

go go meme girls!