General We probably going to war boys

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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
China pissed
Will nuclear test force Chinese rethink on North Korea? - CNN

North Korea distracting from their hegemony work. Just want North Korea screwing with us... Just enough.

The US, as a superpower, has the means to resolve the issue," said Zhang, predicting the rising possibility of American military actions against North Korea under Trump. "It depends on the US' strategic determination and sense of responsibility."

"But if it hopes to see China resolve the issue, it simply won't work," he added.

"Many Chinese are supportive of North Korea's nuclear weapons program, thinking it is targeting the US and not a threat to China, while others think China's effort to denuclearize North Korea would only help the US

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
And Russia now concern trolling to justify their own military buildup with frenemy China.

Russia says it will react to US missile expansion in South Korea

Of course managing North Korea removes the Thaads, but this is a better play for Russia.

Russia - China - Iran - North Korea vs. the World would be catastrophic to this Earth.

I do believe Iran - North Korea are only 2 of a handful of Countries who do not have a Rothschilds Central Bank set up in their Country.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
After all that tough talk, Trump is starting to look soft.

But for real, if America gets involved, will it require or request support of its allies in the area? Will SK or Japan get involved?


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
After all that tough talk, Trump is starting to look soft.

But for real, if America gets involved, will it require or request support of its allies in the area? Will SK or Japan get involved?
One more launch and I think they'll act in their own.
Oct 24, 2015
After all that tough talk, Trump is starting to look soft.

But for real, if America gets involved, will it require or request support of its allies in the area? Will SK or Japan get involved?
Wasn't Trump already talking shit about SK? Nothing like talking shit about your allies before a war pops off to strengthen bonds.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
There are still some "are" insertions I asked for earlier, yet I see that they still haven't been actioned?


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
Welp, Saturday is a big NK holiday, so they'll probably test-launch their nuke and we'll have to decide whether to shoot it down or launch an offensive. Either way, I think it pops off this weekend.

member 3289

It was about 10 or 11 years ago in a club on Fort Lauderdale Beach. He was outside the back of the place which was used as a second entrance (the front faces the ocean so anyone who drives and parks goes in the back way). It's called Rock Bar now but I think it was called Route 66 at the time or some shit.

Anyway he's with these two hot chicks and I was with two buddies. We noticed him standing in the back, not going in yet, and I was the only one brave enough to ask him for a picture. He just said "No pictures, man". I read later that he generally doesn't like being approached by fans in public and is always that way.

Anyway I didn't take it to heart and we went inside the club. Maybe 20-30 mins later he's at the main bar enjoying a drink. Dude is intimidating as fuck. I'm 6'4" and the internet says he's 6'7" but he looked at least 6'8". And more than that, just an intimidating motherfucker. Ripped as fuck, which surprised me because even then this was a few years after he'd retired.

Anyway, by chance, I happen to be standing near him at the bar. So I tell the bartender (a cute blonde), "Whatever he's drinking, give him another one and put it on my tab."

So she gets him the drink and I try to play it cool and not look like a fanboy waiting for his reaction. He looks over at me, nods his head, and says "thanks, man" and we fist-bumped. My two dweeb friends who were too scared to approach him thought I was the coolest person in the world that night. I probably was tbh.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
It was about 10 or 11 years ago in a club on Fort Lauderdale Beach. He was outside the back of the place which was used as a second entrance (the front faces the ocean so anyone who drives and parks goes in the back way). It's called Rock Bar now but I think it was called Route 66 at the time or some shit.

Anyway he's with these two hot chicks and I was with two buddies. We noticed him standing in the back, not going in yet, and I was the only one brave enough to ask him for a picture. He just said "No pictures, man". I read later that he generally doesn't like being approached by fans in public and is always that way.

Anyway I didn't take it to heart and we went inside the club. Maybe 20-30 mins later he's at the main bar enjoying a drink. Dude is intimidating as fuck. I'm 6'4" and the internet says he's 6'7" but he looked at least 6'8". And more than that, just an intimidating motherfucker. Ripped as fuck, which surprised me because even then this was a few years after he'd retired.

Anyway, by chance, I happen to be standing near him at the bar. So I tell the bartender (a cute blonde), "Whatever he's drinking, give him another one and put it on my tab."

So she gets him the drink and I try to play it cool and not look like a fanboy waiting for his reaction. He looks over at me, nods his head, and says "thanks, man" and we fist-bumped. My two dweeb friends who were too scared to approach him thought I was the coolest person in the world that night. I probably was tbh.
He fell off a stage at a bar in strong island when I was working there and apparently broke his dick that night.......