Lifestyle Hardest white man ever?

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Who is the hardest white man ever?

Any sport, size , age etc.

Who is the hardest white man ever?
Jan 21, 2015
Galt of course

I see what u did there - are other races getting threads too? We should set up some tournament brackets


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Galt of course

I see what u did there - are other races getting threads too? We should set up some tournament brackets
I was gonna make another thread titled "other" to save time, but fuck it we know they won't win


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Peter Freuchen

Who? In a portrait by Irving Penn, Peter Freuchen wears a vast coat, made from the fur of a polar bear, which only serves to emphasise his not undaunting 6’7” frame. Freuchen stands beside his third wife, Dagmar Cohn, whom he married in 1945. But the beguiling portrait only hints at the surprising life of Peter Freuchen – a deeper look reveals his staggering biography.

What? Freuchen was a Danish arctic explorer, anthropologist, actor and author. After studying to be a doctor at university, Freuchen participated in several arctic explorations, the first being in 1906 when he was only 20, in which, after sailing as far north as possible, a further 7,000 miles were travelled via dogsled. It was here that Freuchen discovered Inuit culture, and for over two generations he lived, hunted and travelled with the Inuit. In 1911, Freuchen married his first wife, an Inuit woman called Navarana Mequpaluk. Navarana bore him two children, a boy named Mequsaq Avataq Igimaqssusuktoranguapaluk and a girl called Pipaluk Jette Tukuminguaq Kasaluk Palika Hager. When she died in the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1921, the local Christian church refused to allow her burial, and so Freuchen buried her himself.

“In 1956, Freuchen answered the $64,000 question of the American TV-show The $64,000 Question”

Freuchen wrote over 30 books, most famously the Book of the Eskimos, published posthumously in 1961. An autobiographical work, it described the Inuit culture Freuchen had lived within, and detailed how, in 1926, he lost a leg to frostbite, amputating several gangrenous toes himself. Off the back of his literary success, Freuchen became the head of a film company specialising in Arctic-related scripts. In 1933, he starred as the villainous character in the film Eskimo, which went on to win an Oscar.

In the 1920s Freuchen returned to Denmark and joined the Social Democrats. During the Second World War he was involved in the Danish resistance against Germany, aiding refugees from the Nazis. Himself a Jew, he was imprisoned and sentenced to death by the Nazis but escaped to Sweden.

Why? In 1924, Freuchen married Magdalene Vang Lauridsen, a margarine heiress, but their 20 year marriage collapsed in 1944. A year later, he met Dagmar Cohn. Cohn was a fashion illustrator, whose work made it onto the April 1947 cover of Vogue, introducing Christian Dior. As if his life couldn’t be more surprising, in 1956, Freuchen answered the $64,000 question of the American TV-show The $64,000 Question. The next year he was awarded the Gold Medal of the International Benjamin Franklin Society for his “service to mankind in opening new frontiers.” He lived with Cohn until he died of a heart attack in 1957.

Heres a link to a summary of all the badass shit he did.

Badass - Peter Freuchen
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Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Dec 2, 2015
James Bowie

Bowie became internationally famous as a result of a feud with Norris Wright, the sheriff of Rapides Parish. Bowie had supported Wright's opponent in the race for sheriff, and Wright, a bank director, had been instrumental in turning down a Bowie loan application.[32] After a confrontation in Alexandria one afternoon, Wright fired a shot at Bowie, after which Bowie resolved to carry his hunting knife at all times.[33] The knife he carried had a blade that was 9.25 inches (23.5 cm) long and 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) wide.[34]

A Bowie knife
The following year, on September 19, 1827, Bowie and Wright attended a duel on a sandbar outside of Natchez, Mississippi. Bowie supported duellist Samuel Levi Wells III, while Wright supported Wells's opponent, Dr. Thomas Harris Maddox. The duellists each fired two shots and, as neither man had been injured, resolved their duel with a handshake.[35][36] Other members of the groups, who had various reasons for disliking each other, began fighting. Bowie was shot in the hip; after regaining his feet he drew a knife, described as a butcher knife, and charged his attacker, who hit Bowie over the head with his empty pistol, breaking the pistol and knocking Bowie to the ground. Wright shot at and missed the prone Bowie, who returned fire and possibly hit Wright. Wright then drew his sword cane and impaled Bowie. When Wright attempted to retrieve his blade by placing his foot on Bowie's chest and tugging, Bowie pulled him down and disemboweled Wright with his large knife.[37][38] Wright died instantly, and Bowie, with Wright's sword still protruding from his chest, was shot again and stabbed by another member of the group. The doctors who had been present for the duel removed the bullets and patched Bowie's other wounds.[39]


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Still no mention of van Damme?

Seems I need to make people more aware of him


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Gene Moe

Even though hunting and fishing are considered by many folks to be as manly as cooking meat on badass charcoal grills or a football team that bases its entire offense around the Fullback Power Sweep, it may surprise you to find that I'm not a particularly huge animal-killing enthusiast. While I certainly appreciate the skill and patience that goes into the hobby and don't in any way intend to detract from it's supporters, the truth is that you will probably never see a Badass of the Week article written about a guy who shot a massive wild boar or caught a Jaws-sized shark or something. The way I see it, humanity has such a huge technological advantage over wildlife that it gives us an unfair advantage, and in your typical hunter-hunted encounter the wild beast is pretty much universally considered the underdog.

However, when a man goes up against a massive, insanely powerful creature in life-or-death hand-to-hand combat and emerges victorious, that's another story all together. That's exactly what happened to 68 year-old hunter Gene Moe while he was out hunting deer on Raspberry Island near Kodiak, Alaska. Gene had just killed a buck and was in the process of cleaning it with his pocketknife when all of a sudden he looked over his shoulder and saw a fucking gigantor 750-pound Kodiak grizzly bear lunge at him teeth-first in an attempt to consume poor Gene's entire face in one chomp. Gene never even heard the thing coming and in a split-second this bear had bitten a huge chunk out of his shoulder and started kicking his ass all over the place. Since Gene was in the process being slapped around like a bitch by this ginormous killing machine he had no time to run across the small clearing and grab his rifle, so he did the only thing he could - he started stabbing the shit out of this fucking bear with his stupid folding-blade pocketknife. Well it just so happens that bears don't appreciate being shivved in the neck like unpopular prison inmates, so this fucking thing proceeded to grab Gene by the fucking neck and chuck him eight feet through the air, where he crashed face-first into the dirt and snow. He immediately scrambled back to his feet as the bear closed on him, but before he could regain his "bear"ings (nyuk nyuk) the fucking thing smacked the shit out of him with its massive paw, sending him sprawling back down to the mat like Glass Joe taking a star-powered uppercut from Little Mac. Gene rolled over onto his back just as the fucking grizzly was throwing itself on top of him in an effort to crush him and/or pin him to the mat like Andre the Giant, but Gene was able to give it a double-leg kick at the last second and knock it off him. Both man and beast struggled back on their feet, and the bear then proceeded to bite the ever-loving shit out of Gene's leg with its giant honking Fangs of Flesh-Tearing +2. This only succeeded in making Gene even more pissed however, and he just started stabbing the fucking hell out of this thing. The bear backed off to a safe distance and began to slowly circle-strafe around Gene, looking for an opportunity to swoop in for the kill. At this point Gene was so fucked up that he could barely stand, but he was still balls-out enough to taunt the creature, yelling, "come on bear, the Lord is on my side!" Then he probably did that "come get some" hand gesture that Morpheus does in The Matrix.

The bear let out a roar, started foaming at the mouth like Old Yeller and lunged full-force at our beleagured survivalist. Gene responded by fucking punching the bear right in its stupid bear face with a massive left hook, sending it sprawling to the floor, where it lay motionless. That's right. This sixty year old tough-as-shit old man knocked a bear unconscious by punching it in the fucking mouth Punisher-style. In order to keep the creature from coming back and finishing him off, Gene had to shoot it twice in the chest.


But this is just the beginning of Gene Moe's story. Exhausted, terribly wounded and half-dead from his epic battle, he then started his long journey to safety. He grabbed his gear and slowly trudged through the thick Alaskan underbrush until his legs finally gave out and he fell into the thick snow. Unable to find the strength to stand, he crawled face-first through endless patches of pointy thistles, never willing to give up. Finally he decided to ditch any of the unnecessary gear that was weighing him down, including his rifle, and pulled himself back to his feet so he could continue to limp to safety. At one point during his journey he realized that he was being stalked by another bear (probably one that smelled his blood) so he was forced to remain completely motionless despite the agonizing pain he was in. However, despite all odds he managed to travel two miles back to the shore, where he was immediately rushed to the hospital by a Coast Guard helicopter.

It took seven hours of surgery, two skin grafts, one month of rehab and over five hundred stitches, but Gene Moe survived the ordeal. He had gone toe-to-toe with a seven hundred pound killing machine that possessed the strength of ten angry pickup trucks, managed to beat the holy living crap out of it using only his bare hands and a ten dollar pocketknife, army-crawled his way two miles to safety and lived to tell the tale. Fucking amazing. In true badass fashion, the first thing Gene Moe did after leaving the hospital was to recover the body of his slain enemy and have it mounted on the wall of his trophy room. Now that's a hunting tale that commands respect.

Badass of the Week: Gene Moe