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  1. Mix6APlix

    Sports Question about baseball

    162 game season. 162 is divisible by 3. Why do they have some 4 game series? Who wants a split 2/2? Ties like that are like kissing your sister while watching your grandparents fuck. Nobody wants that!
  2. Mix6APlix

    Sports Racism is as American as baseball

    ‘Racism is as American as baseball’ banner unfurled at Fenway Park
  3. drjones

    General chris christie confronts guy at baseball game (video)

    Chris Christie gets in Cubs fan’s face at a baseball game i guess chris christie asked him if thought he was a big shot, i cant quite hear exactly what is said. no idea what happened before this, if the guy was talking shit first then whatever, if the guy wasnt talking shit before the video...
  4. drjones

    General Man with Rifle opens fire on GOP congressmen at baseball practice

    The guy talked to some of the congressmen first, asked one of them if they were republicans or democrats, then opened fire with maybe 50-60 shots. House Rep. Steve Scalise shot but i think he is stable. Thankfully it seems like the guy was a lousy shot. Rand Paul - first there was one isolated...
  5. Mix6APlix

    Sports Ever hit someone in the face with a baseball bat?

    Sadly this isn't a story of a malicious beatdown of one of my childhood neighbors. He was a ginger, so I guess he kind of deserved it. But we were playing softball in a local park, and he was the catcher. Probably still is. He was too close behind me as I was swinging lefty as my superior...
  6. Mix6APlix

    General BREAKING NEWS: America is ready to destroy some random 3rd world country in baseball.

    Eat another hurricane of dick you freakin' Ricans. USA USA USA!!!
  7. Zeph

    Lifestyle All that baseball pitching...

    didn't help @Priziesthorse much last night... View:
  8. Sex Chicken

    General TMMAC Fantasy Baseball League

    Hey Folks. I'm thinking of starting up a TMMAC Fantasy Baseball League. We can sort out the league peripherals when we know how much interest there is. It will likely be a Yahoo H2H league. Post in this thread if you are interested. It will be for the most part first come first serve, but I...
  9. otaku1

    From Baseball to mob hit man The Buick sedan crawled the Providence streets. The April sky was baby blue, the air pleasant and cool. Perfect baseball weather. The man hunched in the back seat once lived for days like this. When the maroon car stopped outside Pannone’s Market on Pocasset Avenue, its...
  10. Porkchop

    Anyone Else Excited for Blue Jays vs Rangers? Firas is!

    As a Blue Jays fan (not a big baseball fan but cheer for the Jays when I'm forced to watch it), it hurt me to see one of our biggest sluggers get embarrassed so bad. He deserved it for the slide and his horrible technique, I just hope he doesn't find himself toe-to-toe with Odor again. Really...