bernie sanders

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  1. Filthy

    Society Alex Jones confronts Comrade Sanders at LAX

    Well if it isn't ol' Bernie Sanders... :)
  2. Zeph

    Society Bernie Sanders in 1988 "the real issue in this country is class."

    Bernie Sanders in 1988 "the real issue in this country is class. i think we could have a black or a woman president if they were on the side of corporations and money rather than workers and the poor."
  3. Freeloading Rusty

    General Bernie Sanders: Why We Need Medicare for All

    Bernie Sanders: Why We Need Medicare for All UPDATED: More Democratic senators will co-sponsor Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All bill View: View: View...
  4. Zeph

    Society The Bernie Sanders Show - podcast

  5. TheContinentalOp

    Cornel West's take on Sanders vs Clinton

    One of the great minds of our generation, Cornel West, breaks down the democratic battle of Clinton vs. Sanders. Statecraft vs Soulcraft By Cornel West February 18, 2016 The presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders is unique in American history. Never before has there been such a popular...