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  1. yuki2054

    General Yes. I got my driving licence back! Ama

    Yes I got my provisional driving licence back! I can now legally watch porn on my phone/pc. Sell games at my local GAME shop. And take learning driving lessons. Although not necessarily in that order?! Get in.
  2. 1

    General Kentucky cop driving a rape victim home decides to take her to a hotel and rape her again

    View: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhaMZo92eeZ4GWWbk2 This world is so fucked sometimes.
  3. Leigh

    General Just had a ride in a self driving car

    My mate got a new Tesla with self driving. He says it's not the full version. Just as well cos it was fucking terrible LOL. Admittedly it was raining and dark but it couldn't see parked cars until we were close and then it just slammed on the brake. It drove in the middle of the road and...
  4. 1

    General Look at this bitch...Texting and driving....

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_SWpkBAahE
  5. RaginCajun

    General Cool video of a cop driving through the wildfire

    View: https://youtu.be/ptsrbej99ag
  6. Freeloading Rusty

    General Canadian Government releases legal limits for drugged driving but can't say how much pot is too much

    Government releases legal limits for drugged driving but can't say how much pot is too much The federal government has released a draft of its planned drug concentration levels but admits the new rules provide no guidance on how much marijuana it would take to push a driver over the legal...
  7. D

    General On september 1st texas will ban texting and driving... Oh, and open carry of swords becomes legal

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRSC2vaP5Do
  8. Chief

    Lifestyle A coworker was driving drunk

    Young man in his 20's. He hit a light pole ejecting him and his girlfriend through the windshield. He has a broken neck amongst other things and in still in the hospital. Already charged with a felony DUI. The girlfriend (his boss' daughter) might not make it. She has broken most of the bones...
  9. 1

    General So 4 kids and a goat go driving in New Zealand

    Child caught driving car with goat chilling in the back seat View: https://youtu.be/B5o2nNMLIJI
  10. Freeloading Rusty

    General Trudeau government introduces sweeping changes to impaired driving laws

    Trudeau government introduces sweeping changes to impaired driving laws
  11. yuki2054

    General I had another driving lesson today...

    I had another driving lesson today (even though i am still shit). Just a little bit better than i was before i had it. Also i got a text about a possible (temporary) job, so i called them back, and she said the woman who is running it, is out of the office. Then about an hour later, the right...
  12. Onetrickpony

    General Backwards Ass Driving

    This was brilliant.
  13. TheAwkwardTitan

    Texting and driving

    So I don't text and drive because i'm not trying to win a darwin award, but I was texting at a red light and it turned green before I noticed. Anyway I feel like a dick because it may look like that's what i'm doing, and I look over to my left expecting the car in the left hand turn lane to be...
  14. La Paix

    Society Texting while driving...

  15. yuki2054

    I've just booked my first driving lesson for next week, Ask me anything??

    Hi everyone, I've just booked my first driving lesson for thursday afternoon next week. You should have heard the guys voice when i told him that i have paranoid schizophrenia. he was shitting himself. but then when i told him that i have been relapse free for five years, he seemed to calm down...