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  1. MyrddinWild

    Not Lombard's Fault - Chael explains

    View: https://youtu.be/r6uu1d5WyR4 Lombard's going to fight the ruling. There's no question that the horn does not stop the fight. The question is... what exactly is the ref supposed to do? The ref held up his hand from 5 ft. to Lombards left. Are the fighters supposed to be able to...
  2. Wild

    IMG/GIF Hector Lombard in car accident

    View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BRjahbxAb4W/?taken-by=hectorlombard View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BRjaoFjgVk1/?taken-by=hectorlombard View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BRjavMFgzgx/?taken-by=hectorlombard
  3. ViperzVenom

    Viperz Venom #7 UFC Fight Night 85 Breakdown & Predictions

    Hello again and welcome to another episode of Viperz Venom! I'm so happy to be back bringing you my breakdown for UFC Fight Night 85. Now, because I'm always striving to bring you new things I have decided that I'm going to try something completely different for this episode to see if you guys...