18 horifying things rich people got away with

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IT questions? I got your back. PM me.
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Trust me. Worse atrocities, by far, have been committed in and around the area I'm staying.


IT questions? I got your back. PM me.
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
post them, or they didn't happen!
How the military took over a country, with no repercussions, then installed a military general as prime minister without elections, who then invoked a "law" making ALL his actions no matter what they are legal (eg. killing, imprisonment, stealing land from foreigners, restricting freedom etc etc). Not even one peep from the world community while a country is turned from a democracy in its infancy to a, at best, a communist state and more likely a dictatorship.

That kind of thing?


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
How the military took over a country, with no repercussions, then installed a military general as prime minister without elections, who then invoked a "law" making ALL his actions no matter what they are legal (eg. killing, imprisonment, stealing land from foreigners, restricting freedom etc etc). Not even one peep from the world community while a country is turned from a democracy in its infancy to a, at best, a communist state and more likely a dictatorship.

That kind of thing?
Where are you from Calavaro?

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
So who's worse, the people presented in these scenarios or the fucks who help them get away with it?


The vast majority of the super wealthy do not experience life as the rest of us do. Most are waited on hand and foot. Most do not experience the same troubles or consequences. Things like this upset me.
That being said, i take solace in knowing that most will never have depth of character that comes from overcoming adversity. (Note i say most, not all please.)


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
The vast majority of the super wealthy do not experience life as the rest of us do. Most are waited on hand and foot. Most do not experience the same troubles or consequences. Things like this upset me.
That being said, i take solace in knowing that most will never have depth of character that comes from overcoming adversity. (Note i say most, not all please.)
Well said brother.