America's map of shame (not my words read on)

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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015

This map tracks every publicly reported incident this year alone where a person aged 17 or under unintentionally killed or injured someone with a gun.

“HE WAS killed minutes after drop-off. He had been happy and excited. He was invited to a pool birthday party the following day, and he couldn’t wait for Saturday to arrive. Only he never lived another Saturday.

“The next time any of us saw him, he was lying in a casket at a funeral home, his face untouched, still perfect, as though he were sleeping. He looked like he might wake up. But of course he didn’t.”

Marie-Claude Duytschaever still remembers the day when her six-year-old grandson, Noah, was gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary school. This year’s anniversary, three years to the day, is particularly difficult, given the shocking figures coming out of the US.

A staggering 554 children under the age of 12 have died from a gun, both intentional and accidental, since a bloodthirsty Adam Lanza stormed the school at Sandy Hook and fired 154 shots from his Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle, killing 20 children and six staff members, according to an NBC News analysis,

At that rate, a child is shot dead every two days in the United States. And since Sandy Hook, little has changed.

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In fact, American children are nine times more likely to die in gun incidents than children anywhere else in the developed world. According toEvery Town for Gun Safety, “a third of American children live in homes with firearms, and of these households, 43 per cent contain at least one unlocked firearm.

Thirteen per cent of households with guns contain at least one firearm that is unlocked and loaded or stored with ammunition.

“In all, more than two million American children live in homes with unsecured guns — and 1.7 million live in homes with guns that are both loaded and unlocked.”

In the time since Sandy Hook, the National Rifle Association has successfully stalled numerous attempts to change America’s murky and muddled gun laws and, in some cases, even repealed existing laws.

Let’s not forget the shocking response by the NRA after the school massacre: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” said Wayne LaPierre, NRA’s executive vice president

Read more @ Sandy Hook elementary school shooting anniversary: US child gun deaths staggering

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
You seem to have a fairly large interest/obsession with the U.S. Why?
LOL thats front page news from our largest newspaper

Thus is a largely American website so I figured it is worth sharing.
Just dead kids though nothing to see here moving along


Man on the silver mountain
Dec 1, 2015
It's sad because everyone outside the US thinks their gun control laws are whack, but most people living in the US will defend them to the hilt no matter what evidence is presented. It's like the person who has 5 ex-spouses, maybe you're the problem lmfao.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It's sad because everyone outside the US thinks their gun control laws are whack, but most people living in the US will defend them to the hilt no matter what evidence is presented. It's like the person who has 5 ex-spouses, maybe you're the problem lmfao.
Maybe we like our way of life.... Just accept us like you want us to accept the Muslims.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Guns and gun death are categorically an EXTREMELY small percentage.

There are a thousand things society could do to make a much larger impact, if saving life was really the issue.
The gun issue is being propagated for the EXACT OPPOSITE reason of value of human life.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It's sad because everyone outside the US thinks their gun control laws are whack, but most people living in the US will defend them to the hilt no matter what evidence is presented. It's like the person who has 5 ex-spouses, maybe you're the problem lmfao.

What's sad is that people cannot see the correlation that the most powerful country on earth is the one with all those guns.
More importantly, the correlation that other nations have not been mistreated YET by their own respective governments, precisely because the most visual example of what that would look like is a gun-toting nation on the front cover of newspapers worldwide.

People act like this is a 1+1 argument, but the fact is, it is the most basic issue AND the most complex, because those trying to disarm everyone are the same ones that want zero accountability for drone strikes in the future. A world controlled by invisible bankers.

And then there are the human rights crusaders, who at the same time they voice distrust in their government, give their lives to them 100%.
They will get exactly what they ask for, and if they live long enough, will regret it with the utmost shame, as they reflect back on an issue that seemed so simple.


Ummmmm click the link genius hahaha

Srsl wtf?
Tf, as you put it, is I'm saying that I'm betting a large percentage of your threads have to do with the U.S.

You brushed that off. I called bullshit. Sarcastically calling me genius is rude, and unintentionally hilarious but that's your prerogative.

That's wtf, homie.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Tf, as you put it, is I'm saying that I'm betting a large percentage of your threads have to do with the U.S.

You brushed that off. I called bullshit. Sarcastically calling me genius is rude, and unintentionally hilarious but that's your prerogative.

That's wtf, homie.
You take that up with our news agencies homie, all we get is comical news about the US with the odd tragedy such as this one thrown in for good measure.

Do you want me to start posting about whats happening in Australia? okay here goes, a bird died last Thursday, all our kids are still alive, its raining in some parts, supposed to summer but not that hot etc etc etc see?

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
So going by the first map in the brilliant OP is the right hand side of the US more violent than the left or is the left hand side less populated?


You take that up with our news agencies homie, all we get is comical news about the US with the odd tragedy such as this one thrown in for good measure.

Do you want me to start posting about whats happening in Australia? okay here goes, a bird died last Thursday, all our kids are still alive, its raining in some parts, supposed to summer but not that hot etc etc etc see?
Let me try again. You seem to have an anti-American sentiment in many of your threads. How accurate would you rate that statement?

And if it isn't accurate, my apologies. If it is, I'm curious as to why.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Let me try again. You seem to have an anti-American sentiment in many of your threads. How accurate would you rate that statement?

And if it isn't accurate, my apologies. If it is, I'm curious as to why.
ah thats what you meant, nah not at all I just like to argue.

Eskimos, Americans, Chinese, Sudanese, Mexicans its all the same to me so is the information in my OP incorrect or biased in some way? Ill personally write a letter to the editor on America's behalf if so, its a cunt's newspaper so Im gunning for them anyway


ah thats what you meant, nah not at all I just like to argue.

Eskimos, Americans, Chinese, Sudanese, Mexicans its all the same to me so is the information in my OP incorrect or biased in some way? Ill personally write a letter to the editor on America's behalf if so, its a cunt's newspaper so Im gunning for them anyway
No, sadly that seems pretty accurate.

Thanks for shedding some light on this for me.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
@Alienator 5 things I love about America

1. Most of the worlds porn stars either originate from or gravitate to there.
2. Shirley Temple
3. Saving us from the Japanese
4. Making fun of Canada, you guys make it look so easy
5.Your vast array of fishing lures second only to Japan in quality


@Alienator 5 things I love about America

1. Most of the worlds porn stars either originate from or gravitate to there.
2. Shirley Temple
3. Saving us from the Japanese
4. Making fun of Canada, you guys make it look so easy
5.Your vast array of fishing lures second only to Japan in quality
He likes porn, doesn't like the Japan, and fishing. Good to know. :D